method Triple(x : int) returns (r : int)
ensures r == 3*x {
var y := 2*x;
r := y + x;
assert r == 3*x;
method Abs(x: int) returns (y: int)
ensures 0 <= y
if x < 0 {
return -x;
} else {
return x;
- multiple returns
Bitvector types bv1 bv32
var mem : map<bv64, bv8>
Program Proofs draft book
Function vs Method
Functions are mathemtical functions whose body is transparent to the verifier. Compile time or runtime Methods only present their pre and post conditions to the solver
ghost variables
method Main() {
print "Hello wordny";
method SimpleMethod(x : int, b :bool) {
var y := x + 3;
print y, " ", b, "\n";
method MethodWithResults(x : int) returns (r : int, s : int) {
r := x;
s := x + 3;
// dafny run
// dafny run --target:go
// dafy translate js Hello.dfy
built in types
type T = U type synonum
Type T abstract type
type t = u : U | P(u) subset type
built i n
bool int real char bv0 bv1 bv2
set<Type> iset<> multiset
imap<> inifnite
-> --> ~> arrow ttypes
~> are partial (have preconditions) and can read heap.
-> total arrow
--> partial arrow
nat string
type safe
types are nominal
types may be empty
polymorphism. polymorphic, predicatve
trats datatype newtype class and abstract types have membrs
false, true
&& ||
==> <==
predicate HashMnimum(s : set<int>) {
exists m :: m in s && forall x :: x in s ==> m <= x
predicate sIndexOfMinimum(i : int, s : seq<int>){
&& 0 <= i < |s|
// && forall j :: 0 <= j < |s| ==>
unbounded integrs
seprated digits by _
euclidean div nod
comparsons are chaining 0 <= i < j < 100
type nat = x : int | 0 <= x
Reals unbounded no floting point support
'D' characters '\U{10_aBcD}' unicode
type string = seq<char>
& | ^ more binding power than short ciruit
nwtype int32 = x : int | -0x8000_0000 <= x < 0x800000
newtype byte = x | 0 <= x < 256
different from subset types. Every intermediatecexpression by also support
dafny figures out if can fit in machine word
predictate sPrmt(x:int) {
newtype int32 = x : int | -0x8000_0000 <= x < 0x800000
method Example1s(){
var a : int;
var b : int32;
var c : bv32;
a := 25;
b := 25;
c := 25;
var e;
e := 25 as int32;
method Combine(a : set<real>, b : set<real>) returns (c : set<real>){
c := a + b;
assert |c| <= |a| + |b|;
c := c + {2.0, 37.3};
method Suffle(s : seq<char>) returns (r : string) {
var n := |s| / 2;
r := s[n..] + ['a','b'] + s[..n] + "xyz";
method Squares(n : nat){
var s := set i | 0 <= i < n;
var t := set i | 0 <= i < n :: i * i;
var m := map i | 0 <= i < n :: i * i;
//var w := map i | 0 <= i < n :: i * i := i; // map from squares to to n
var q := seq(n, i => i * i); // lambda expressions
datatype List<X> = Nil | Cons(head: X, tail : List<X>)
datatype Rainbow = L | G | W
datatype Expr = Const(value : int) | Plus(0 : Expr, 1 : Expr)
datatype Record = Record(name: string, age:nat)
method Print(expr: Expr){
match expr
case Const(value) => print value;
case Plus(left,right) => Print(left); print " + "; Print(right);
// can also use disctiminators. expr.Const?
// var Const(n) := expr; is irrefutsable pattern
method Double(expr:Expr){
if expr.Const? {
var u := expr.(value := 2 * expr.value);
datatype Macklemore = Macklemore(rhyme:string) // single fields compile to just the type itself
// Tuples. They are just datatype but with special syntax
// (1,2,3,'a')
// codatatype
codatatype Stream<X> = Next(head : X, tail: Stream<X>)
// subset types / refinemnt types/ predicate types
type Even = x : int | x % 2 == 0
type IntList = List<int>
type IncreasingLst
predicate IsIncreasing(i : IntList) {
i.Cons? ==>
&& i.head <= i.tail.head
class Cell {
var data : int
two phase constructions
`new` keyword;
class CyclicList<X>{
non nul reference types
Cell? is a nullabe type
type Cell = x : Cell? | c != null
trait Animal extends object {
const name : string
var age: nat
method Print()
try doing laff