Helper functions for the hypothesis property based testing library.
This can be useful for: - Giving counterexamples to poorly stated theorems before you spend much effort on them - Sanity checking axioms - Connecting formal models to other code - Testing Knuckledragger facilities - Testing Z3 intended meaning
Run a hypothesis test to check that an instantiated forall is equivalent to the original forall. |
A hypothesis search strateegy that uses smt model generation to generate a value of a given SMT sort. |
Check if a sort occurs in the datatype. |
Make a search strategy of values of a given SMT sort. |
- kdrag.hypothesis.binop(children, op) SearchStrategy
- Return type:
- kdrag.hypothesis.binops(children) SearchStrategy
- Return type:
- kdrag.hypothesis.compares(strat) SearchStrategy
- Return type:
- kdrag.hypothesis.nitpick(thm: QuantifierRef, deadline=100, **hyp_settings)
Run a hypothesis test to check that an instantiated forall is equivalent to the original forall.
- Parameters:
thm (QuantifierRef)
- kdrag.hypothesis.smt_datatype_val(s: DatatypeSortRef) SearchStrategy[DatatypeRef]
- Parameters:
s (DatatypeSortRef)
- Return type:
- kdrag.hypothesis.smt_generic_val(sort: SortRef, maxiter=4) SearchStrategy[ExprRef]
A hypothesis search strateegy that uses smt model generation to generate a value of a given SMT sort. It is slower and will have worse shrinkage. To be used as a fallback.
- Parameters:
sort (SortRef)
- Return type:
- kdrag.hypothesis.smt_seq_val(s: SortRef) SearchStrategy[SeqRef]
- Parameters:
s (SortRef)
- Return type:
- kdrag.hypothesis.sort_occurs(s, s2, visited=None)
Check if a sort occurs in the datatype.
>>> import kdrag.theories.list as list >>> sort_occurs(smt.IntSort(), list.List(smt.IntSort())) True >>> sort_occurs(smt.IntSort(), list.List(smt.BoolSort())) False >>> sort_occurs(smt.IntSort(), smt.IntSort()) True
- kdrag.hypothesis.val_of_sort(s: SortRef, knot_tie: tuple[SortRef, SearchStrategy[ExprRef]] | None = None, slow_generic=False) SearchStrategy[ExprRef]
Make a search strategy of values of a given SMT sort.
- Parameters:
s (SortRef)
knot_tie (tuple[SortRef, SearchStrategy[ExprRef]] | None)
- Return type:
- kdrag.hypothesis.z3_array_val(dom: SearchStrategy[ExprRef], ran: SearchStrategy[ExprRef]) SearchStrategy[ArrayRef]
- Parameters:
dom (SearchStrategy[ExprRef])
ran (SearchStrategy[ExprRef])
- Return type:
Helper functions for the hypothesis property based testing library.
This can be useful for:
- Giving counterexamples to poorly stated theorems before you spend much effort on them
- Sanity checking axioms
- Connecting formal models to other code
- Testing Knuckledragger facilities
- Testing Z3 intended meaning
import kdrag as kd
import kdrag.smt as smt
import hypothesis
import hypothesis.strategies as st
import operator as op
from typing import Optional
smt_sorts = st.recursive(
st.sampled_from([smt.BoolSort(), smt.IntSort(), smt.RealSort(), smt.StringSort()]),
lambda children: st.one_of(
st.tuples(children, children).map(lambda x: smt.ArraySort(x[0], x[1])),
children.map(lambda x: smt.SeqSort(x)),
names = st.sampled_from("x y z".split())
# I think we'll get more interesting bugs with more name clashes rather than exploring weird names
def binop(children, op) -> st.SearchStrategy:
return st.tuples(children, children).map(lambda t: op(t[0], t[1]))
def binops(children) -> st.SearchStrategy:
return st.one_of(
binop(children, op.add),
binop(children, op.sub),
binop(children, op.mul),
binop(children, op.truediv),
smt_int_val: st.SearchStrategy[smt.ArithRef] = st.integers().map(smt.IntVal)
smt_int_expr = st.recursive(
st.one_of(smt_int_val, names.map(smt.Int)),
lambda children: st.one_of(
binop(children, op.add),
binop(children, op.sub),
binop(children, op.mul),
binop(children, op.truediv),
lambda: st.tuples(smt_bool_expr, children, children).map(
lambda x: smt.If(x[0], x[1], x[2])
smt_bool_val: st.SearchStrategy[smt.BoolRef] = st.sampled_from(
[smt.BoolVal(True), smt.BoolVal(False)]
smt_real_val = st.fractions().map(smt.RealVal)
smt_real_expr = st.recursive(
lambda children: st.one_of(
binop(children, op.add),
binop(children, op.sub),
binop(children, op.mul),
binop(children, op.truediv),
lambda: st.tuples(smt_bool_expr, children, children).map(
lambda x: smt.If(x[0], x[1], x[2])
def compares(strat) -> st.SearchStrategy:
return st.one_of(
binop(strat, op.eq),
binop(strat, op.ne),
binop(strat, op.lt),
binop(strat, op.le),
binop(strat, op.gt),
binop(strat, op.ge),
smt_bool_expr = st.recursive(
lambda children: st.one_of(
binop(children, smt.And),
binop(children, smt.Or),
binop(children, smt.Xor),
st.tuples(children, children).map(lambda x: x[0] == x[1]),
st.tuples(children, children).map(lambda x: smt.Implies(x[0], x[1])),
smt_string_val = st.text().map(smt.StringVal)
def sort_occurs(s, s2, visited=None):
Check if a sort occurs in the datatype.
>>> import kdrag.theories.list as list
>>> sort_occurs(smt.IntSort(), list.List(smt.IntSort()))
>>> sort_occurs(smt.IntSort(), list.List(smt.BoolSort()))
>>> sort_occurs(smt.IntSort(), smt.IntSort())
if visited is None:
visited = set()
if s2 in visited:
return False
elif s == s2:
return True
elif isinstance(s2, smt.ArraySortRef):
return sort_occurs(s, s2.domain(), visited=visited) or sort_occurs(
s, s2.range(), visited=visited
elif isinstance(s2, smt.SeqSortRef):
return sort_occurs(s, s2.basis(), visited=visited)
elif isinstance(s2, smt.DatatypeSortRef):
for i in range(s2.num_constructors()):
cons = s2.constructor(i)
for j in range(cons.arity()):
field_sort = cons.domain(j)
if sort_occurs(s, field_sort, visited=visited):
return True
return False
return False
def smt_datatype_val(s: smt.DatatypeSortRef) -> st.SearchStrategy[smt.DatatypeRef]:
# TODO: with a lot of muscle grease, we could probably do better than a big deferred
bases = []
for i in range(s.num_constructors()):
cons = s.constructor(i)
if cons.arity() == 0:
bases.append(st.just(cons())) # optimization
elif all(not sort_occurs(s, cons.domain(j)) for j in range(cons.arity())):
args = []
for j in range(cons.arity()):
field_sort = cons.domain(j)
bases.append(st.tuples(*args).map(lambda args: cons(*args)))
base = st.one_of(bases)
def rec(children):
cases = []
for i in range(s.num_constructors()):
cons = s.constructor(i)
def conswrap(*args):
return cons(*args)
conswrap.__name__ = cons.name() # hack to get slightly better output
if any(sort_occurs(s, cons.domain(j)) for j in range(cons.arity())):
args = []
for j in range(cons.arity()):
field_sort = cons.domain(j)
args.append(val_of_sort(field_sort, knot_tie=(s, children)))
return st.one_of(*cases)
return st.recursive(base, rec)
def smt_seq_val(s: smt.SortRef) -> st.SearchStrategy[smt.SeqRef]:
vsort = val_of_sort(s)
return st.one_of(
vsort.map(lambda v: smt.Unit(v)),
st.lists(vsort, min_size=2).map(
lambda l: smt.Concat(*[smt.Unit(x) for x in l])
def z3_array_val(
dom: st.SearchStrategy[smt.ExprRef], ran: st.SearchStrategy[smt.ExprRef]
) -> st.SearchStrategy[smt.ArrayRef]:
def of_list(l: list[tuple[smt.ExprRef, smt.ExprRef]]) -> smt.ArrayRef:
k, v = l.pop()
acc = smt.K(k.sort(), v)
for k, v in l:
acc = smt.Store(acc, k, v)
return acc
return st.lists(st.tuples(dom, ran), min_size=1).map(of_list)
def val_of_sort(
s: smt.SortRef,
knot_tie: Optional[tuple[smt.SortRef, st.SearchStrategy[smt.ExprRef]]] = None,
) -> st.SearchStrategy[smt.ExprRef]:
Make a search strategy of values of a given SMT sort.
if knot_tie is not None and knot_tie[0] == s:
return knot_tie[1]
if s == smt.BoolSort():
return smt_bool_val
elif s == smt.IntSort():
return smt_int_val
elif s == smt.RealSort():
return smt_real_val
elif s == smt.StringSort():
return smt_string_val
elif isinstance(s, smt.ArraySortRef):
return z3_array_val(val_of_sort(s.domain()), val_of_sort(s.range()))
elif isinstance(s, smt.SeqSortRef):
return smt_seq_val(s.basis())
elif isinstance(s, smt.DatatypeSortRef):
return smt_datatype_val(s)
# return smt_generic_val(s) # This is really slow. We're better off just throwing an error
if slow_generic:
return smt_generic_val(s)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Don't know how to generate values for {s}")
# def expr_of_sort(s: smt.SortRef):
def smt_generic_val(draw: st.DrawFn, sort: smt.SortRef, maxiter=4) -> smt.ExprRef:
A hypothesis search strateegy that uses smt model generation to generate a value of a given SMT sort. It is slower
and will have worse shrinkage. To be used as a fallback.
x, y = smt.Consts("x y", sort)
s = smt.Solver()
# s.set("random_seed", draw(st.integers())) # Did not seem to work.
# According to Z3 docs, Solver is deterministic.
s.add(x == y)
res = s.check()
assert res == smt.sat
v = s.model()[x]
for j in range(draw(st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=maxiter))):
if res == smt.sat:
v = s.model()[x]
s.add(v != x)
res = s.check()
elif res == smt.unsat:
return v
def nitpick(thm: smt.QuantifierRef, deadline=100, **hyp_settings):
Run a hypothesis test to check that an instantiated forall is equivalent to the original forall.
assert isinstance(thm, smt.QuantifierRef) and thm.is_forall()
sorts = [val_of_sort(thm.var_sort(i)) for i in range(thm.num_vars())]
body = thm.body()
N = len(sorts)
# Todo: could specialize to arity of the quantifier. Probably not worth it.
@hypothesis.settings(deadline=deadline, **hyp_settings)
@hypothesis.given(**{str(i): sort for i, sort in enumerate(sorts)})
def nitpick(**kwargs):
t0 = smt.substitute_vars(body, *[kwargs[str(i)] for i in range(N - 1, -1, -1)])
hypothesis.note(("Starting point: ", t0))
t1 = kd.rewrite.simp(t0, max_iter=1000000000)
hypothesis.note(("Simplifies to: ", t1))
if not smt.is_true(t1):
s = smt.Solver()
s.set("timeout", 100)
res = s.check()
if res == smt.sat:
model = s.model()
hypothesis.note(("Counterexample: ", model))
raise AssertionError("Found a counterexample", model)
elif res == smt.unsat:
raise AssertionError("Could not find a counterexample")