- Functor Games
- Monad
- Lensology
- Parametericity
- Algebra of Programming
- Category Theory
- STG and low level
- Laziness
- Extensions
- Typelevel Programming
- Typeclasses
- Pipes etc
- Pearls
- Resources
import qualified Data.Set as Set
data Foo = Bar | Biz deriving Show
main :: IO ()
main = do
print "hello world"
print [2 * i | i <- [1.. 10] ]
let x = 2 * pi
print Biz
print x
let x = Set.fromList [1,2,3] -- Set.empty Set.singleton
print $ Set.member 4 (Set.insert 4 x)
https://hackage.haskell.org/packages https://github.com/krispo/awesome-haskell
containers https://haskell-containers.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
https://hackage.haskell.org/package/text oh yeah. Is it still a thing that good strings are a package?
aeson json needs
bizarro verse https://hackage.haskell.org/package/kan-extensions
Functor Games
Recursion Schemes and F-Algebras
A different category
f a -> a
- objects are haskell functions of this type and the type
. Again a bizarre (depending on your background) mixing of values and types - morphisms are squares. Very very weird.
a -> f a
https://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/comments/74t23t/classic_paper_review_bananas_lenses_envelopes_and/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24056901 Bananases barbed wire
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44965/what-is-a-monad https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3870088/a-monad-is-just-a-monoid-in-the-category-of-endofunctors-whats-the-problem
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
“monoid in the category of endofunctors”
type constructors are endofunctors. A functor is
- a mapping ofobjects
- a mapping of morphisms
The standard model of category theory in haskell is
- types are objects
- morphisms are functions
Composition is (.)
. id
are identity morphisms.
Note how weird this is. We’ve in some sense put types and values (haskell functions are values that inhabit function types) on the same level.
Maybe maps any type a
to the the Maybe a
Free Monads
Monad Transformers
Algebraic Effects
Free theorems Jaseklioff and higher kinded versions of parametrcity https://www.well-typed.com/blog/2015/05/parametricity/ https://www.well-typed.com/blog/2015/08/parametricity-part2/
Algebra of Programming
Algerba of programming book Backhouse
Point free
Bird and Gibbons Algorithm Design with Haskell
Mathematics of program construction
Category Theory
Compiling to categories
STG and low level
Low level ocaml and haskell
The STG. It’s curiously like a Bohm mararducci or finally tagless. Constructors are function points. I mean. They’re both called tagless. https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/commentary/compiler/generated-code push-enter vs eval-apply https://github.com/lexi-lambda/ghc-proposals/blob/delimited-continuation-primops/proposals/0000-delimited-continuation-primops.md continuation primop https://medium.com/superstringtheory/haskell-compilation-pipeline-and-stg-language-7fe5bb4ed2de http://www.scs.stanford.edu/11au-cs240h/notes/ghc-slides.html#(1) crazy slides on the full stack https://hackage.haskell.org/package/stgi stg interpeter. but also a good read –ddump-ds –ddump-stg
https://haskell.foundation/hs-opt-handbook.github.io/contents.html Optimization handbook https://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/profiling-and-optimization.html
flags. There is a runtime you know.
https://well-typed.com/blog/2021/01/first-look-at-hi-profiling-mode/ info table profiling. You can know what code line allocated data
https://www.well-typed.com/blog/2020/04/dwarf-2/ dwarf and ghc
Unboxed types
kinds are calling conventions levity polymorphism
We can ssume the result of a function is demanded. If you return a structure, the arguments aren’t necessarily demanded bang patterns
why laziness thread
take 10 . sort
where clauses only make sense because let
kind of float / are unordered
pure memoization https://github.com/conal/MemoTrie Define toplevel stream of answers, memo function just indexes ito ths toplevel stream. However, this is linear time lookup. So MemoTrie
circular programming
Knot Tying
higher rank types liquid haskell
gadts datakinds
impredicative types a quicklook
Typelevel Programming
higher order typelevel programming Did these matchable arrows make it in
Pipes etc
https://github.com/cohomolo-gy/haskell-resources emily pillmore’s list of papers
Generalizing generalized tries
Fun with semirings
Power serious
parser combinators
impossible functional programs
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
main = print "hello"
-- Trie a b
data Trie a = All -- Hmm. Put a result here?
-- | None -- None is Proj (empty)
| Skip (Trie a) -- Skip Int (Trie a) compressed skip
| Proj (Map.Map a (Trie a)) -- Proj Int Map.Map
-- | None (Trie a) ???
deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Trie { [Int]} skip list factored out.
Wel typed form
data Trie a b = All b | Proj (Map a b)
type = Trie Int (Trie Char ())
instance Functor Trie where
fmap f All = All
fmap f (Skip x) = Skip (fmap f x)
fmap f (Proj m) = Proj (fmap f m)
join :: Ord a => Trie a -> Trie a -> Trie a
join All x = x
join x All = x
join (Skip x) (Skip y) = (Skip (join x y))
join (Proj x) (Proj y) = (Proj (Map.intersectionWith join x y))
join (Skip x) (Proj y) = Proj $ fmap (\ y -> join x y) y
join (Proj x) (Skip y) = Proj $ fmap (\ x -> join x y) x
full = All
-- insert
union :: Ord a => Trie a -> Trie a -> Trie a
union All x = All
union x All = All
union (Skip x) (Skip y) = (Skip (union x y))
union (Proj x) (Proj y) = (Proj (Map.unionWith union x y))
union (Skip x) (Proj y) = ? -- hmm. maybe there's nothing
union (Proj x) (Skip y) = ?
singleton :: [Maybe a] -> Trie a
singleton [] = All
singleton (Nothing:xs) = Skip (singleton xs)
singleton ((Just x) : xs) = Proj (Map.singleton x (singleton xs))
lookup k (Skip m) = m
lookup k All = All
lookup k (Proj m) = Map.lookup k m
singleton' :: [Either a Int] -> Trie a
singleton' [] = All
singleton' (Left x : xs) = Proj (Map.singleton x (singleton' xs))
singleton' (Right n : xs) = Proj (Map.singleton x (singleton' xs))
-- ixy :: [(Int,a)] -> [Maybe a]
-- ixy :: [a] -> [Int] -> [Maybe a]
trie :: [[a]] -> [Int] -> Trie a
trie ls ixs =
foldl ls
map :: (Trie a -> Trie a) -> Trie a -- map?
collapse :: Trie a -> Trie a
collapse All = All
collapse (Skip m) = m
collapse (Proj m) = Map.mapWithKey (\k m' -> lookup k m')
swap :: Trie a -> Trie a
swap All = All
swap (Skip (Proj m)) = Proj (map (\k -> Skip k) m)
swap t@(Skip (Skip m)) = t
swap (Proj m) =
So... it's partial maps over lists of stuff.
They're kind of more like ZDDs
fresh :: State Int (Trie a)
rel1 :: Set a -> Int -> Trie a
rel1 s 0 =
rel2 :: Set (a,a) -> Int -> Int -> Trie a
rel2 s i j | i == j = rel1 (filter (==) s)
| i < j =
| otherwise =
rel3 :: Set (a,a,a) -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Trie a
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk5SJ79nOnA&ab_channel=ChalmersFunctionalProgrammingSeminarSeries microhaskell augustsson https://github.com/augustss/MicroHs
native delim contby alexis king recursion schemes and comonads - Tielen
https://arxiv.org/pdf/2210.04729.pdf The Foil: Capture-Avoiding Substitution With No Sharp Edges
secrets of the ghc inliner https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2002/07/inline.pdf
- Compiling to categories
- Generalized convolution and efficient language recognition
- The simple essence of automatic differentiation
- Generic parallel functional programming
Brent Yorgey https://byorgey.wordpress.com/2023/07/13/compiling-to-intrinsically-typed-combinators/ Species
Sjoerd Kmett
Ben Lynn Gershom Bazerman Alexis King
Oleg Kiselyov Ralf Hinze Dan Piponi
Jules Hedges - games, selection monad
Joachim Breitner - https://www.joachim-breitner.de/publications/rec-def-pearl.pdf more fixpoints
Matthew Pickering https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?hl=en&user=nRJGAIYAAAAJ Emily Pillmore Nicholas Wu https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=0E8zPucAAAAJ&hl=en Jeremy Gibbons Schrijvers Andres Loh Simon Peyton Jones Wouter Swierstra richard eisenberg stephanie weirich
observable equality
haskell symposium
production haskell effective haskell learn you a haskell for great good https://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/
Diehl - what I wish I had known learning haskell
Algebraic graphs
Fun with semiring
https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37391161 physics and functional programming
evolution of haskell programmer
Go through old notes
https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-to-ComputationHaskell_-Logic-and-Automata-Undergraduate-Topics-in-Computer-Science/dp/3030769070 haskell and automata
- tweag
- well-typed
- serokell