Well, I gave my tutorial on the Z3 SMT solver for FMIE 2021 https://fmie2021.github.io/agenda.html. That’s a load off! I think it went very well. Thanks again to Gopal Sarma for really holding the thing together and Cody Roux for bringing me in!

Here’s the Jupyter notebook


and here’s the video

I translated some of these Z3 examples to Coq in a blog post here https://www.philipzucker.com/translating-z3-to-coq/

Edit: Hey I got on HN! https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27045771

Some solutions to the exercises

# Constrain all digits constrained to be 0 through 9
solver.add([  And( 0 <= d, d <= 9 )   for d in digits])
# Constrain all digits to be unique (Hint: Look at the 8-Queens constraints. Anything useful?)
# Constrain send + more == money
solver.add(send + more == money)

p, q = Bools("p q")
prove( And(p,q) ==  Not( Or(Not(p), Not(q))) )
prove( Implies( p, q ) == Or(Not(p), q))
prove(  Implies(Implies(Implies(p,q),p),p ))

prove( x + y == y + x)
prove( (x + y) + z == x + (y + z))s
prove( x*x >= 0 )

x = BitVec('x', 32)
y = BitVec('y', 32)

fast = x ^ y < 0
slow = Or( And( x < 0, y >= 0  ), And(y < 0, x >= 0))
slow2 = If(  And( x < 0, y >= 0  ) ,  True, If(  And(y < 0, x >= 0) , True, False) )
prove(fast == slow)
prove(slow == slow2)

x,y,x1,y1,temp = Ints("x y x1 y1 temp")
prog = [
        If(y < x, 
           And( temp == x,
                x1 == y,
                y1 == temp  ),
           And(x1 == x,
               y1 == y))
prove(Implies(And(prog), x1 <= y1 ))

x,y,x1,y1,temp = Ints("x y x1 y1 temp")
prog = [
        If(y < x, And(x1 == y, y1 == x  ),  And(x1 == x, y1 == y))
prove(Implies(And(prog), x1 <= y1 ))

Further topics that would be nice to get into

Not that I necessarily understand these things completely

  • Really abusing uninterpreted functions
  • Quantifier whispering
  • Constrained Horn Clauses
  • Datalog
  • CEGAR loops
  • Extracting proofs

Nikolaj Bjorner talk on SMT solving https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgAVIqraCHo&ab_channel=SimonsInstitute

Interesting tidbits:

def CDCL():
   while True:
      if [] in clauses: return UNSAT
      elif in_conflict(): learn(); backtrack()
      elif not free_vars return SAT
      elif should_propagate(): propagate()
      elif should_simplify(): simplify()

Armin Biere presented a similar looking loop