Computer Numbers
- Numbers
- Finite Precision
- Multiprecision Integers
- Rationals
- Algebraic Numbers
- Intervals
- Floats
- Constructive / Exact Reals
- Misc
There are multiple ways of representing numbers in computers. There are different axes upon which to limit a pure mathemtical notion of number. You can finitize in magnitude and approximate.
Computers can represent 0/1 as a bit.
A small-ish set of numbers and operations on them can be represented by lookup table. 0b001101 is 893204.34234 when you look it up in the table.
You can decide to fix different aspects. You can limit choices of sizes
Fixed point is gotten when the denominator is fixed at compile time. You can’t perform arithemtic exactly anymore
Intervals represent a number by giving an under and over approximation of the number
Floating point numbers are mostly gotten by fixing the denominator to be a power of 2.
Finite Precision
Finite integers are representable as primitives (64-bit / 32-bit) / as lists of 0/1
Multiprecision Integers
Lists or arrays of integers can be used to make arbitrary sized integers
gmp limbs karatsuba multiplication
modern computer arithemtic - brent and zimmerman
modular airthemtic
Two integers (a tuple or struct) describes fractions. You can do +-*/
exactly for fractions. That can be very powerful, since you can then analyze more complicated operations
Algebraic Numbers
You can represent an exact number by stating an exact polynomial it is the solution of.
Floats Towards the Multiple Constant Multiplication at Minimal Hardware Cost - MILP for multplier circuit optimization suite contains optimization tools for the (pipelined) multiple constant multiplication ((P)MCM) problem
FloPoCo is a generator of arithmetic cores scalp a linear programming wrapper Anastasia Volkova filters and digital filters on fpga An Efficient Floating-Point Bit-Blasting API for Verifying C Programs - esbmc arith conference
Odyssey: An Interactive Workbench for Expert-Driven Floating-Point Expression Rewriting
Fixed point
Is fixed point under float? In a general sense I suppose. You fix the exponent and then can use integer numbers. You do the rounding yourself. Simpler to think about in some ways. absolute error instead of relative error. Microcontrollers may not have FPU
Multiprecision FLoats
Core identities
Normal floating points are of the form
x = m * 2 ^ e
and e
are bounded in size above and below.
1 < m < 2 in regular float
`x = M * 2 ^ {e - p + 1}
2^{e} <= x < 2^{e+1}
Every operation that floating point does has an implicit rnd
x .+ y
is really rnd(x + y)
picks the closest representable value. This leads to the fact that
|rnd(x) - x| < 2^e
I’m being a little fuzzy here.
32 bit float 1.bbbbbb precision = 24 bits
Theorem 2.2
err(x) < 2 ^ {1 - p} = 2 ^ - 23
| x - rnd(x)| <= 2 ^ {e - p + 1}
e = 0 if 1 <= x < 2 e = 2 if 2 <= x < 4
(define-const eps32 Real (^ 2 -23))
; given eps > 0, abs-bound encodes |x| <= eps as conjunction of linear constraints
(define-fun abs-bound ((x Real) (eps Real)) Bool
(<= x eps)
(<= (- eps) x )
(declare-fun rnd-fun (Real) Real)
; Describing operations relationally is nice because you can instantiate properties at use site.
; We describe an overapproximation of the rounding operation
(define-fun rnd ((x Real) (res Real)) Bool
(and (= res (rnd-fun x)) ; it is a functional relationship
(abs-bound (- x res) (* eps32 (abs x))) ; with |x - rnd(x)| <= eps32 * |x|
; floating point add is Real add then round.
(define-fun fp-add ((x Real) (y Real) (res Real)) Bool
(rnd (+ x y) res)
(define-fun fp-mul ((x Real) (y Real) (res Real)) Bool
(rnd (* x y) res)
; box is useful shorthand for stating initial conditions
(define-fun box ((x Real) (lower Real) (upper Real)) Bool
(and (<= lower x)
(<= x upper)
(declare-const x Real)
(assert (box x 1 2))
(declare-const y Real)
(assert (box y 1 2))
(declare-const y Real)
(assert (box z 1 2))
(declare-const xy Real)
(assert (fp-add x y xy))
(declare-const xyy Real)
(assert (fp-add xy y xyy))
(declare-const xyz Real)
(assert (fp-mul xy z xyz))
(eval (abs -1))
(assert-not (<= (- xyy (+ x y y)) 0.0001))
(assert-not (>= (- xyy (+ x y y)) -0.00001))
(assert-not (>= (- xyy (+ x y y)) -0.001))
;(eval (- xyy (+ x y y)))
(define-fun myprog ((x Real) (y Real) (res Real)) Bool
(exists ; define local variables
((xy Real) (fp73 Real))
(and ; res := 7/3 * (x + y)
(fp-add x y xy)
(rnd (/ 7 3) fp73)
(fp-mul fp73 xy res)
(define-fun myprog-pre ((x Real) (y Real)) Bool
(define-fun myprog-post ((x Real) (y Real) (res Real))
(assert-not (forall ((x Real) (y Real) (res Real))
(=> (myprog-pre x y)
(and (myprog x y res) (myprog-post x y res))
(define-fun is-normal ((x Real)) Bool
(or (and
(< x (^ 2 300))
(< (^ 2 -300) x)
(< (- x) (^ 2 300))
(< (^ 2 -300) (- x))
(define-fun ulp ((x Real)) Real
(declare-fun rnd (Real) Real)
(assert (forall ((x Real))
(=> (is-normal x)
(and (< (- (rnd x) x) (ulp x))
(< (- (ulp x)) (- (rnd x) x) (ulp x))
(assert (forall ((x Real))
(and (< 1 x)
(< x 2))
(= ulp(x))
(define-fun-rec ulp ((x Real)) Real
(ite (and (< x 1) (< x 2)))
(ite (x < 1)
(/ (ulp (* x 2) 2)
(ite (x > 2)
(* 2 (ulp (/ x 2))
;(define-fun fp-mul ((x Real) (y Real))
; (rnd (* x y)))
; better as a relation?
; relations allow us to bundle in the lemmas we want
; without resorting to forall
; recipe: take a forall axiom, turn it into a define-fun
; This is kind of taking a forall and making it an axiom schema.
; You can still add the forall using (assert (forall ((x )) (my-pred x))
; but it gives the ability to explicitly instantiate
(define-fun rnd-ulp ((x Real)) Bool
(and (< (- (rnd x) x) (ulp x))
(< (- (ulp x)) (- (rnd x) x) (ulp x))
(define-fun rnd ((x Real) (res Real))
(= res (rnd-fun x))
(rnd-ulp x)
; that these are functions is almost a side feature
; Sometimes the functional nature is useful to the proof.
; probably not that often though
(define-fun ulp ((x Real) (y Real))
(= y (ulp-fun x)))
(define-fun ulp-def ((x Real)) Bool
(define-fun fp-mul ((x Real) (y Real) (z Real))
(let ((z1 (* x y)))
(= z z1)
(rnd-ulp z1)
(ulp-rel z1)
(define-fun fp-sub ((x Real) (y Real) (res Real))
(sterbenz x y)
(define-sort Var () String)
(define-sort Env () (Array Var Int))
(declare-datatypes ()(
(Var (var1 Var))
(Lit (lit1 Real))
(Add (add1 Term) (add2 Term))
(Mul (add1 Term) (add2 Term))
(Sub (sub1 Term) (sub2 Term))
; And so on
(define-fun-rec interp ((e Expr) (rho Env)) Bool
(match e (
((Lit x) x)
((Var x) (select rho x))
((Add x y) (+ (interp x rho) (interp y rho))
; outer exists (exists ((rho Env))) is the same as (exists a b c d)
; So we don't get blocked going under an exists.
from z3 import *
rnd = Function("rnd", RealSort(), RealSort)
class MyFloat():
def __init__(self):
self.x = rnd(FreshReal())
def __add__(self,rhs):
return rnd(self.x * rhs.x)
.type interval = [l : float, u : float]
.decl meet(x : interval , y : interval, z : interval) inline
meet([lx,ux],[ly,uy],[max(lx,ly), min(ux,uy)]) :- true.
.decl join(x : interval , y : interval, z : interval) inline
join([lx,ux],[ly,uy],[min(lx,ly), max(ux,uy)]) :- true.
.decl add(x : interval , y : interval, z : interval) inline
add([lx,ux],[ly,uy],[lx + ly, ux + uy]) :- true.
.decl sub(x : interval , y : interval, z : interval) inline
sub([lx,ux],[ly,uy],[lx - uy, ux - ly]) :- true.
.decl mul(x : interval , y : interval, z : interval) inline
mul([lx,ux],[ly,uy],[min(a,b,c,d), max(a,b,c,d)]) :- a = lx * ly, b = ux * ly, c = lx * uy, d = ux * uy.
.decl abs(x : interval , y : interval) inline
abs([lx,ux],[lx,ux]) :- lx > 0.
abs([lx,ux],[-ux, -lx]) :- ux < 0.
abs([lx,ux],[0, max(-lx, ux)]) :- lx <= 0, ux >= 0.
.decl test(x : interval)
test(z) :- mul([2,4], [4,5],z).
.output test(IO=stdout)
.type Expr =
Add {x : Expr, y : Expr}
| Sub {x : Expr, y : Expr}
| Mul {x : Expr, y : Expr}
| Rnd {x : Expr}
| Lit {x : float}
| Var {x : symbol}
// Expression e is in interval i
.decl BND(e : Expr, i : interval)
// Absolute value of e is in interval i
.decl ABS(e : Expr, i : interval)
// x = y * (1 + e)
.decl REL(x : Expr, y : Expr, i : interval)
//.decl FIX(x : Expr, k)
// The value of expression x is not zero.
.decl NZR(x : Expr)
.decl EQL(x : Expr, y : Expr) eqrel
EQL(x,y) :- BND(x, [a,a]), BND(y, [a,a]).
NZR(x) :- BND(x, [a,b]), (a > 0 ; b < 0).
.decl exprs(e : Expr)
EQL(x,x) :- exprs(x).
BND(t, [a,a]) :- exprs(t), t = $Lit(a).
BND(t, [0,0]) :- exprs(t), t = $Sub(a, a).
BND(z, iz) :- exprs(z), BND(x,ix), BND(y,iy), (
(z = $Add(x,y), add(ix,iy,iz));
(z = $Sub(x,y), sub(ix,iy,iz));
(z = $Mul(x,y), mul(ix,iy,iz))).
ABS(e, iy) :- BND(e, ix), abs(ix,iy).
Fused multiply add
Remez algorithm Find minimax optimal polynomial over range
How to calculate things
- taylor series. We often have these in closed form. We can bound errors using remainder theorem (The error of a taylor series is bounded by the maximum value the next term can take over the interval). If nothing else, taylor series can boot strap other methods by using them to define arbitrary precision approximations. 2.
Dyadic rationals = \(m \times 2^d\). These are an idealized model of floating point. They can add, subtract, and multiply exactly.
ULP - Unit in Last place. a measure of how accurate an fp calculation is. 0.5 ulp is the best you can do for approximating an anagonisitcally chosen number.
How and how not to compute matrix exponentials 19 dubious ways
interesting discussion of deriving a specific approximator
Range reduction
Powers of 2 are often easier to handle seperately, leaving behind a problem
exp = 2^(log_2(e) * x)
sin/cos don’t matter modulo 2 pi. modulo pi for some signs.
polynomial Approximations typically are only ok over small ranges
2Sum and Fast2Sum Compensated summation Exact roundoff in floating point addition. From an information perspective, taking two 64 bit numbers into 1 is lossy? Well, yeah but so what? What if you kept an entire error tape? You can’t get exact roundoff
You can get exact errors. If you try to keep doing this, the error terms keep growing in size though. (a + (b + c)) gets two seperate error terms. Exact addition of these gives you exact error.
Fused multiply add let’s you obviously get the exact error of a multiplication
x = o(a * b)
err = o(a*b - x)
kahan summation pairwise summation simple divide and conquer summation.
Veltkamp splitting
You can split a float into 2 floats that add together to it precisely. This is useful sometimes
Dekker Multiplication
Exact error can be represented in floating point for floating point multiplication
Newton Raphson
Multiplication by arbitrary precision number like pi
Compute a hgh and low part of the number Ch = RN(C) Cl = RN(C - x)
Error Models
o(x op y) = (x op y)(1 + e) e <= u
Sterbenz lemma
Addition and subtraction are exact if the numbers are really close to each other. (A factor of 2)
Gappa Proofs about The rules that gappa uses. Woah. This could work
multiple proof output modes -B latex -Bcoq
Implementing Cosine in C from Scratch (2020) ( musl __cos Boldo Formal Verification of Scientific Computing Programs icfp 19
Ranged Floats {range : interval; x : float code}
Numerical Analysis Higham
comparing floating point is tricky precisa program round off error certifier via static analysi. Accepts subset of PVS. Hmm outputs framaC with annotations. Web demo is interesting. fprock
One Polynomial Approximation to Produce Correctly Rounded Results of an Elementary Function for Multiple Representations and Rounding Modes shaman operator overloading to estimate numerical error
Daisy accruate algorithms
rlibm better polynomial approximations using linear programming
Handbook of floating point
Elementary Functions: Algorithms and Implementation by Muller
Intervals arithmetic interval mooc
Linkes to dd arithmetic. dd+d and qd+d. airthemtic. Ball arithemtic using float formats for everything? double double arithemtic. using two doubles to represent and one double for ballradius. Sometimes you need to go to higher precision to correctly round. So 2 doubles is attarcive sine 128bit floas rarely exist in hardware
compute recude bound | result | * 2^-53 or “error-free transformation” |
Formally Verified Approximations of Definite Integrals
Henessey and Patterson Appendix H has a good section with reference by the same Golberg who wrote the What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
- NaN
- Denormalized numbers
Fixed point smtlib encoding pysmt
john harrison p-adic and floats are similar? msb vs lsb?
harrison book - Proving About Real Numbers Boldo Melquiond book - computer arithemtic and formal proofs
Can I directly write down the principals of interval arithmetic? The contraction map principle. True ODES are the capability to do something for all dt The dangers of fast-math flags. Herbie comments ocaml crlibm
Herbie is super cool.
- you can just do rancom sampling to estimate errors, with extreme multiprecision accuracy and regular. Dynamic analysis in a sense?
- rewriitng Denali
Arith_2021 - a conference on FP? FPTalks
Hamming book
What is fluctuat? precisa precision tuning Real2float rosa FPTaylor demo - scaling numerical rounding analysis FPBench , FPTalk Herbie shaman - another error tracking thing
Gappa Sollya textbook on coq floating point FlocQ
Verified plotting -Melquiond generating correctly rounded math libraries for 32 bit Fluctuat analyzer
Textbook Formal Verification fo Floatng Point Hardware
My coq pendulum swing up. Could I verify it? Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Predicates for Computational Geometry - synethesizing a correctly rounded floating point guy
CRLibm MetaLbim gappa tocatta I guess why3 has extensive support for floating point? a multirpecision library verified using why3 Generating Correctly Rounded Math Libraries for New Floating Point Variants (full) λS: Computable Semantics for Diff’ble Programming with HO Functions and Datatypes (full)
Verified Compilation and Optimization of Floating-Point Programs in CakeML
Core-math library
learning about floating point. fp triage
libultim fpvm floating point virtual machine use virtual machine to do alternaitve fp semantics naN boxing - store pointers in Nans Nans trap, Some won’t trap so they need to insert correctness traps garbage collection x1000 overhead
fpdebug herbgrind fpsanitizer
unbounded expoentn vp float textbook
Round to odd mode - double rounding? When double rounding is odd rlibm-all
vscode -recisa
bound error of (a + (b + c))
Brute Force Verification
Constructive / Exact Reals
Constructive reals allow you to request an accuracy of the result, rather than specify the accuracy of the input. This ordering is reminsicent of epsilon delta definitions in analysis, which are often explained as exactly this kind of game. You ask for an epsilon, I need to figure out a delta.
Constructive Reals are similar to automatic differentiation.
It is tempting, but maybe a red herring, to point out that differentiability is a stronger requirement than continuity, but the two are related mathemtically. More concretely, reverse mode differentiation asks something of th output of a function, which calculates something about the input by backpropagation. Exact reals need to do something similar. So implementation techniques for one often have analog in the other.
- Making a dataflow graph
- Wengert Tapes
- Constructive Reals as a lens
You can convert intervals arithmetic to constructive reals if you retain the ability to run the function over and over, searching for a small enough interval,
Interval arithmetic has much of the implementation flavor of forward mode auto differentiation, both of which use an overloaded notion of number. Forward mode differentiation is kind of like infinitesimal ball arithmetic.
coq robot nasa stuff precisa
yves bertot said he was working in collision avoidance? bezier curves. Lavalle collision planning algorithms workshop may 2023. Sounds cool. Certified ans Symbolic computation
seven sins of numerical linear algebra libbf self contained multiprecision library
Dreal delta satsifiability. attach a delta to equality. interesting. probability does the same thing?