
Convenience features for datatypes.

You should use these instead of raw smt.Datatype. This also maintains a record of existing datatypes so that you don’t clobber old ones, a possible source of unsoundness.

  • Datatypes support accessor notation l.is_cons, l.hd, l.tl etc.

  • x._replace() syntax on single constructor datatypes

>>> import kdrag.theories.nat as nat
>>> n = smt.Const("n", nat.Nat)
>>> n.is_Z
is(Z, n)
>>> n.pred
>>> kd.prove(nat.one.pred == nat.Z)
|- pred(S(Z)) == Z

Module Attributes


SortDispatch for the relation associated with a Datatype of evidence


Enum(name, args)

Shorthand for simple enumeration datatypes.

InductiveRel(name, *params)

Define an inductive type of evidence and a relation the recurses on that evidence

NewType(name, sort[, pred])

Minimal wrapper around a sort for sort based overloading

Struct(name, *fields[, pred])

Define a record datatype.


Accessor lemmas for a datatype.

accessor_num(s, constr_num, k)

constructor_num(s, k)

datatype_call(self, *args, **kwargs)

Enable "call" syntax for constructors of smt datatypes


Enable iteration over constructors of a datatype sort


Enable len() on datatype sorts.

datatype_match_(x, *cases[, default])

Pattern matching for datatypes.

datatype_replace(self, **kwargs)

Like NamedTuple, you can replace fields of a record datatype.


Constructors are distinct lemmas.


Injectivity lemmas for a datatype.


pattern_match(x, pat)

A Symbolic execution of sorts of pattern matching.


kdrag.datatype.Enum(name: str, args: str | list[str]) DatatypeSortRef

Shorthand for simple enumeration datatypes. Similar to python’s Enum. >>> Color = Enum(“Color”, “Red Green Blue”) >>> smt.And(Color.Red != Color.Green, Color.Red != Color.Blue) And(Red != Green, Red != Blue)

  • name (str)

  • args (str | list[str])

Return type:


kdrag.datatype.InductiveRel(name: str, *params: ExprRef) Datatype

Define an inductive type of evidence and a relation the recurses on that evidence

>>> x = smt.Int("x")
>>> Even = InductiveRel("Even", x)
>>> Even.declare("Ev_Z",                           pred = x == 0)
>>> Even.declare("Ev_SS", ("sub2_evidence", Even), pred = lambda evid: evid.rel(x-2))
>>> Even = Even.create()
>>> smt.Const("ev", Even).rel(4)
even(ev, 4)
  • name (str)

  • params (ExprRef)

Return type:


kdrag.datatype.NewType(name: str, sort: SortRef, pred=None) DatatypeSortRef

Minimal wrapper around a sort for sort based overloading

>>> NatI = NewType("NatI", smt.IntSort(), pred = lambda x: x.val >= 0)
>>> x = smt.Const("x", NatI)
>>> kd.QForAll([x], x.val >= -7)
ForAll(x, Implies(val(x) >= 0, val(x) >= -7))
  • name (str)

  • sort (SortRef)

Return type:


kdrag.datatype.Struct(name: str, *fields: tuple[str, SortRef], pred=None) DatatypeSortRef

Define a record datatype. This is the analog in many respects of python’s NamedTuple. The optional argument pred will add a well-formedness condition to the record giving something akin to a refinement type.

>>> Point = Struct("Point", ("x", smt.RealSort()), ("y", smt.RealSort()))
>>> Point(1,2)
Point(ToReal(1), ToReal(2))
>>> Point(1,2).x
x(Point(ToReal(1), ToReal(2)))
>>> PosPoint = Struct("PosPoint", ("x", smt.RealSort()), ("y", smt.RealSort()), pred = lambda p: smt.And(p.x > 0, p.y > 0))
>>> p = smt.Const("p", PosPoint)
>>> kd.QForAll([p], p.x > -42)
ForAll(p, Implies(And(x(p) > 0, y(p) > 0), x(p) > -42))
  • name (str)

  • fields (tuple[str, SortRef])

Return type:


kdrag.datatype.accessor_lemmas(dt: DatatypeSortRef) list[Proof]

Accessor lemmas for a datatype.

>>> import kdrag.theories.nat as nat
>>> accessor_lemmas(nat.Nat)[0]
|- ForAll(x!..., pred(S(x!...)) == x!...)

dt (DatatypeSortRef)

Return type:


kdrag.datatype.accessor_num(s: DatatypeSortRef, constr_num: int, k: str) int
  • s (DatatypeSortRef)

  • constr_num (int)

  • k (str)

Return type:


kdrag.datatype.constructor_num(s: DatatypeSortRef, k: str) int
  • s (DatatypeSortRef)

  • k (str)

Return type:


kdrag.datatype.datatype_call(self: DatatypeSortRef, *args: ExprRef, **kwargs) DatatypeRef

Enable “call” syntax for constructors of smt datatypes

>>> Point = kd.Struct("Point", ("x", smt.IntSort()), ("y", smt.IntSort()))
>>> Point(1,2)
Point(1, 2)
>>> Point(y=2, x=1)
Point(1, 2)
  • self (DatatypeSortRef)

  • args (ExprRef)

Return type:


kdrag.datatype.datatype_iter(self: DatatypeSortRef) Iterator[DatatypeRef]

Enable iteration over constructors of a datatype sort


self (DatatypeSortRef)

Return type:


kdrag.datatype.datatype_len(self: DatatypeSortRef) int

Enable len() on datatype sorts. Returns the number of constructors


self (DatatypeSortRef)

Return type:


kdrag.datatype.datatype_match_(x, *cases, default=None)

Pattern matching for datatypes.

>>> import kdrag.theories.nat as nat
>>> x = smt.Const("x", nat.Nat)
>>> x.match_((nat.S(x), nat.S(x)), (nat.one, nat.one), default=x)
If(is(S, x),
   If(And(is(S, x), is(Z, pred(x))), S(Z), x))
>>> import kdrag.theories.list as list_
>>> IntList = list_.List(smt.IntSort())
>>> l = smt.Const("l", IntList)
>>> x,y,z = smt.Ints("x y z")
>>> l.match_((IntList.Nil, 0), (IntList.Cons(x, l), 1 + x))
If(is(Nil, l),
   If(is(Cons, l), 1 + head(l), unreachable!...))
kdrag.datatype.datatype_replace(self: DatatypeRef, **kwargs: ExprRef) DatatypeRef

Like NamedTuple, you can replace fields of a record datatype.

>>> Point = kd.Struct("Point", ("x", smt.RealSort()), ("y", smt.RealSort()))
>>> Point(0,1)._replace(x=3, y=10)
Point(3, 10)
>>> p = smt.Const("p", Point)
>>> q = p._replace(y=10)
>>> q
Point(x(p), 10)
>>> q._replace(x=1)
Point(1, 10)
  • self (DatatypeRef)

  • kwargs (ExprRef)

Return type:


kdrag.datatype.distinct_lemmas(dt: DatatypeSortRef) list[Proof]

Constructors are distinct lemmas.

>>> import kdrag.theories.nat as nat
>>> distinct_lemmas(nat.Nat)[0]
|- ForAll(x!..., S(x!...) != Z)

dt (DatatypeSortRef)

Return type:


kdrag.datatype.inj_lemmas(dt: DatatypeSortRef) list[Proof]

Injectivity lemmas for a datatype. Z3 internally understands these, but can be useful to be explicit about them in some situations

>>> import kdrag.theories.nat as nat
>>> inj_lemmas(nat.Nat)[0]
|- ForAll([x!..., y!...],
       (S(x!...) == S(y!...)) == And(x!... == y!...))

dt (DatatypeSortRef)

Return type:


kdrag.datatype.multipattern_match(*cases: tuple[DatatypeRef, DatatypeRef]) tuple[list[BoolRef], dict[DatatypeRef, DatatypeRef]]

cases (tuple[DatatypeRef, DatatypeRef])

Return type:

tuple[list[BoolRef], dict[DatatypeRef, DatatypeRef]]

kdrag.datatype.pattern_match(x: DatatypeRef, pat: DatatypeRef) tuple[list[BoolRef], dict[DatatypeRef, DatatypeRef]]

A Symbolic execution of sorts of pattern matching. Returns the constraints and substitutions for variables

>>> import kdrag.theories.nat as nat
>>> n,m = smt.Consts("n m", nat.Nat)
>>> pattern_match(n, nat.S(nat.S(m)))
([is(S, n), is(S, pred(n))], {m: pred(pred(n))})
  • x (DatatypeRef)

  • pat (DatatypeRef)

Return type:

tuple[list[BoolRef], dict[DatatypeRef, DatatypeRef]]

kdrag.datatype.recognizer_lemmas(dt: DatatypeSortRef) list[Proof]
>>> import kdrag.theories.nat as nat
>>> recognizer_lemmas(nat.Nat)[0]
|- is(Z, Z) == True

dt (DatatypeSortRef)

Return type:


kdrag.datatype.rel = <kdrag.notation.SortDispatch object>

SortDispatch for the relation associated with a Datatype of evidence

Convenience features for datatypes.

You should use these instead of raw `smt.Datatype`. This also maintains a record of existing datatypes
so that you don't clobber old ones, a possible source of unsoundness.

- Datatypes support accessor notation `l.is_cons`, `l.hd`, `l.tl` etc.
- x._replace() syntax on single constructor datatypes

>>> import kdrag.theories.nat as nat
>>> n = smt.Const("n", nat.Nat)
>>> n.is_Z
is(Z, n)
>>> n.pred
>>> kd.prove(nat.one.pred == nat.Z)
|- pred(S(Z)) == Z

import kdrag.smt as smt
import kdrag as kd
import typing
from kdrag.kernel import Inductive

def _lookup_constructor_recog(
    self: smt.DatatypeRef, k: str
) -> typing.Optional[smt.ExprRef]:
    Enable "dot" syntax for fields of smt datatypes
    sort = self.sort()
    recog = "is_" == k[:3] if len(k) > 3 else False
    for i in range(sort.num_constructors()):
        cons = sort.constructor(i)
        if recog:
            if cons.name() == k[3:]:
                recog = sort.recognizer(i)
                return recog(self)
            for j in range(cons.arity()):
                acc = sort.accessor(i, j)
                if acc.name() == k:
                    return acc(self)

smt.DatatypeRef.__getattr__ = _lookup_constructor_recog  # type: ignore

def constructor_num(s: smt.DatatypeSortRef, k: str) -> int:
    for i in range(s.num_constructors()):
        cons = s.constructor(i)
        if cons.name() == k:
            return i
    raise ValueError(f"Constructor {k} not found in datatype {s}")

def accessor_num(s: smt.DatatypeSortRef, constr_num: int, k: str) -> int:
    cons = s.constructor(constr_num)
    for j in range(cons.arity()):
        acc = s.accessor(constr_num, j)
        if acc.name() == k:
            return j
    raise ValueError(f"Accessor {k} not found in constructor {cons} of datatype {s}")

def datatype_call(
    self: smt.DatatypeSortRef, *args: smt.ExprRef, **kwargs
) -> smt.DatatypeRef:
    Enable "call" syntax for constructors of smt datatypes

    >>> Point = kd.Struct("Point", ("x", smt.IntSort()), ("y", smt.IntSort()))
    >>> Point(1,2)
    Point(1, 2)
    >>> Point(y=2, x=1)
    Point(1, 2)
    # TODO: could also enable keyword syntax
    assert self.num_constructors() == 1
    cons = self.constructor(0)
    if len(kwargs) == 0:
        return cons(*[smt._py2expr(a) for a in args])
    elif len(args) == 0:
        args1 = [None] * cons.arity()
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            j = accessor_num(self, 0, k)
            args1[j] = v
        assert all(a is not None for a in args)
        return cons(*args1)
        raise TypeError("Cannot mix positional and keyword arguments")

smt.DatatypeSortRef.__call__ = datatype_call  # type: ignore
""" Call syntax for constructors of smt datatypes """

def datatype_replace(self: smt.DatatypeRef, **kwargs: smt.ExprRef) -> smt.DatatypeRef:
    Like NamedTuple, you can replace fields of a record datatype.

    >>> Point = kd.Struct("Point", ("x", smt.RealSort()), ("y", smt.RealSort()))
    >>> Point(0,1)._replace(x=3, y=10)
    Point(3, 10)
    >>> p = smt.Const("p", Point)
    >>> q = p._replace(y=10)
    >>> q
    Point(x(p), 10)
    >>> q._replace(x=1)
    Point(1, 10)
    sort = self.sort()

    if sort.num_constructors() != 1:
        raise TypeError(
            "`_replace` is not supported on datatypes with multiple constructors"

    cons = sort.constructor(0)
    accs = [sort.accessor(0, i) for i in range(cons.arity())]
    names = {acc.name() for acc in accs}  # Use a set for quick lookup

    invalid_fields = kwargs.keys() - names
    if invalid_fields:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Constructor `{cons.name()}` does not have fields: {', '.join(invalid_fields)}"

    defaults = (
        self.children() if smt.is_constructor(self) else [acc(self) for acc in accs]

    fields = [kwargs.get(acc.name(), default) for acc, default in zip(accs, defaults)]

    return cons(*fields)

smt.DatatypeRef._replace = datatype_replace  # type: ignore

def datatype_iter(self: smt.DatatypeSortRef) -> typing.Iterator[smt.DatatypeRef]:
    """Enable iteration over constructors of a datatype sort"""
    if any(self.constructor(i).arity() > 0 for i in range(self.num_constructors())):
        raise TypeError("Cannot iterate over constructors with arguments")
    return (self.constructor(i)() for i in range(self.num_constructors()))

smt.DatatypeSortRef.__iter__ = datatype_iter  # type: ignore

def datatype_len(self: smt.DatatypeSortRef) -> int:
    """Enable len() on datatype sorts. Returns the number of constructors"""
    return self.num_constructors()

smt.DatatypeSortRef.__len__ = datatype_len  # type: ignore

def pattern_match(
    x: smt.DatatypeRef, pat: smt.DatatypeRef
) -> tuple[list[smt.BoolRef], dict[smt.DatatypeRef, smt.DatatypeRef]]:
    A Symbolic execution of sorts of pattern matching.
    Returns the constraints and substitutions for variables

    >>> import kdrag.theories.nat as nat
    >>> n,m = smt.Consts("n m", nat.Nat)
    >>> pattern_match(n, nat.S(nat.S(m)))
    ([is(S, n), is(S, pred(n))], {m: pred(pred(n))})
    subst = {}
    constraints = []
    todo = [(x, pat)]
    while todo:
        x, pat = todo.pop()
        if smt.is_constructor(pat):
            dt = pat.sort()
            decl = pat.decl()
            i = 0
            for i in range(dt.num_constructors()):
                # figure out which constructor
                if decl == dt.constructor(i):
            for j, subpat in enumerate(pat.children()):
                todo.append((dt.accessor(i, j)(x), subpat))
        elif (
            or smt.is_true(pat)
            or smt.is_false(pat)
            or smt.is_rational_value(pat)
        ):  # or smt.is_real_value(pat) or smt.is_true(pat) or smt.is_false(pat):
            constraints.append(x == pat)
        elif smt.is_const(pat):  # possible variable
            if pat.decl() in kd.kernel.defns:  # actually a defined constant
                constraints.append(x == pat)
            elif pat in subst:
                constraints.append(x == subst[pat])  # non-linear patterns
                subst[pat] = x
                subst[pat] = x
            raise ValueError("Not a supported pattern", pat)
    return constraints, subst

def multipattern_match(
    *cases: tuple[smt.DatatypeRef, smt.DatatypeRef],
) -> tuple[list[smt.BoolRef], dict[smt.DatatypeRef, smt.DatatypeRef]]:
    subst = {}
    constraints = []
    for x, pat in cases:
        constr, subst2 = pattern_match(x, pat)
        subst = {**subst, **subst2}
    return constraints, subst

def datatype_match_(x, *cases, default=None):
    Pattern matching for datatypes.

    >>> import kdrag.theories.nat as nat
    >>> x = smt.Const("x", nat.Nat)
    >>> x.match_((nat.S(x), nat.S(x)), (nat.one, nat.one), default=x)
    If(is(S, x),
       If(And(is(S, x), is(Z, pred(x))), S(Z), x))

    >>> import kdrag.theories.list as list_
    >>> IntList = list_.List(smt.IntSort())
    >>> l = smt.Const("l", IntList)
    >>> x,y,z = smt.Ints("x y z")
    >>> l.match_((IntList.Nil, 0), (IntList.Cons(x, l), 1 + x))
    If(is(Nil, l),
       If(is(Cons, l), 1 + head(l), unreachable!...))

    newcases = []
    for i, (pat, body) in enumerate(cases):
        constraints, subst = pattern_match(x, pat)
        if len(subst) > 0:
            body = smt.substitute(
                smt._py2expr(body), *[(v, e) for v, e in subst.items()]
        if len(constraints) == 0:
            cond = smt.BoolVal(True)
        elif len(constraints) == 1:
            cond = constraints[0]
            cond = smt.And(constraints)
        newcases.append((cond, body))
    return kd.cond(*newcases, default=default)

smt.DatatypeRef.match_ = datatype_match_  # type: ignore

def Struct(
    name: str, *fields: tuple[str, smt.SortRef], pred=None
) -> smt.DatatypeSortRef:
    Define a record datatype.
    This is the analog in many respects of python's NamedTuple.
    The optional argument `pred` will add a well-formedness condition to the record
    giving something akin to a refinement type.

    >>> Point = Struct("Point", ("x", smt.RealSort()), ("y", smt.RealSort()))
    >>> Point(1,2)
    Point(ToReal(1), ToReal(2))
    >>> Point(1,2).x
    x(Point(ToReal(1), ToReal(2)))
    >>> PosPoint = Struct("PosPoint", ("x", smt.RealSort()), ("y", smt.RealSort()), pred = lambda p: smt.And(p.x > 0, p.y > 0))
    >>> p = smt.Const("p", PosPoint)
    >>> kd.QForAll([p], p.x > -42)
    ForAll(p, Implies(And(x(p) > 0, y(p) > 0), x(p) > -42))
    rec = Inductive(name)
    rec.declare(name, *fields)
    rec = rec.create()
    rec.mk = rec.constructor(0)
    wf_cond = [
        n for (n, (_, sort)) in enumerate(fields) if sort in kd.notation.wf.methods
    if pred is None and len(wf_cond) == 1:
        acc = rec.accessor(0, wf_cond[0])
        kd.notation.wf.register(rec, lambda x: rec.accessor(0, acc(x).wf()))
    elif pred is None and len(wf_cond) > 1:
            rec, lambda x: smt.And(*[rec.accessor(0, n)(x).wf() for n in wf_cond])
    elif pred is not None and len(wf_cond) == 0:
        kd.notation.wf.register(rec, lambda x: pred(x))
    elif pred is not None and len(wf_cond) > 0:
            lambda x: smt.And(pred(x), *[rec.accessor(0, n)(x).wf() for n in wf_cond]),

    return rec

def NewType(name: str, sort: smt.SortRef, pred=None) -> smt.DatatypeSortRef:
    """Minimal wrapper around a sort for sort based overloading

    >>> NatI = NewType("NatI", smt.IntSort(), pred = lambda x: x.val >= 0)
    >>> x = smt.Const("x", NatI)
    >>> kd.QForAll([x], x.val >= -7)
    ForAll(x, Implies(val(x) >= 0, val(x) >= -7))
    return Struct(name, ("val", sort), pred=pred)

def Enum(name: str, args: str | list[str]) -> smt.DatatypeSortRef:
    """Shorthand for simple enumeration datatypes. Similar to python's Enum.
    >>> Color = Enum("Color", "Red Green Blue")
    >>> smt.And(Color.Red != Color.Green, Color.Red != Color.Blue)
    And(Red != Green, Red != Blue)
    T = kd.Inductive(name)
    if isinstance(args, str):
        args = args.split()
    for c in args:
    T = T.create()
    return T

rel = kd.notation.SortDispatch(name="rel")
"""SortDispatch for the relation associated with a Datatype of evidence"""
smt.DatatypeRef.rel = lambda *args: rel(*args)

def InductiveRel(name: str, *params: smt.ExprRef) -> smt.Datatype:
    """Define an inductive type of evidence and a relation the recurses on that evidence

    >>> x = smt.Int("x")
    >>> Even = InductiveRel("Even", x)
    >>> Even.declare("Ev_Z",                           pred = x == 0)
    >>> Even.declare("Ev_SS", ("sub2_evidence", Even), pred = lambda evid: evid.rel(x-2))
    >>> Even = Even.create()
    >>> smt.Const("ev", Even).rel(4)
    even(ev, 4)

    dt = Inductive(name)

    relname = name.lower()
    olddeclare = dt.declare
    preds = []  # tuck away extra predicate

    def declare(
        name, *args, pred=None
    ):  # TODO: would it ever make sense to not have a pred?
        olddeclare(name, *args)

    dt.declare = declare

    oldcreate = dt.create

    def create_relation(dt):
        When inductive is done being defined, call this function
        ev = smt.FreshConst(dt, prefix=name.lower())
        rel = smt.Function(relname, dt, *[x.sort() for x in params], smt.BoolSort())
        cases = []
        for i in range(dt.num_constructors()):
            precond = dt.recognizer(i)(ev)  # recognize case of the evidence
            pred = preds[i]  # In this case, this predicate should be true
            if pred is None:
                res = smt.BoolVal(True)
            elif isinstance(pred, smt.ExprRef):
                res = pred
                args = [dt.accessor(i, j)(ev) for j in range(dt.constructor(i).arity())]
                res = pred(*args)
            cases.append((precond, res))
        args = [ev]
        rel = kd.define(relname, args, kd.cond(*cases))
        return rel

    def create():
        dt = oldcreate()
        dtrel = smt.Function(relname, dt, *[x.sort() for x in params], smt.BoolSort())
            dt, lambda *args: dtrel(*args)
        )  # doing this here let's us tie the knot inside of lambdas and refer to the predicate.
        dtrel = create_relation(dt)
        dt.rel = dtrel
        return dt

    dt.create = create
    return dt

def inj_lemmas(dt: smt.DatatypeSortRef) -> list[kd.kernel.Proof]:
    Injectivity lemmas for a datatype. Z3 internally understands these, but can be useful to be explicit about them in some situations

    >>> import kdrag.theories.nat as nat
    >>> inj_lemmas(nat.Nat)[0]
    |- ForAll([x!..., y!...],
           (S(x!...) == S(y!...)) == And(x!... == y!...))
    pfs = []
    for i in range(dt.num_constructors()):
        cons = dt.constructor(i)
        if cons.arity() > 0:
            xs = [
                smt.FreshConst(cons.domain(j), prefix="x") for j in range(cons.arity())
            ys = [
                smt.FreshConst(cons.domain(j), prefix="y") for j in range(cons.arity())
                        xs + ys,
                        (cons(*xs) == cons(*ys))
                        == smt.And([x == y for x, y in zip(xs, ys)]),
    return pfs

def recognizer_lemmas(dt: smt.DatatypeSortRef) -> list[kd.kernel.Proof]:

    >>> import kdrag.theories.nat as nat
    >>> recognizer_lemmas(nat.Nat)[0]
    |- is(Z, Z) == True
    pfs = []
    for i in range(dt.num_constructors()):
        recog = dt.recognizer(i)
        for i1 in range(dt.num_constructors()):
            cons = dt.constructor(i1)
            if cons.arity() > 0:
                xs = [
                    smt.FreshConst(cons.domain(j), prefix="x")
                    for j in range(cons.arity())
                    kd.kernel.prove(smt.ForAll(xs, (recog(cons(*xs)) == (i == i1))))
                pfs.append(kd.kernel.prove(recog(cons()) == (i1 == i)))
    return pfs

def distinct_lemmas(dt: smt.DatatypeSortRef) -> list[kd.kernel.Proof]:
    Constructors are distinct lemmas.

    >>> import kdrag.theories.nat as nat
    >>> distinct_lemmas(nat.Nat)[0]
    |- ForAll(x!..., S(x!...) != Z)
    pfs = []
    for i in range(dt.num_constructors()):
        cons = dt.constructor(i)
        xs = [smt.FreshConst(cons.domain(j), prefix="x") for j in range(cons.arity())]
        for i1 in range(i):
            cons1 = dt.constructor(i1)
            if cons.arity() > 0:
                xs1 = [
                    smt.FreshConst(cons1.domain(j), prefix="y")
                    for j in range(cons1.arity())
                    kd.kernel.prove(smt.ForAll(xs + xs1, cons(*xs) != cons1(*xs1)))
                pfs.append(kd.kernel.prove(cons() != cons1()))
    return pfs

def accessor_lemmas(dt: smt.DatatypeSortRef) -> list[kd.kernel.Proof]:
    Accessor lemmas for a datatype.

    >>> import kdrag.theories.nat as nat
    >>> accessor_lemmas(nat.Nat)[0]
    |- ForAll(x!..., pred(S(x!...)) == x!...)
    pfs = []
    for i in range(dt.num_constructors()):
        cons = dt.constructor(i)
        xs = [smt.FreshConst(cons.domain(k), prefix="x") for k in range(cons.arity())]
        for j in range(cons.arity()):
            acc = dt.accessor(i, j)
            pfs.append(kd.kernel.prove(smt.ForAll(xs, acc(cons(*xs)) == xs[j])))
    return pfs