Some simple FPGA stuff
Some articles and links of interest
State Machines
Verilog IceStorm Series
Opencores UART and PWM
Bitonic Sort on FPGA
FPGA motion planning
The seller of the Cyclone IV RZ-EasyFPGA A2.1 had the following pinout on the page. I paid about 35$ and it took maybe 3 weeks to get here from china.
It came with a usb blaster programmer. and some usb cables. It can be powered from usb or from a 5 volt supply. I also got a camera.
This is better than the cyclone II chip I had before. More logic units, and I can use the newest version of Quartus II 16.1. I like having some accessories on board
So I have a couple boards now.
Make a new project. Select Cyclone IV E series. EP4CE6E22C8 is the right chip. EP4CE6E22C8N is what the seller says. What does the N mean?
Here is a very simple counter. The clk is 50Mhz clock so I attached bits 25 to the leds in the pin assignment. That should be slow enough for me to see.
make a new verilog file with the same name as the project. This is the top level design file
module blinkcyclone4 (
out , // Output of the counter
clk , // clock Input
output [25:0] out;
//------------Input Ports--------------
input clk;
//------------Internal Variables--------
reg [25:0] out;
//-------------Code Starts Here-------
always @(posedge clk)
out <= out + 1;
In the programmer window select the .sof file in the output folder .
Works. Sweet.
Now let’s try getting those LED digits up
Useful reference
The Dig signal needs to be clocked? It probably accepts on a positive edge or something. No. The dig signal is active low. I probably need to have the thing cycle through really fast. There is probably no memory in the led unit
The display is inverted. 0 is on and 1 is off
module led_test (
input clk , // clock Input
output segA, segB, segC, segD, segE, segF, segG, segDP,
output dig1, dig2, dig3, dig4
//wire [3:0] dig;
//assign {dig1,dig2,dig3,dig4} = dig;
assign dig1 = 1'b0;//clk;//1'b1;
assign dig2 = 1'b1;
//reg [25:0]cnt;
//assign dig = cnt[25:22];
//always @(posedge clk) cnt <= cnt+1;
assign {segA, segB, segC, segD, segE, segF, segG, segDP} = 8'b00100101; //8'b11011010; // light the leds to display '2'
This should print a 2 on the first digit.
I went to opencores and got a simple UART core
Put it in the project directory. Add all the files to the porject. Make the loopback example the top level design by right clicking,simple_uart_for_fpga
Fired up arduino ide serial monitor. Yup. It’s looping back characters. Nice.