- Parsing and Lexing
- Intermediate Representations
- Analysis
- Compiler Correctness
- Undefined behavior
- Optimizations
- Code Gen
- Garbage Collector
- Simple Compilation
- Misc
Parsing and Lexing
- See note on parsing
Intermediate Representations
SSA SSA bookv mirror of ssa book actually published?
compcertssa verified ssa
Simple and Efficient Construction of Static Single Assignment Form
Gated SSA
Instruction Combiner Tutorial: Creating an LLVM Backend for the Cpu0 Architecture LLVM IR tutorial
llvm-mca - static analysis of performance of code
Learning to combine instructions in LLVM compiler
gllvm and wllvm - they dump the llvm bitcode files into object sections. Not a bad start if you are in a cooperative situation
echo '
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
//printf("hello world");
return 0;
}' > /tmp/hello.c
clang /tmp/hello.c -S -emit-llvm -o /tmp/hello.ll #-o /tmp/hello
cat /tmp/hello.ll
echo "
define i32 @main() {
ret i32 0
" > /tmp/foo.ll
llc /tmp/foo.ll -o /tmp/foo.s
cat /tmp/foo.s
llc --help
A higher level region based IR under the auspices of the llvm project Things that target llvm need another IR to lower and do cleanup Capable of representing control flow?
bril educational IR. ocaml and rust bindings. manual
echo "
fun main {
" \
| bril2json
prog = """
# ARGS: 8
@main(input: int) {
value: int = id input;
v1: int = const 1;
result: int = id v1;
v3: int = id value;
i: int = id v3;
v4: int = id i;
v5: int = const 0;
v6: bool = gt v4 v5;
br v6 .for.body.2 .for.end.2;
v7: int = id result;
v8: int = id i;
v9: int = mul v7 v8;
result: int = id v9;
v10: int = id i;
v11: int = const 1;
v12: int = sub v10 v11;
i: int = id v12;
jmp .for.cond.2;
v13: int = id result;
print v13;
v14: int = const 0;
import briltxt
import json
prog = json.loads(briltxt.parse_bril(prog))
main = prog["functions"][0]
env = {}
env["input"] = "r0"
counter = 1
def fresh():
global counter
counter += 1
return f"r{counter}"
for instr in main["instrs"]:
if "op" in instr:
op = instr["op"]
if "dest" in instr:
d = instr["dest"]
if d in env:
dst = env[d]
f = fresh()
env[d] = f
dst = f
if "labels" in instr:
labels = instr["labels"]
if op == "id":
# could do move peephole here
src = instr["args"][0]
print(f"mov {dst}, {src} # {json.dumps(instr)}")
elif op == "const":
src = instr["value"]
print(f"mov {dst}, {src}")
elif op == "print":
elif op == "br":
cond = instr["args"][0]
print(f"test {env[cond]}")
print(f"bze {labels[0]}")
print(f"b {labels[1]}")
elif op == "jmp":
print(f"b {labels[0]}")
assert False
elif "label" in instr:
label = instr["label"]
assert False
import clingo
env = {}
facts = []
for i,instr in enumerate(instrs):
if "label" in instr:
env = {}
elif op == "add"
env[dest] = Clingo.Function("add", [env[], env[]])
elif op == "id"
env[dest] = env[]
Sea of nodes
one ir graph for cfg and data. no explicit basic blocks Cliff Click — The Sea of Nodes and the HotSpot JIT
a simple graph based interpediate representation optimistics analyses. That’s interesting.
(* ref cell or rec knots. *)
# networkx
- Universal function graph - Blindell.
- PDG program dependence graph
- PEGs
- RVSDG - it’s like structured loops?
Tensor Stuff
ILang Tiramisu MLIR Halide TVM BYOC bring your own codegen ATL verified “scheduling” rewrites in coq - Gilbert. Gilbert works on coolstuff ILAlang
esolang VM - C compiler to simple virtual machine for compiling to esolangs
[] exocompilation
Everyone talks about dominators. Graph algorithms over the coaurse structure of the cfg itself.
a node x domainates another y if every path through y goes through x
postdominator, every path to exit has to pass throguh. Dual of domaintor
every def must dominate use
intersection of sets of dominators of your predecssors
Dominator trees loop nesting forests
Dataflow analysis Must/May and intersection vs union. Least fixed point vs greatest
Kildall bitvector
reaching definitions live variable very busy expressions available expressions
def-use chains
Compiler Correctness
The Next 700 Compiler Correctness Theorems (Functional Pearl) - ahmed patterson
Compositional compilers
Verified peephole optimizations for CompCert testing a formally verified compiler
Undefined behavior
undefined vs implementation defined.
undefined behavior: The compiler is allowed to do anything? Represents things that trap. Stuff like divide by zero The compiler may optimize code assuming undefined behavior never happens. It is free to make code more defined int wraparound
Poison undef llvm IR has some surprising values available in it’s semantics. Varables can hold sets and poison. Poison is a special marker value that infects things. undef creates a set of a all possible values
The cerbrus C semantics dissertation “At PLDI16 [Mem+16], where we discussed the disagreements between the ISO standard and the de facto standards found in practice, and presented a early state of the Cerberus model: “Into the Depths of C: Elaborating the De Facto Standards”,. • At POPL19 [Mem+19], where we presented our provenance-based memory object model, and reported on new developments of the Cerberus model. “Exploring C Semantics and Pointer Provenance”, “
Towards Optimization-Safe Systems: Analyzing the Impact of Undefined Behavior
What Every C Programmer Should Know About Undefined Behavior #1/3 A Guide to Undefined Behavior in C and C++, Part 1 trapped vs untrapped erros Undefined Behavior != Unsafe Programming “The essence of undefined behavior is the freedom to avoid a forced coupling between error checks and unsafe operations.”
016 LLVM Developers’ Meeting: N. Lopes “Undefined Behavior: Long Live Poison!”
Top of lattice - dual to pessimistic unknown. Optimsitic unknown which can become any value that is convenient.
Defining the Undefinedness of C - grigore rosu
Refinement checking alive2
DFA with missing transitions as a model? NFA as model of nondeterministic behavior also.
Finite automata are not so different from step relations. The syntax is state. Somehow we are less inclined to draw the term rewriting as graphs. The state space is infinite often
backward simulation vs forward simulation. Forward is that there exists one trace in the compiled program that exists in source. If deterministic, this is fine.
Krebbers thesis The C standard formalized in Coq
- implementation defined - parametrized by record
- imspecified by nondeterminsim
- undefined behavior - undef state
Advanced C: The UB and optimizations that trick good programmers.
- int - size is implementation defined, overflow is undefined behavior
undefining imp
imp + undef stmt
type stmt = st -> state option
let seq s1 s2 =
It goes backwards in time according to this semantics?
let undef : stmt = fun _ -> None
let skip : stmt = fun st -> st
refinement refines prog1 prog2 = forall s, some s1 = prog1 s -> some s1 = prog2 2
. But prog 2 may have more things defined.
uninitialized memory = now we don’t have to clear it out overflow
(* for possible uninitialized memory *)
type store = int option String.Map.t
(* reading from an undefied var was already problably undefined behavior *)
let agree s1 s2 = fun st -> do
st' <- s1 st
st'' <- s2 st
if st' == st'' then some st' else none
(* for example if order of operations is undefined
let funcall f x y = agree ( do x y) (do y x)
trapping vs non trapping calculations. Expressions are statements
type expr = int option
type expr = int * stmt
type expr = int option * failable_stmt (* two different kinds of none. *)
uninitlaized values - maintain consistency or not.
let var x = insert x random
let var x = insert x none
Modelling random
type stmt = state -> [state] possible
type stmt = state -> [float * state] numerical weights
type expr = set int
nontermination as undefined behavior
unspecifified - nondeterminism between possibilities.
vs implementation defined. An open endded injection a la type classes or what have you
type impl_spec = { handlecase0 : , handlecase1 :, .... , int_size = 4; }
type stmt = impl_spec -> stmt'
undefined - destroy the world
In this functional model, how does observability play in? Or how to extned the model to include observability
Interaction trees?
Something like oleg coroutines?
type machine = Input i -> machine | Output o * machine | Done
type stmt = state -> obs list * state
Trace semantics,
where the list is now not nondeterminim, but a record of all states that appeared
type stmt = state -> state list
let seq s1 s2 = fun s ->
let s' :: trace = s1 s in
let trace2 = s1 s' in
trace2 :: s' :: trace :: s
Wikiepedia list of compiler optimizations
- Common subexpression elimination
- Peephole
Loop invariant code motion - aka hoisting. Move stuff that doesn’t change out of the loop
value numbering hash consing kind of. Superlocal blocks. every block has only one predecessor. Not quite the same as loop free? value numbering in gcc talk
loop unrolling
instruction level parallelism Alex Aiken Utpal Banerjee Arun Kejariwal Alexandru Nicolau
Reassociate to lessen tree height - less dependencies Expand expressions with care - less dependencies
liveness analysis for ssa form program
VW-SLP: Auto-Vectorization with Adaptive Vector Width
Polyhedral model Foundations of Fine Grain Parallelism. Recurrence equations. Analyze them granulairty
Polyhedral Compilation as a Design Pattern for Compilers PLISS
isl and presburger arithmetic. A relative of omega?
FPL - fast presburger arithmetic
Link Time Optimization (LTO)
- See note on Linker
Profile Guided Optimization (PGO)
Code Gen
- Relational Processing for Fun and Diversity minikanren
- Denali - a goal directed super optimizer egraph based optimization of assembly
- PEG egraph cfg
- minimips minikanren mips assembler/disassembler
Parsing and compiling using Prolog There is also a chapter in the art of prolog
- zgraph
- hoopl a framework for transformations
diversification make many versions of binary to make code reuse attacks harder. disunison
Toy Program:
If you do liveness analysis ahead of time, it really does become graph coloring, with an edge between every temporary that is live at the same time.
You cannot do liveness ahead of time if you integrate instruction scheduling with allocation. It needs to be internalized.
If you do SSA ahead of time, you have more flexibility to change colors/register at overwrite points
How to communicate to minizinc:
- Serialized files or C bindings
- Parameters or constraints. In some sense, you a writing a constraint interpreter over the parameters. Why not cut out the middleman? 1: less clear what the structure is. 2. It forces your hand with the bundling of different pieces. Many things need to be bundled into the
predicate unless you reify theinsn
predicate to a variable, in which case you are rebuilding the parameter version.
There is a spectrum of more or less complex models you can use.
Fixed Instruction Order
This makes a DSL in minizinc that looks like a somewhat reasonable IR. It uses a predicate function insn
that takes in the lhs and rhs temporaries. It assigns a register to each temporary such that it never clobbers a live variable.
I could do the liveness analysis completely statically, but I choose to internalize it into the model for ease.
enum reg_t = {R0, R1, R2, R3};
enum temp_t = {T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5};
int : MAXID = 5;
set of int : operation_t = 0..MAXID;
array[temp_t, operation_t] of var bool : live_in;
array[temp_t] of var reg_t : reg;
predicate insn(operation_t : id, list of temp_t : lhs, string : opcode, list of temp_t : rhs) =
forall(t in temp_t)(
if (t in rhs) % in gen set
then live_in[t, id] = true
elseif (t in lhs) % not in gen set, in kill set
then live_in[t,id] = false
else % propagate
live_in[t,id] <- live_in[t, id + 1]
endif) /\
% Assignments need to go to different registers than live variables of next instruction.
forall(t1 in lhs)(
forall(t2 in temp_t where t1 != t2)(
live_in[t2,id+1] -> reg[t1] != reg[t2]
% Nothing is live at end of block
constraint forall(t in temp_t)( live_in[t, MAXID] = false);
insn(0, [T1], "mov", [T0]) /\
insn(1, [T2], "add", [T0, T1]) /\
insn(2, [T3], "sub", [T0, T1]) /\
insn(3, [T4], "mul", [T1, T2]) /\
insn(4, [T5], "inc", [T4]);
%reg = [T0: R2, T1: R0, T2: R1, T3: R2, T4: R0, T5: R0];
%live_in =
%[| 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5:
% | T0: true, true, true, false, false, false
% | T1: false, true, true, true, false, false
% | T2: false, false, true, true, false, false
% | T3: false, false, false, false, false, false
% | T4: false, false, false, false, true, false
% | T5: false, false, false, false, false, false
% |];
% if we're not in ssa, maybe
% array[temp_t, id] of var reg_t;
% since register can change as reuse site.
% Registers don't allocate to same spot
%constraint forall (id in operation_t)(
% forall(t1 in temp_t)(
% forall(t2 in temp_t)(
% (live_in[t1,id] /\ live_in[t2,id] /\ t1 != t2) ->
% reg[t1] != reg[t2]
% )));
How do you want to talk about the solution space.
- a next(id1,id2) matrix
- live[id,t] matrix vs start end cycle integers.
% since we don’t record the gen kill sets we need to do this in here.
% next[i,j]
where you see id + 1
I was assuming SSA, but maybe it can handle non ssa? Noo. It probably can’t.
Scheduling and Allocation
We can also use a next[i,j] matrix or change live to a start end cycle parameter.
Multiple Blocks
Register Packing
Using the rectangle packing constraint for register modelling
Rewrite Rules
peephole optimization cranelift isle Verifying and Improving Halide’s Term Rewriting System with Program Synthesis
See: e-graphs scheduling using unimodular modelling
Instruction Selection
Automatically Generating Back Ends Using Declarative Machine Descriptions dias ramsey
Maximal munch parsing Like parser generators / libraries, you can make instruction selection libraries / generators. Bottom up vs top down
TWIG BURG BEG bottom up generate instruction selectors
iburg a code generator generator
Synthesizing an Instruction Selection Rule Library from Semantic Specifications
Subgraph isomorphism problem VF2 algorithm Very similar to “technology mapping” in the vlsi community.
type aexpr = Mul | Add |
Macro expansion
- procede bottom up Maximal Munch
Instruction selection is taking a program and figuriing out which instructions can be used to implement this. Typically this leaves behind still some problems to solve, in particular register allocation and instruction scheduling. Presumably, everything in the program needs to be done. We have some notion of correspondence between the program representation and the available instructions. The exact nature of this correspondence depends on how we represent our program.
- Sequence
- Tree - One representation of a program might be as a syntax tree, say
(x + (y * z))
. - DAG - consider
(x + y) * (x + y)
. Really we want to note common shared computation and not recomputex+ y
twice. DAGs and the technique of hash consing can be useful here. - Tree-like DAGS
- CFG - A different representation might be to separate out blocks and control edges between them. Blocks consist of a sequence of statements.
If the statements are purely for assignment, assignment can be inlined. The block is nearly purely functional in some sense. It can be compressed into a functional form like the DAG or Tree by inlining. The block could also itself be considered as a graph, as there is often more then one equivalent way of sequencing the instructions.
The simplest case to consider is that of the tree. We can enumerate patterns in the tree that we know how to implement using instructions. The relationship between tree patterns and instructions can be many-to-many. We should understand how to implement every node in the tree (?a + ?b)
, (?a * ?b)
with a pattern consisting of a sequence of instructions for completeness (ability to compile any tree). We also should try to figure out the tree patterns that correspond to a single assembly instruction like load reg [reg+n]
because these will often be efficient and desirable.
There are two distinct and often separable problems here:
- Find pattern matches
- Pick which matches to actually use aka pattern selection
A direct approach to describing patterns is to develop a datatype of patterns. This datatype will be basically the datatype of your AST with holes. This is clearly duplication and becomes painful the more constructors your language has, but whatever.
type ast = Add of ast * ast | Var of string
type ast_pat = Hole of string | PAdd of ast_pat * ast_pat | PVar of string
pmatch : ast_pat -> ast -> (string * ast) list option
Alternatively, we can note that the main point of a pattern is to pattern match and use a church-ish/finalish representation
type ast_pat' = ast -> (string * ast) list option
let convert_pat' : ast_pat -> ast_pat' = pmatch
type var = string
type stmt = Ass of var * expr
type expr = Add of var * var | Var of var
type blk = stmt list
let inline : blk -> (var * ast) list
type insn = Mov of reg * reg | Add of reg * reg | Add2 of reg * reg * reg
A novelty of the Blindell et al work is the notion of universal function (UF) graph. There is both the functinal repsentation of data values, but also cfg is represented as opaque nodes. The correspondence of where values are defined and where computations happen is left up to the constraint solver.
What is the input language? Is it a pure expression langage? A side effectful imperative language? We can convert between these.
I have directly gone to effectful assembly from pure expression language above.
I understand enough to have many questions. What is the input language over which one is pattern matching. Perhaps language is already the wrong word since language tends to imply something tree-like. Is it a pure language or an imperative language. Is it represented as a sequence of IR instructions, a tree, tree-like dag, dag, a graph, or something else. Is represented too weak a word for this question which seems to be very important? “BIL” represented as a sequence vs as a graph might as well be nearly entirely different things. It seems totally possible to translate between pure and imperative, and between the representations and yet it matters so much. What is the output language. It structurally isn’t concrete assembly in many ways. It is definitely un-register allocated and probably unsequenced. Sometimes it feels like tree-like quasi assembly, where the node represents an “output” register even though assembly is really just a sequence of effects. Is there freedom to choose any N^2 combination of structural representations between input and output languages, purity and impurity? None of this even starts to touch control flow. None of this touches what does “overlapping” of patterns mean and what should be allowed
Sequenced representation: Patterns may need to stretch over bits / reorderings. The sequence of the input language does not at all have to be the sequence of the output. Restricting yourself in this way
You can often macro repeat patterns in ways to undo any arbitrary choices made by the representation. Some kind of quotienting. If we have an order free representation, we could aebitrary sequence it, and then sequence the patterns into all possible sequencings. Then you end up with baically the same thing. You can’t go the other way in general. There is something that feels galois connection-y here.
What is the output of pattern matching? Typically I would consider the output of a pattern match to be just pattern variable bindings. But in this case, really we may need full identification between pattern nodes and pattee nodes since this defines the covering.
There are different axes upon which to consider graph variations
- input/output Edges ordered or unordered / have identity are interchangeable. AST tree have identity. Consider the example of a power or any non commutative operation. Edges with identities may want to be considered to be attached to “ports”
- Zero/many input output edges (trees)
- Labels on vertices and or edges
Different kinds can be embedded in each other. Trees can represent graphs if you are allowed to indirectly refer to nodes via labels. Hash cons dags can have many input and output edges. However the output edges of the hash cons are unported, whereas the input edges are ported. The symmettry can be improved by using projection/port nodes connected to the output. In some sense the output of the original is then Operads
You could take a relational perspective on operations, having neither input not output.
Register Allocation
iterated register coalescing - appell and george move edges are considered special because the can be coalesced (collapse the node in the interference graph) nodes with less than number of register nighbors can be removed and you can construct a coloring conservative coalescing - constants can be spilled cheaply via rematerialization
flambda reg alloc points to an appell paper - iterated register coalescing and tiger book
cranelift regalloc great blog post
The Solid-State Register Allocator Belady’s OPT algorithm page faults
The Power of Belady’s Algorithm in Register Allocation for Long Basic Blocks efficient global register allocation
linear scan register allocation
The typical starting point of register allocation is support you’ve been given as assembly program that doesn’t have registers filled in like
# input v1 v2 v3
mov v1, v2
add v1, v1
mul v3, v1
# output v3
The interference graph has an edge between any two variables that are live at the same time. Live means that the variable has been made and someone still needs to use it now or later. In this example, if we assume v1 v2 & v3 are live at the beginning, v1 is live for all 3 instructions, v3 is live for all three and at the output, but v2 is only live at the first instruction since it is never used again.
dsatur graph coliring heurisitc
RL4ReAl: Reinforcement Learning for Register Allocation Compiler gym
Instruction Scheduling
The pure instruction scheduling problem might occur even at the IR level. We can imagine an imperative IR. Certain operations commute and others don’t. We may want to minimize the liveness time of variables for example. This would make sense as a pre-processing step to a sequence input language to an instruction selector.
Instruction scheduling can be parametrized as:
- an embedding into actual time (cycle issue time probably). This is important if you are optimizing for runtime and can get estimates of how long each instruction takes.
- a ranking as integers
- next(i,j) relation which is basically integers. Allows for partial order. after(i,j) :- next(i,k), after(). after is path connected in temporal dag. Possibly this is mappable into a lattice notion of time (i,j,k,etc)?
Superoptimizer – A Look at the Smallest Program Massalin discussion
- Souper
- TOAST an ASP based one?
GSO gnu superoptimizer Zakai binaryen superopitmizer
Assembly Production
You need to produce actual binary, actual 1s and 0s See also:
- Linking
- Assembly
de-optimization paths mir an intermiedtae representation for JIT blog post qbe libjit ryujit libfirm cranelift nanojit
asmjit lightweight library for machine code generation
Hotspots warm up
pypy luajit
method based tracing meta-tracing
Self Java JIT hotspot v8
A Brief History of Just-In-Time
dynamic recompilation is what emulators call it
Garbage Collector
See memory managements
Simple Compilation
Calculating correct compilers There’s like 6 of these doing different stuff conal elliot
There is a fun functional programming game to play. We know we can describe a syntax tree / adt. And then interpret it. But you can deforest the tree and just make combinators. Somehow this simple trick feels fun and meaningful. Loosely I refer to this style as going finally tagless.
type store = string -> int
type expr = store -> int
let add x y = fun s -> x s + y s
let lit x = fun s -> x
let var x = fun s -> s x
The typical intepreter semantics of imp programs is as a function store -> store
type stmt = store -> store
Compilation is not usually viewed under this picture. It’s interesting to try.
The typical perspective of compilation is as a function imp -> asm
. This is not a compositional semantics.
Partial evaluation kind of gets close? Not obviously
Compilers typically take a very imperative/operational picture of the construction of the assembly program. They transform into various graph representations, do analyses over them, etc.
What we need (at minimum) is some notion of relationship of high level variables to low level ones and high level to low level program points.
One choice is
type store = string -> loc
A blocks are more compositional notion of assembly.
The compiler may also want a typing environment.
The first subproblem to consider is that of compting expressions.
Graphs are kind of a pain in functional programming. Why is that? You need to deeply embed them via functional maps s the main ways it’s done, which is awkward. Shallow graph embedding uses mutable pointers.
Compilers are also performing various analyses. Finally tagless style enables an open extensibility.
A nice trick is to consider is backwards program semantics. We aren’t running the program in an ordinary way, we aren’t constrained to go forward.
type value = { storage ; addr : pgm_point}
type 'a ctx = {cur_label : string;
blocks : insn list String.Map.t
live : Var.Set.t String.Var.t
type 'a rev_ctx = () ->
let label (l : string) : unit ctx
let* () = label "foo" in
type loc = Reg of string | Mem of ?? | Stack of int
type alloc = loc String.Map.t (* a mapping of variable to where to read/write them *)
type high_low = loc list String.Map.t
type write = high_low
type read = high_low
(* code is instruction list in reverse order for a sinlge block *)
type code = insn list
(* the semantics of expr are statements. For assembly this is true
It takes in what registers are live and where.
a location to write the result to
type 'a comp = alloc -> 'a * alloc * code (* monadic form. I'm not sure this is a good idea. *)
type expr = alloc -> loc -> alloc * code
let var x = fun a l -> (pick x a, [])
let add a b = fun alloc l -> let va = pick acc in
let acc, codea = (a acc va) in
let vb = pick acc in
let acc, codeb in
(* if l is memory, do store. *)
acc, "add {va} {vb}" ++ code a ++ codeb
Decompilation mode. If we reduce code with no leftovers, we have correctly "parsed"/"decompiled"/derived the code.
let add a b insn = fun alloc l code ->
We have flipped the instruction selector to input mode rather than output mode
type 'a expr could be used for omething akin to typed assembly language
Carry proof conditions or proof objects.
type stmt = alloc -> alloc * code
let def x e = fun alloc ->
let alloc = kill x alloc in
let loc = pick alloc in
(e alloc loc)
let seq s1 s2 =
fun alloc ->
let alloc, code2 = s2 alloc in
let alloc, code1 = s1 alloc in
alloc, code2 + code1
let ite cond t e = fun alloc ->
let alloc1, code1 = t alloc
let alloc1, code2 = e alloc
let alloc, mov = merge alloc1 alloc2 in
let = pick loc in
let alloc, cond_code = cond alloc loc
(alloc, cond_code + mov + jmp + code1 + code2)
Or we can do a uses pass to determine what variables they both need.
Then do them and copy the choices of one over for variables they both need.
let while c body =
ok this one is tougher.
We need a different semantics to go multiblock.
And we want t and e to pick the same registers for the same variables. If they pick different ones, we need to do something.
We could go multipass (s -> (s, (b -> b))) , defer..., unification or constraint production.
type live = String.Set.t hmm. No. Now we can't identify variable by name. since names may alias.
type constr = Disjoint of String.Set.t hmmm.
type stmt = live -> live * code * constr
Intermediate steps, concretize constrants
Always look for reasons names exist. Lambda terms. de bruijn refers to paths or contexts
Serialization and escaping are the arts of flattening structure.
Or, just if it guesses two inconsistent regs, put in a copy mov.
Count on prescient choices.
compositional constraint production is compelling thougnh.
type live = constr_var String.Map.t
type model = constr_var -> loc
we're adding a pass and an implicit IR of sorts
If we're allowed to reorder statements, we can maybe do the memoization strategy. But what do I memoize?
type code = (cycle * insn) list
This is starting to get long enough I should make a record.
type stmt = live -> (live * constr * (model -> conc_code))
type stmt = live -> (live * constr * abstr_code
val instan : model -> asbtr_code -> conc_code
Two flavors. The first feels more extensible and packages toegether model interpretaton with the thing taht produced the model. There isn't a hole for extensibility in either though.
I guess conc_code could be functorized to make it an abstract finally tagless type?
type expr = loc -> stmt (* Funny. Ths is emphasizing that expressions are statements. Expressions are anonymous statements. WHich is why their liveness is (kind of)easy to compute. Untl you want to share computation. *)
Initial types are just OP for pattern matching.
So I should pattern match expr and statements.
stmt -> stmt'
type block = insn list
type code' = block ImpCtxMap (* code is labelled by the imp context it comes from. *)
writer of code, state of alloc
loc is funny. It's almost a return value, but it's in the wrong spot.
Reuse and rematerialization
type alloc = loc Expr.Map.t
??? But then we're going initial. Hmm.
Well, we could save code fragments and see if we're about the produce the same code frag.
PatN. Use functor form of tree.
type 'a exprf = Add of 'a * 'a | ...
type 'a pat2 = 'a exprf exprf
Hashcons <-> Memoization of the combinaors... Hmmm.
like memoization scoped in a block.
Totally niaive semantics.
In olden times, the var decalarations might mean that they literally became stack or reg values forever (die at function scope).
That's fine I guess.
val var_declare : string -> alloc -> alloc (* either have implicit declaration at define site or explicit declaration
explicit declaration can optionally auto dealloc
Even locals can be manually allocated and freed. Kind of interesting. I guess this is kind of like alloca
Could hijack ocaml let* feature as a way to use metavariables.
scope e (fun x -> rest) = alloc temp; set temp e; rest; free temp
let* x f = let v = unique () in set unique x; (f unique)
type stmt = alloc -> alloc * code (* going forward now though *)
type expr = alloc -> (* ??? Maybe this should still traverse backwards. We can't allocate expr forever.
or maybe use `loc Expr.Map.t` optionally clobberable available expressions.
More interesting patterns
a * x + b = saxpy
add (mul a x) b =
I guess the dynamc programming approach is easiest. Eh. Either pass pattern context down or push pattern leaves up.
Super goofy.
You do get compositionality, which is cool I guess.
Generic pattern matching subst dict less boilerplate than building custom types? Saying where we are in a pattern is super annoying.
host lan pattern matching only works over initial datatypes is kind of the problem.
type code = (insn | partial_pattern ) list
module USES =
module WRITES =
let def x _ =
let seq x y = Set.union x y
Weak optimistic analyses.
Optional allocations.
It isn't phi spots so much as split spots that are annying in this backwards versin
Destination Driven
Destination-Driven Code Generation
type ident = string
type expr =
Seq of expr * expr
| While of expr * expr
| When of expr * expr
| If of expr * expr * expr
| Set of ident * expr
| Call of ident * expr list
| Var of ident
| Int of int
type loc =
| Acc | Stack
| Local of int
| Param of int
type operand = Loc of loc | Lit of int
module IMap = Map.Make(String)
type map = loc IMap.t (* ident -> loc *)
type label = Return | Label of asmlabel
type env = label * map
type data_dest = Effect | DLoc of loc
type control_dest = Jmp of label | CJmp of label * label
let codegen : expr -> env -> data_dest -> control_dest -> code = fun stmt rho delta gamma ->
match cmd with
| Seq (e1,e2) ->
codegen e1 rh Effect gamma @@
let l = label () in
l @@
codegen e2 rho delta gamma
| If (etest, ethen, eelse ) ->
| Set (x, e) -> lookup (snd rho
One-pass Code Generation in V8
PL Resouces - Max Bernstein fantastic list of resources for compilers mostly Proving the correctness of a compiler - Xavier Leroy summer course
chibicc C compiler in nanopass style. Each commit is interesting! Written intentionally educationally. lcc a retagretable compiler for C. Has a book tcc Fabrice Bellard’s cmall C compiler
An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction nanopass compiler
c-pit-claudel relational compilation
% This looks like a job for difference lists
compile(lit(n), [push(n) | TS]).
compiler(opp(T), ).
compile(add(X,Y), [Z | TS] :- compile(X,X1), compile(Y,Y2), append(X1,Y1,Z), append(Z,Rest,TS).
prolog using coq.
Query-based compiler architectures
Anders Hejlsberg on Modern Compiler Construction
incremental compilation
Calculating correct compilers There’s like 6 of these doing different stuff conal elliot
cs6120 adrian sampson Looks like a nice syllabus
rose compiler source to source compiler? Makes sense.
compiler optimizations website
interesting links more links
<> static program analysis
modules - global symbols, function declaration, function definitions, target information program analysis resources. Big long list.
Man souffle does seem cool
It’s surprisingly difficult to find a cogent explanation of all the stuff one might need. It’s useful to call C or be called from C
<code> .globl compute_42
movq %rdi, %rax # move argument into rax
addq $32, %rax # add 32
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
extern uint64_t compute_42(uint64_t a);
int main()
printf("result is %ld \n", compute_42(4));
return 0;
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alignment is for serious. It really does screw you if you don’t do function alls with stack on 16byte boundaries modern c book free online
%rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8, and %r9 as first 6 arguments
pushq %rbx is usually first instruction inside function
subq somethign rsp usually happens to allocate on the stack introduction to computer systems
Bryant and OHallaran book. CMU course
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objdump -d -S -l
valgrind and core dumps.