I was following mac install instructions


, but the pip instruction failed. I turned off the anaconda distro I recently installed by commenting out the line in my ~/.profile file

assimp.hpp not found or some stuff

brew info assimp

brew install ros/deps/pyassimp

I give up on mac. It sucks. Using an ubuntu virtual box. Setup is super easy. Mostly just a apt-get


So what is ROS? Well, my impression is that it’s focus is kind of like unix piping. It’s a uniform interface you can use to ram little chunks of programs into one another.

But also the community just has a bunch of robotics programs





Check this out http://wiki.ros.org/visp. Depending on how well this works could be pretty cool.

sudo apt-get install ros-jade-visp

You need to be running roscore in another window for stuff to work

Install instructions here


had problems at catkin_make

<span class="pln">pip install catkin_pkg</span>


Okay the problem I had was that a weirdo python distro had been install doing something else (Goddamn you Moose. What gives you the right?), so I removed it and had to rerun all the workspace creation stuff. Now we’re good