rtl_power & gnuradio
You can take a big honkin spectrum with rtl_power
rtl_power -f 118M:137M:8k -g 50 -i 10 -e 1h airband.csv
Frequency range and steps are self explanatory. Maximum steps is 2M ish (max sampling rate of SDR)
-i is integration time for each step (defualt is 10s)
-e is timeout time (will go forever if you don’t set)
-g is gain
Each line of the output is one window of sampling basically. The db values at the end are interpolating the frequencies in the window of the line.
Set -i and -e to the same number to just take one spectrum.
flatten.py converts to a more sane format for my purposes, a list of frequencies and powers.
Then a short python script
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
filename = sys.argv[1]
freq, db = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',', usecols=(0, 1), unpack=True)
that talks the csv filename as an argument will make a simple plot. You could also do this with plt.plotfile maybe? Something to investigate in the future. numpy.loadtxt is pretty clutch.
Or you can just spreadsheet it up
or use gnuplot (ick)
Also, you can get a simple scope in gnuradio by just taking the rtl_sdr block and hook it right up to a scope block. Pretty Handy little guy.
Autocompleting gr_ ( double tab ) on my comp gives a list of interesting built ins:
gr_constellation_plot gr_plot_psd_c gr_spectrogram_plot_c
gr_filter_design gr_plot_psd_f gr_spectrogram_plot_f
gr_modtool gr_plot_qt gr_spectrogram_plot_i
gr_plot_char gr_plot_short gr_spectrogram_plot_s
gr_plot_const gr_psd_plot_b gr_time_plot_b
gr_plot_fft gr_psd_plot_c gr_time_plot_c
gr_plot_fft_c gr_psd_plot_f gr_time_plot_f
gr_plot_fft_f gr_psd_plot_i gr_time_plot_i
gr_plot_float gr_psd_plot_s gr_time_plot_s
gr_plot_int gr_read_file_metadata gr_time_raster_b
gr_plot_iq gr_spectrogram_plot gr_time_raster_f
gr_plot_psd gr_spectrogram_plot_b
Presumably these are for giving files to. The b, f, i, s must be the value type that was saved to file (byte char short float?)
For some reason I found gnuradio terrifying upon first inspection, but now it seems so friendly. What up wit dat?