Translating Cody's Lean Sheffer Stroke Proof to Knuckledragger with ChatGPT
I translated my friend Cody Roux’s Lean proof that the axioms of Sheffer stroke imply it is a boolean algebra into knuckledragger, my low barrier python proof assistant. Pretty much it is a close one to one translation. I have not even really attempted to understand the proofs at all and was running quite unthinkingly.
Mentally speaking, translating between the lean notation and from the names commut1
and commut2
to sup_comm
and inf_comm
(a name change I shouldn’t have done) was super confusing as trivial as it sounds. All told I think it took me about 3 hours.
Not to toot my own (and Z3’s) horn, but I was pretty impressed with Knuckledragger’s performance here. A pure algebraic question like this is about as in it’s wheelhouse as it comes though. A nice thing is that eventually Cody’s proofs looked a little less declarative, but I could just dump the lemmas he used in kd.lemma
and that papered over it.
I also used ChatGPT to help me. It sometimes was good, sometimes not. Of course ChatGPT doesn’t know much if anything about knuckledragger, so I did the first bits to get it started. I am curious if another LLM would do better. I did not use the fancy new o1 model.
I gave it a giant dump of Cody’s file, and then the first bits of my translation. As with my experience translation between programming languages it was so so. It worked better going lemma by lemma. I hope as the LLMs trawl my repo, they might get better at this. The fancy new OpenAI interactive editing mode might help, but I don’t really know how to use it.
I also have github copilot and was hoping it having the nearby proofs and access to cody’s file below would work well. It again was so-so. Sometimes copilot fills out a whole line, but there’s often something a bit off.
One interesting thing was that the LLM invented a small feature I didn’t have. It tried to applied universally quantified proof objects to arguments to instantiate them, but I had never made that particular __call__
operator overloading. I added it in, both because I think it’s kind of cute, but also so I didn’t have to fix the LLM output when it did that. ChatGPT seemed quite confused about the different capabilities of kd.Lemma
and kd.Calc
. Maybe there’s something there that I should unify them more. The differences exist because Calc
is much simpler and both have organically evolved. There is a possibility that the mistakes or assumptions ChatGPT make might be the same as a user who is not me. Kind of interesting.
# The following knuckledragger python proof is derived from the lean proofs below
from kdrag.all import *
simp = []
Stroke = smt.DeclareSort("Stroke")
x,y,z,a,b,d = smt.Consts("x y z a b d", Stroke)
nand = smt.Function("nand", Stroke, Stroke, Stroke)
kd.notation.or_.register(Stroke, nand)
# prime is "not"
invert = kd.define("inv", [x], x | x)
kd.notation.invert.register(Stroke, invert)
sh1 = kd.axiom(smt.ForAll([a], ~(~a) == a))
sh2 = kd.axiom(smt.ForAll([a,b], a | (b | ~b) == ~a))
sh3 = kd.axiom(smt.ForAll([a,b,d], ~(a | (b | d)) == (~b | a) | (~d | a)))
c = kd.Calc([a,b], a | b)
c.eq(~(~(a | b)), by=[sh1])
c.eq(~(~(a | (~ (~b)))),by=sh1)
c.eq(~~(~~b | a),by=[sh3, invert.defn])
c.eq(b | a, by=[sh1])
commut = c.qed()
c = kd.Calc([a,b], a | ~a)
c.eq(~~(a | ~a), by=sh1)
c.eq(~((a | ~a) | (b | ~b)),by=sh2)
c.eq(~((b | ~b) | (a | ~a)),by=commut)
c.eq(~~(b | ~b),by=sh2)
c.eq(b | ~b, by=sh1)
all_bot = c.qed()
inf = kd.define("inf", [a,b], ~a | ~b)
sup = kd.define("sup", [a,b], ~(a | b))
bot = kd.define("bot", [], a | ~a)
top = kd.define("top", [], ~bot)
inf_comm = kd.lemma(smt.ForAll([a,b], inf(a,b) == inf(b,a)), by=[inf.defn, commut])
sup_comm = kd.lemma(smt.ForAll([a,b], sup(a,b) == sup(b,a)), by=[sup.defn, commut])
ident1 = kd.lemma(smt.ForAll([a], sup(a,bot) == a), by=[sup.defn, bot.defn, sh1, sh2])
ident2 = kd.lemma(smt.ForAll([a], inf(a,top) == a), by=[inf.defn, top.defn, bot.defn, sh1, sh2])
distrib1 = kd.lemma(smt.ForAll([a,b,d], sup(a, inf(b,d)) == inf(sup(a,b), sup(a,d))), by=[inf.defn, sup.defn, sh1, sh3, commut])
distrib2 = kd.lemma(smt.ForAll([a,b,d], inf(a, sup(b,d)) == sup(inf(a,b), inf(a,d))), by=[inf.defn, sup.defn, sh1, sh3, commut])
compl1 = kd.lemma(smt.ForAll([a], sup(a, ~a) == top), by=[sup.defn, top.defn, bot.defn, sh1, sh2, all_bot])
compl2 = kd.lemma(smt.ForAll([a], inf(a, ~a) == bot), by=[inf.defn, bot.defn, sh1, sh2, all_bot])
simp += [ident1, ident2, compl1, compl2]
c = kd.Calc([a], sup(a, top))
c.eq(inf(sup(a,top), top), by=ident2)
c.eq(inf(top, sup(a,top)), by=inf_comm)
c.eq(inf(sup(a, ~a), sup(a,top)), by=compl1)
c.eq(sup(a, inf(~a, top)), by=distrib1)
c.eq(sup(a, ~a), by=ident2)
c.eq(top, by=compl1)
bound1 = c.qed()
# this is where I first started talking to chatgpt
c = kd.Calc([a], inf(a, bot))
c.eq(sup(inf(a,bot), bot), by=ident1)
c.eq(sup(bot, inf(a,bot)), by=sup_comm)
c.eq(sup(inf(a, ~a), inf(a,bot)), by=compl2)
c.eq(inf(a, sup(~a, bot)), by=distrib2)
c.eq(inf(a, ~a), by=ident1)
c.eq(bot, by=compl2)
bound2 = c.qed()
c = kd.Calc([a, b], sup(a, inf(a, b)))
c.eq(sup(inf(a, top), inf(a, b)), by=ident2)
c.eq(inf(a, sup(top, b)), by=distrib2)
c.eq(inf(a, sup(b, top)), by=sup_comm)
c.eq(inf(a, top), by=bound1)
c.eq(a, by=ident2)
absorb1 = c.qed()
c = kd.Calc([a, b], inf(a, sup(a, b)))
c.eq(inf(sup(a, bot), sup(a, b)), by=ident1)
c.eq(sup(a, inf(bot, b)), by=distrib1)
c.eq(sup(a, inf(b, bot)), by=inf_comm)
c.eq(sup(a, bot), by=bound2)
c.eq(a, by=ident1)
absorb2 = c.qed()
c = kd.Calc([a], a)
c.eq(inf(a, sup(a, bot)), by=absorb2) # Rewrite using absorb2: a ⊓ (a ⊔ bot) = a
c.eq(inf(a, a), by=ident1) # Simplify sup(a, bot) = a using ident1
idemp2 = c.qed()
simp += [bound1, bound2, absorb1, absorb2, idemp2]
l = kd.Lemma(kd.QForAll([a,b], sup(a,b) == top, inf(a,b) == bot, b == ~a))
_a, _b = l.intros()
l.eq(inf(_b,top), by=[ident2])
l.eq(inf(_b, sup(_a, ~_a)), by=[compl1])
l.eq(sup(inf(_b,_a), inf(_b, ~_a)), by=[distrib2])
l.eq(sup(inf(_a, _b), inf(~_a, _b)), by=[inf_comm])
l.eq(sup(bot, inf(~_a, _b)))
l.eq(sup(inf(_a, ~_a), inf(~_a, _b)), by=[compl2])
l.eq(sup(inf(~_a, _a), inf(~_a, _b)), by=[inf_comm])
l.eq(inf(~_a, sup(_a, _b)), by=[distrib2])
l.eq(inf(~_a, top))
l.eq(~_a, by=[ident2])
inv = l.qed()
l = kd.Lemma(kd.QForAll([a], ~~a == a))
_a = l.intros()
l.apply(inv)[inf_comm, sup_comm, compl1, compl2])
dne = l.qed()
l = kd.Lemma(kd.QForAll([a,b], ~a == ~b, a == b))
_a, _b = l.intros()
l.have(~~_a == ~~_b), at=-1)
inv_elim = l.qed()
l = kd.Lemma(kd.QForAll([a,b], sup(a, ~b) == top, inf(a, ~b) == bot, a == b))
_a, _b = l.intros()
l.have(~_b == ~_a, by=[inv])
cancel = l.qed()
c = kd.Calc([a, b], sup(a, sup(~a, b)))
c.eq(inf(sup(a, sup(~a, b)), top), by=ident2) # Rewrite: a ⊔ (¬a ⊔ b) = (a ⊔ (¬a ⊔ b)) ⊓ u
c.eq(inf(top, sup(a, sup(~a, b))), by=inf_comm) # Commute: u ⊓ (a ⊔ (¬a ⊔ b)) -> (a ⊔ (¬a ⊔ b)) ⊓ u
c.eq(inf(sup(a, ~a), sup(a, sup(~a, b))), by=compl1) # Replace a ⊔ ¬a = u
c.eq(sup(a, inf(~a, sup(~a, b))), by=distrib1) # Distribute sup over inf
c.eq(sup(a, ~a), by=[absorb2, compl1]) # Simplify: ¬a ⊓ (¬a ⊔ b) = ¬a
c.eq(top, by=compl1) # Simplify a ⊔ ¬a = u
A1 = c.qed()
#c = kd.Calc([a,b], inf(a, sup(~a, b)) == bot)
c = kd.Calc([a, b], inf(a, inf(~a, b)))
c.eq(sup(inf(a, inf(~a, b)), bot), by=ident1) # Rewrite: a ⊓ (¬a ⊓ b) = (a ⊓ (¬a ⊓ b)) ⊔ z
c.eq(sup(bot, inf(a, inf(~a, b))), by=sup_comm) # Commute: z ⊔ (a ⊓ (¬a ⊓ b)) -> (a ⊓ (¬a ⊓ b)) ⊔ z
c.eq(sup(inf(a, ~a), inf(a, inf(~a, b))), by=compl2) # Replace a ⊓ ¬a = z
c.eq(inf(a, sup(~a, inf(~a, b))), by=distrib2) # Distribute inf over sup
c.eq(inf(a, ~a), by=[absorb1, compl2]) # Simplify: ¬a ⊔ (¬a ⊓ b) = ¬a
c.eq(bot, by=compl2) # Simplify a ⊓ ¬a = z
A2 = c.qed()
simp += [A1, A2]
c = kd.Lemma(smt.ForAll([a, b], ~sup(a, b) == inf(~a, ~b)))
_a, _b = c.intros()
c.apply(cancel) # Hmm. apply should already apply split?
# First case
#c[dne(_a), dne(_b), A1, inf_comm, sup_comm, ident2])
#from kdrag.solvers import VampireSolver, TweeSolver, EProverTHFSolver[A1, A2, inf_comm, distrib2, sup_comm, ident1] + simp)
dm1 = c.qed()
l = kd.Lemma(smt.ForAll([a,b], ~inf(a, b) == sup(~a, ~b)))
_a, _b = l.intros()
l.split()[A1, A2, inf_comm, distrib2, sup_comm, ident1] + simp)[dne(_a), dne(_b), A2, inf_comm, distrib2, sup_comm, ident1] + simp)
dm2 = l.qed()
simp += [dm1, dm2]
D1 = kd.lemma(smt.ForAll([a,b,d], sup(sup(a, sup(b, d)), ~a) == top), by=[sup_comm, ident2, distrib1, compl1] + simp)
E1 = kd.lemma(smt.ForAll([a,b,d], inf(b, sup(a, sup(b,d))) == b), by=[distrib2, absorb2, sup_comm, absorb1])
E2 = kd.lemma(smt.ForAll([a,b,d], sup(b, inf(a, inf(b,d))) == b), by=[distrib1, absorb1, inf_comm, absorb2])
c = kd.Calc([a, b, d], sup(sup(a, sup(b, d)), ~b))
c.eq(sup(~b, sup(a, sup(b, d))), by=sup_comm) # Commute: (a ⊔ (b ⊔ c)) ⊔ bᶜ -> bᶜ ⊔ (a ⊔ (b ⊔ c))
c.eq(inf(top, sup(~b, sup(a, sup(b, d)))), by=[inf_comm] + simp) # Rewrite: u ⊓ (bᶜ ⊔ (a ⊔ (b ⊔ c)))
c.eq(inf(sup(b, ~b), sup(~b, sup(a, sup(b, d)))), by=simp) # Substitute u = b ⊔ bᶜ
c.eq(inf(sup(~b, b), sup(~b, sup(a, sup(b, d)))), by=sup_comm) # Commute: (b ⊔ bᶜ) -> (bᶜ ⊔ b)
c.eq(sup(~b, inf(b, sup(a, sup(b, d)))), by=distrib1) # Distribute inf over sup
c.eq(sup(~b, b), by=E1) # Simplify using E₁: b ⊓ (a ⊔ (b ⊔ c)) = b
c.eq(top, by=[sup_comm] + simp) # Substitute: bᶜ ⊔ b = u
F1 = c.qed()
c = kd.Calc([a, b, d], sup(sup(a, sup(b, d)), ~d))
c.eq(sup(sup(a, sup(d, b)), ~d), by=sup_comm) # Apply commutativity to reorder (b ⊔ c) -> (c ⊔ b)
# Apply F₁: (a ⊔ (c ⊔ b)) ⊔ cᶜ = u
c.eq(top, by=F1) # Substitute: cᶜ ⊔ (a ⊔ (c ⊔ b)) = u
G1 = c.qed()
c = smt.Const("c", Stroke)
d = kd.Calc([a, b, c], inf(~sup(sup(a, b), c), a))
d.eq(inf(a, inf(inf(~a, ~b), ~c)), by=simp+[inf_comm])
d.eq(sup(inf(a, inf(inf(~a, ~b), ~c)), bot), by=ident1) # Rewrite using identity
d.eq(sup(bot, inf(a, inf(inf(~a, ~b), ~c))), by=sup_comm) # Commute bot ⊔ (...) -> (...) ⊔ bot
d.eq(sup(inf(a, ~a), inf(a, inf(inf(~a, ~b), ~c))), by=compl2) # Substitute a ⊓ ¬a = z
d.eq(inf(a, sup(~a, inf(inf(~a, ~b), ~c))), by=distrib2) # Distribute inf over sup
d.eq(inf(a, sup(~a, inf(~c, inf(~a, ~b)))), by=inf_comm) # Reorder terms: (~b ⊓ (~a ⊓ ~c)) -> (~a ⊓ (~c ⊓ ~b))
d.eq(inf(a, ~a), by=E2) # Apply E₂: ¬a ⊔ (¬a ⊓ (¬c ⊓ ¬b)) = ¬a
d.eq(bot, by=compl2) # Simplify a ⊓ ¬a = z
H1 = d.qed()
d = kd.Calc([a, b, c], inf(~sup(sup(a, b), c), b))
d.eq(inf(~sup(sup(b, a), c), b), by=sup_comm) # Reorder: (a ⊔ b ⊔ c) -> (b ⊔ a ⊔ c)
d.eq(bot, by=H1) # Apply \( H₁ \): \( \neg (b \lor a \lor c) \land b = z \)
I1 = d.qed()
d = kd.Calc([a, b, c], inf(~sup(sup(a, b), c), c))
J1 = kd.lemma(smt.ForAll([a,b,c], inf(~sup(sup(a, b), c), c) == bot), by=[sup_comm, inf_comm] + simp)
l = kd.Lemma(smt.ForAll([a,b,c], sup(a,sup(b,c)) == sup(sup(a,b),c)))
_a, _b, _c = l.intros()
l.split()[distrib1, D1, F1, G1] + simp)[distrib2, inf_comm, H1, I1, J1] + simp)
assoc1 = l.qed()
simp += [assoc1]
assoc2 = kd.lemma(smt.ForAll([a,b,c], inf(a, inf(b,c)) == inf(inf(a,b),c)), by=[inv_elim] + simp)
le = kd.define("le", [a,b], a == inf(b,a))
kd.notation.le.register(Stroke, le)
le_trans = kd.lemma(kd.QForAll([a,b,c], a <= b, b <= c, a <= c), by=[assoc2, le.defn])
le_antisym = kd.lemma(kd.QForAll([a,b], a <= b, b <= a, a == b), by=[le.defn, inf_comm])
c = kd.Calc([a, b, d], inf(~sup(a, sup(b, d)), a))
# Step-by-step proof
c.eq(inf(a, inf(~a, inf(~b, ~d))), by=simp+[inf_comm]) # Substitute: ¬(a ⊔ b) = ¬a ⊓ ¬b
c.eq(sup(inf(a, inf(~a, inf(~b, ~d))), bot), by=ident1) # Rewrite using identity
c.eq(sup(bot, inf(a, inf(~a, inf(~b, ~d)))), by=sup_comm) # Commute bot ⊔ (...) -> (...) ⊔ bot
c.eq(sup(inf(a, ~a), inf(a, inf(~a, inf(~b, ~d)))), by=compl2) # Substitute a ⊓ ¬a = z
c.eq(inf(a, sup(~a, inf(~a, inf(~b, ~d)))), by=distrib2) # Distribute inf over sup
c.eq(inf(a, sup(~a, inf(~d, inf(~a, ~b)))), by=inf_comm)
c.eq(inf(a, ~a), by=E2) # Apply E₂: ¬a ⊔ (¬c ⊓ (¬a ⊓ ¬b)) = ¬a
c.eq(bot, by=compl2) # Simplify a ⊓ ¬a = z
# Conclude the proof
H1 = c.qed()
Here is cody’s proof for comparison
import equational_theories.Magma
import Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra
section ShefferLaws
-- Taking notations from and
-- the original Sheffer paper, "A set of five independent postulates for Boolean algebras,
-- with application to logical constants"
class Stroke (α : Type*) where
stroke : α → α → α
infix:80 " | " => Stroke.stroke
def prime {α} [Stroke α] (a : α) := a | a
postfix:max " ′ " => prime
-- The three laws axiomatize the Sheffer stroke, or NAND, entirely.
-- The remainder of this file is dedicated to that proof.
class ShefferAlgebra (α : Type*) extends Stroke α where
-- We need to assume α is nonempty
elt : α
sh₁ : ∀ a : α, a′′ = a
sh₂ : ∀ a b : α, a | (b | b′) = a′
sh₃ : ∀ a b c : α, (a | (b | c))′ = (b′ | a) | (c′ | a)
variable {α : Type*}
variable [ShefferAlgebra α]
open ShefferAlgebra
lemma commut (a b : α) : a | b = b | a := by
a | b = (a | b)′′ := by rw [sh₁]
_ = (a | (b′′))′′ := by rw [sh₁ b]
_ = (b′′ | a)′′ := by conv => left; arg 1; arg 1; simp [prime]
conv => left; arg 1; rw [sh₃]
_ = b | a := by repeat rw [sh₁]
lemma all_bot (a b : α) : a | a′ = b | b′ := by
a | a′ = (a | a′)′′ := by rw [sh₁]
_ = ((a | a′) | (b | b′))′ := by rw [sh₂]
_ = ((b | b′) | (a | a′))′ := by rw [commut]
_ = (b | b′)′′ := by rw [sh₂]
_ = b | b′ := by rw [sh₁]
instance : Min α where
min a b := (a′ | b′)
lemma inf (a b : α) : a ⊓ b = (a′ | b′) := rfl
instance : Max α where
max a b := (a | b)′
lemma sup (a b : α) : a ⊔ b = (a | b)′ := rfl
instance : HasCompl α where
compl a := a′
lemma comple (a : α) : aᶜ = a′ := rfl
def z : α := elt | elt′
def u : α := z′
lemma commut₁ (a b : α) : a ⊔ b = b ⊔ a := by simp only [sup, commut]
lemma commut₂ (a b : α) : a ⊓ b = b ⊓ a := by simp only [inf, commut]
lemma ident₁ (a : α) : a ⊔ z = a := by simp only [sup, z, sh₁, sh₂]
lemma ident₂ (a : α) : a ⊓ u = a := by simp only [inf, u, z, sh₁, sh₂]
lemma distrib₁ (a b c : α) : a ⊔ (b ⊓ c) = (a ⊔ b) ⊓ (a ⊔ c) := by
simp only [sup, inf, sh₁, sh₃, commut]
lemma distrib₂ (a b c : α) : a ⊓ (b ⊔ c) = (a ⊓ b) ⊔ (a ⊓ c) := by
simp only [sup, inf, sh₁]
conv => left; exact (sh₁ _).symm
rw [sh₃]
exact congr rfl (congr (congr rfl (commut ..)) (commut ..))
lemma compl₁ (a : α) : a ⊔ aᶜ = u := by
simp only [sup, u, z, comple]
exact congr rfl (all_bot a elt)
lemma compl₂ (a : α) : a ⊓ aᶜ = z := by
simp only [inf, z, u, comple, sh₁, commut]
exact all_bot a elt
lemma bound₁ (a : α) : a ⊔ u = u := by
a ⊔ u = (a ⊔ u) ⊓ u := by rw [ident₂]
_ = u ⊓ (a ⊔ u) := by rw [commut₂]
_ = (a ⊔ aᶜ) ⊓ (a ⊔ u) := by rw [compl₁]
_ = a ⊔ (aᶜ ⊓ u) := by rw [distrib₁]
_ = a ⊔ aᶜ := by rw [ident₂]
_ = u := compl₁ a
lemma bound₂ (a : α) : a ⊓ z = z := by
a ⊓ z = (a ⊓ z) ⊔ z := by rw [ident₁]
_ = z ⊔ (a ⊓ z) := by rw [commut₁]
_ = (a ⊓ aᶜ) ⊔ (a ⊓ z) := by rw [compl₂]
_ = a ⊓ (aᶜ ⊔ z) := by rw [distrib₂]
_ = a ⊓ aᶜ := by rw [ident₁]
_ = z := compl₂ a
@[simp] -- This simp is a little overeager.
lemma absorb₁ (a b : α) : a ⊔ (a ⊓ b) = a := by
a ⊔ (a ⊓ b) = (a ⊓ u) ⊔ (a ⊓ b) := by rw [ident₂]
_ = a ⊓ (u ⊔ b) := by rw [distrib₂]
_ = a ⊓ (b ⊔ u) := by conv => lhs; rw [commut₁]
_ = a ⊓ u := by rw [bound₁]
_ = a := ident₂ a
-- it would be nice to have a "dualization" tactic. This might be some work though.
@[simp] -- This simp is a little overeager.
lemma absorb₂ (a b : α) : a ⊓ (a ⊔ b) = a := by
a ⊓ (a ⊔ b) = (a ⊔ z) ⊓ (a ⊔ b) := by rw [ident₁]
_ = a ⊔ (z ⊓ b) := by rw [distrib₁]
_ = a ⊔ (b ⊓ z) := by conv => lhs; rw [commut₂]
_ = a ⊔ z := by rw [bound₂]
_ = a := ident₁ a
lemma idemp₂ (a : α) : a ⊓ a = a := by
a = a ⊓ (a ⊔ z) := Eq.symm (absorb₂ a z)
_ = a ⊓ a := by rw [ident₁]
lemma inv (a a' : α) : a ⊔ a' = u → a ⊓ a' = z → a' = aᶜ := by
intro h₁ h₂
a' = a' ⊓ u := Eq.symm (ident₂ a')
_ = a' ⊓ (a ⊔ aᶜ) := by rw [compl₁]
_ = (a' ⊓ a) ⊔ (a' ⊓ aᶜ) := by rw [distrib₂]
_ = (a' ⊓ a) ⊔ (aᶜ ⊓ a') := by conv => left; right; exact commut₂ a' aᶜ
_ = (a ⊓ a') ⊔ (aᶜ ⊓ a') := by conv => left; left; exact commut₂ a' a
_ = z ⊔ (aᶜ ⊓ a') := by rw [h₂]
_ = (a ⊓ aᶜ) ⊔ (aᶜ ⊓ a') := by rw [compl₂]
_ = (aᶜ ⊓ a) ⊔ (aᶜ ⊓ a') := by conv => left; left; exact commut₂ a aᶜ
_ = aᶜ ⊓ (a ⊔ a') := by rw [distrib₂]
_ = aᶜ ⊓ u := by rw [h₁]
_ = aᶜ := ident₂ aᶜ
lemma dne (a : α) : aᶜᶜ = a := by
apply inv
. rw [commut₁]; exact compl₁ a
. rw [commut₂]; exact compl₂ a
lemma inv_elim (a b : α) : aᶜ = bᶜ → a = b := by
intro h
have h' : aᶜᶜ = bᶜᶜ := congrArg compl h
simp only [dne] at h'
lemma cancel (a b : α) : a ⊔ bᶜ = u → a ⊓ bᶜ = z → a = b := by
intro h₁ h₂
have h : bᶜ = aᶜ := by apply inv <;> trivial
apply inv_elim; symm; trivial
lemma A₁ (a b : α) : a ⊔ (aᶜ ⊔ b) = u := by
a ⊔ (aᶜ ⊔ b) = (a ⊔ (aᶜ ⊔ b)) ⊓ u := by rw [ident₂]
_ = u ⊓ (a ⊔ (aᶜ ⊔ b)) := by rw [commut₂]
_ = (a ⊔ aᶜ) ⊓ (a ⊔ (aᶜ ⊔ b)) := by rw [compl₁]
_ = a ⊔ (aᶜ ⊓ (aᶜ ⊔ b)) := by rw [distrib₁]
_ = a ⊔ aᶜ := by rw [absorb₂, compl₁]
_ = u := by rw [compl₁]
lemma A₂ (a b : α) : a ⊓ (aᶜ ⊓ b) = z := by
a ⊓ (aᶜ ⊓ b) = (a ⊓ (aᶜ ⊓ b)) ⊔ z := by rw [ident₁]
_ = z ⊔ (a ⊓ (aᶜ ⊓ b)) := by rw [commut₁]
_ = (a ⊓ aᶜ) ⊔ (a ⊓ (aᶜ ⊓ b)) := by rw [compl₂]
_ = a ⊓ (aᶜ ⊔ (aᶜ ⊓ b)) := by rw [distrib₂]
_ = a ⊓ aᶜ := by rw [absorb₁, compl₂]
_ = z := by rw [compl₂]
lemma dm₁ (a b : α) : (a ⊔ b)ᶜ = aᶜ ⊓ bᶜ := by
apply cancel <;> simp [dne]
. rw [commut₁, distrib₁]
conv => left; left; rw [commut₁]; right; left; exact Eq.symm (dne a)
rw [A₁, commut₂, ident₂, commut₁]
conv => left; right; rw [commut₁]; left; exact Eq.symm (dne b)
. rw [distrib₂]
conv => left; left; rw [commut₂]
rw [A₂, commut₁, ident₁]
rw [commut₂]; conv => left; right; rw [commut₂]
lemma dm₂ (a b : α) : (a ⊓ b)ᶜ = aᶜ ⊔ bᶜ := by
apply cancel <;> simp [dne]
. rw [commut₂, distrib₁]
conv => left; left; rw [commut₁]; right; rw [commut₁]
rw [A₁, commut₂, ident₂]
rw [commut₁]
rw [A₁]
. rw [commut₂, distrib₂]
conv => left; left; rw [commut₂]; right; left; exact Eq.symm (dne a)
rw [A₂, commut₁, ident₁]
rw [commut₂]; conv => left; right; rw [commut₂]; left; exact Eq.symm (dne b)
rw [A₂]
lemma D₁ (a b c : α) : (a ⊔ (b ⊔ c)) ⊔ aᶜ = u := by
rw [commut₁]
conv => left; right; left; exact Eq.symm (dne a)
lemma E₁ (a b c : α) : b ⊓ (a ⊔ (b ⊔ c)) = b := by rw [distrib₂, absorb₂, commut₁, absorb₁]
lemma E₂ (a b c : α) : b ⊔ (a ⊓ (b ⊓ c)) = b := by rw [distrib₁, absorb₁, commut₂, absorb₂]
lemma F₁ (a b c : α) : (a ⊔ (b ⊔ c)) ⊔ bᶜ = u := by
(a ⊔ (b ⊔ c)) ⊔ bᶜ = bᶜ ⊔ (a ⊔ (b ⊔ c)) := by rw [commut₁]
_ = u ⊓ (bᶜ ⊔ (a ⊔ (b ⊔ c))) := by rw [commut₂]; simp
_ = (b ⊔ bᶜ) ⊓ (bᶜ ⊔ (a ⊔ (b ⊔ c))) := by simp
_ = (bᶜ ⊔ b) ⊓ (bᶜ ⊔ (a ⊔ (b ⊔ c))) := by rw [commut₁]
_ = bᶜ ⊔ (b ⊓ (a ⊔ (b ⊔ c))) := by rw [distrib₁]
_ = bᶜ ⊔ b := by rw [E₁]
_ = u := by rw [commut₁]; simp
lemma G₁ (a b c : α) : (a ⊔ (b ⊔ c)) ⊔ cᶜ = u := by
conv => left; left; right; rw [commut₁]
apply F₁
lemma H₁ (a b c : α) : (a ⊔ b ⊔ c)ᶜ ⊓ a = z := by
simp; rw [commut₂]
a ⊓ (aᶜ ⊓ bᶜ ⊓ cᶜ) = (a ⊓ (aᶜ ⊓ bᶜ ⊓ cᶜ)) ⊔ z := by rw [ident₁]
_ = z ⊔ (a ⊓ (aᶜ ⊓ bᶜ ⊓ cᶜ)) := by rw [commut₁]
_ = (a ⊓ aᶜ) ⊔ (a ⊓ (aᶜ ⊓ bᶜ ⊓ cᶜ)) := by rw [compl₂]
_ = a ⊓ (aᶜ ⊔ (aᶜ ⊓ bᶜ ⊓ cᶜ)) := by rw [distrib₂]
_ = a ⊓ (aᶜ ⊔ (cᶜ ⊓ (aᶜ ⊓ bᶜ))) := by conv => left; right; right; rw [commut₂]
_ = a ⊓ aᶜ := by rw [E₂]
_ = z := by rw [compl₂]
lemma I₁ (a b c : α) : (a ⊔ b ⊔ c)ᶜ ⊓ b = z := by
conv => left; left; arg 1; left; rw [commut₁]
exact H₁ ..
lemma J₁ (a b c : α) : (a ⊔ b ⊔ c)ᶜ ⊓ c = z := by
rw [commut₂]
conv => left; right; rw [commut₂]
-- Incredibly, these are derivable
lemma assoc₁ (a b c : α) : a ⊔ (b ⊔ c) = (a ⊔ b) ⊔ c := by
apply cancel; simp
. calc
(a ⊔ (b ⊔ c)) ⊔ (aᶜ ⊓ bᶜ ⊓ cᶜ) = ((a ⊔ (b ⊔ c)) ⊔ (aᶜ ⊓ bᶜ)) ⊓ ((a ⊔ (b ⊔ c)) ⊔ cᶜ) := by rw [distrib₁]
_ = ((a ⊔ (b ⊔ c) ⊔ aᶜ) ⊓ ((a ⊔ (b ⊔ c) ⊔ bᶜ))) ⊓ ((a ⊔ (b ⊔ c)) ⊔ cᶜ) := by rw [distrib₁]
_ = (u ⊓ u) ⊓ u := by rw [D₁, F₁, G₁]
_ = u := by simp
. rw [commut₂]
rw [distrib₂]; rw [distrib₂]
(a ⊔ b ⊔ c)ᶜ ⊓ a ⊔ ((a ⊔ b ⊔ c)ᶜ ⊓ b ⊔ (a ⊔ b ⊔ c)ᶜ ⊓ c) = z ⊔ (z ⊔ z) := by rw [H₁, I₁, J₁]
_ = z := by repeat rw [ident₁]
-- We don't try to dualize the proof here, that's too painful, we apply de Morgan liberally
lemma assoc₂ (a b c : α) : a ⊓ (b ⊓ c) = (a ⊓ b) ⊓ c := by
apply inv_elim
instance ShefferLE : LE α := ⟨ λ a b ↦ a = b ⊓ a ⟩
lemma Sheffer.le_refl (a : α) : a ≤ a := by simp [ShefferLE]
lemma Sheffer.le_trans (a b c : α) : a ≤ b → b ≤ c → a ≤ c := by
rw [ShefferLE]
intro h₁ h₂
a = b ⊓ a := h₁
_ = (c ⊓ b) ⊓ a := by conv => lhs; rw [h₂]
_ = c ⊓ (b ⊓ a) := Eq.symm (assoc₂ c b a)
_ = c ⊓ a := by rw [← h₁]
lemma Sheffer.le_antisymm (a b : α) : a ≤ b → b ≤ a → a = b := by
simp [ShefferLE]
intro h₁ h₂
a = b ⊓ a := h₁
_ = a ⊓ b := commut₂ ..
_ = b := id (Eq.symm h₂)
instance ShefferToBooleanAlg : BooleanAlgebra α where
sup := (. ⊔ .)
le_refl := fun a ↦ Sheffer.le_refl a
le_trans := fun a b c a_1 a_2 ↦ Sheffer.le_trans a b c a_1 a_2
le_antisymm := Sheffer.le_antisymm
le_sup_left := by
intro a b
simp only [ShefferLE, Sup.sup]
rw [commut₂]
exact Eq.symm (absorb₂ a b)
le_sup_right := by
intro a b
simp only [ShefferLE]
rw [commut₂, commut₁]
exact Eq.symm (absorb₂ b a)
sup_le := by
intro a b c
simp only [ShefferLE]
intro h₁ h₂
a ⊔ b = (c ⊓ a) ⊔ b := by conv => left; left; rw [h₁]
_ = (c ⊓ a) ⊔ (c ⊓ b) := by conv => left; right; rw [h₂]
_ = c ⊓ (a ⊔ b) := Eq.symm (distrib₂ ..)
inf := (. ⊓ .)
inf_le_left := by
intro a b; simp [ShefferLE]
inf_le_right := by
intro a b; simp only [ShefferLE]
a ⊓ b = a ⊓ (b ⊓ b) := by rw [idemp₂]
_ = a ⊓ b ⊓ b := assoc₂ a b b
_ = b ⊓ a ⊓ b := by conv => left; left; rw [commut₂]
_ = b ⊓ (a ⊓ b) := Eq.symm (assoc₂ ..)
le_inf := by
intro a b c h₁ h₂
simp only [ShefferLE]
a = b ⊓ a := h₁
_ = b ⊓ (c ⊓ a) := by conv => left; right; rw [h₂]
_ = b ⊓ c ⊓ a := by exact assoc₂ b c a
le_sup_inf := by intro a b c; simp; rw [distrib₁]; exact Sheffer.le_refl ..
top := u
bot := z
inf_compl_le_bot := by intro a; simp only [compl₂]; exact Sheffer.le_refl ..
top_le_sup_compl := by intro a; simp only [compl₁]; exact Sheffer.le_refl ..
le_top := by intro a; simp only [ShefferLE]; rw [commut₂]; exact Eq.symm (ident₂ a)
bot_le := by intro a; simp [ShefferLE]
end ShefferLaws
section BooleanToSheffer
variable {α : Type*}
variable [BooleanAlgebra α]
-- This is intentionally not an instance to avoid creating an instance cycle
-- Boolean Algebra -> Sheffer Algebra -> Boolean Algebra.
def BooleanAlgToSheffer : ShefferAlgebra α where
stroke x y := (x ⊓ y)ᶜ
elt := ⊥
sh₁ := by intro a; simp [prime]
sh₂ := by intro a b; simp [prime]
sh₃ := by intro a b c; simp [prime]; rw [inf_sup_left]
conv => left; left; rw [inf_comm]
conv => left; right; rw [inf_comm]
end BooleanToSheffer
Bits and Bobbles
I need to line profile this thing. It’s zippy enough for now, but I’m curious where I’m losing time.
A huge punt in knuckledragger is that I don’t have a notion of typeclass or algebraic hierarchy. I’ve prototyped that a bunch and not liked any of it. Too verbose, too arcane, kind of fishy, non pythonic. I had a latest idea I was kind of intrigued by “declclass”
I should read that mccune et all paper. Seems neat
using a regular list for domain specific simp is ok. I should probably make it so rewrite accepts failure and multiple axioms.
Actually chatgpt’s mistakes are kind of interesting. I could make my proof objects have a call notation to apply them to arguments Is there any other notation that might be nice?