For the Brown hackathon, we made a multiplayer browser video game called Enceladus using node, raw javascript,, and matter.js as a physics engine.

I think we’ll keep working on it, so I’ll post more when it isn’t a pile of Hackathon garbage.

Here are some scattered, totally worthless to anyone else notes as I started exploring the documentation of Matter.js:

Engine.update updates by dt

Bodies - factory methods for creating new bodies

Bounds - Axis aligned bounding box = min and max x and y values

Body. whatever lets you set almost anything about a body.

set to static can be useful

bodies hold velocity prev velocity other things. I bet you mostly should not update these values manually.

Common - useful random crap. Random picks random values. chaining seems useful? clone. topological sort. sign function.

Constraint - fix distance between two points. No rotation contraints?

SAT - seperating axis theorem - convex shapes -

Engine - clear resets


broad phase collision detection?