Reflecting and reifying SMT expressions from/into Python values.
Evaluate a z3 expression in a given environment. |
Given a datatype sort and an index, return a named tuple with field names and the constructor. |
Normalization by evaluation. |
Reflect a function definition by injecting the parameters and recursive self call into the local environment. |
Turn a string of a python expression into a z3 expressions. |
sort directed reification of a python value. |
Give equivalent SMT sort for a given Python type. |
Give equivalent Python type for a given SMT sort. |
A closure that can be used to evaluate expressions in a given environment. |
- class kdrag.reflect.KnuckleClosure(lam: QuantifierRef, globals: dict[str, object], locals: dict[str, object], default: Callable[[ExprRef], object])
A closure that can be used to evaluate expressions in a given environment. We don’t use lambda so that we can inspect
- Parameters:
lam (QuantifierRef)
globals (dict[str, object])
locals (dict[str, object])
default (Callable[[ExprRef], object])
- default: Callable[[ExprRef], object]
- globals: dict[str, object]
- lam: QuantifierRef
- locals: dict[str, object]
- kdrag.reflect.eval_(e: ~z3.z3.ExprRef, globals={}, locals={}, default=<function __default_error>)
Evaluate a z3 expression in a given environment. The analog of python’s eval.
>>> eval_(smt.IntVal(42)) 42 >>> eval_(smt.IntVal(1) + smt.IntVal(2)) 3 >>> x = smt.Int("x") >>> eval_(smt.Lambda([x], x + 1)[3]) 4 >>> R = kd.Struct("R", ("x", kd.Z), ("y", smt.BoolSort())) >>> eval_(R(42, True).x) 42 >>> eval_(R(42,True).is_R) True
- Parameters:
e (ExprRef)
- kdrag.reflect.infer_sort(x: object) SortRef
- Parameters:
x (object)
- Return type:
- kdrag.reflect.namedtuple_of_constructor(sort: DatatypeSortRef, idx: int)
Given a datatype sort and an index, return a named tuple with field names and the constructor. >>> Nat = smt.Datatype(“Nat”) >>> Nat.declare(“Z”) >>> Nat.declare(“S”, (“pred”, Nat)) >>> Nat = Nat.create() >>> namedtuple_of_constructor(Nat, 1)(0) S(pred=0)
- Parameters:
sort (DatatypeSortRef)
idx (int)
- kdrag.reflect.nbe(x: ExprRef) ExprRef
Normalization by evaluation.
>>> nbe(smt.IntVal(41) + smt.IntVal(1)) 42 >>> x,y = smt.Ints("x y") >>> nbe(smt.Lambda([x], x + 1)[3]) 4 >>> nbe(smt.Lambda([x], x + 1)) Lambda(x, x + 1) >>> nbe(smt.Lambda([x], smt.IntVal(3) + 1)) Lambda(x, 3 + 1)
- Parameters:
x (ExprRef)
- Return type:
- kdrag.reflect.reflect(f, globals=None) FuncDeclRef
Reflect a function definition by injecting the parameters and recursive self call into the local environment. Uses type annotations to do so.
Only handles a purely functional subset of python. Simple assignment is handled as a let who’s scope extends to the end of it’s subbranch. Every branch must end with a return.
You can still call original function under attribute __wrapped__.
>>> def foo(x : int) -> int: ... return x + 3 >>> foo = reflect(foo) >>> foo.__wrapped__(3) 6 >>> foo.defn |- ForAll(x, foo(x) == x + 3)
>>> @reflect ... def bar(x : int, y : str) -> int: ... if x > 4: ... return x + 3 ... elif y == "fred": ... return 14 ... else: ... return bar(x - 1, y) >>> bar.defn |- ForAll([x, y], bar(x, y) == If(4 < x, x + 3, If(y == "fred", 14, bar(x - 1, y))))
- Return type:
- kdrag.reflect.reflect_expr_string(expr: str, globals=None, locals=None) ExprRef
Turn a string of a python expression into a z3 expressions. Globals are inferred to be current scope if not given.
>>> reflect_expr_string("x + 1", globals={"x": smt.Int("x")}) x + 1 >>> x = smt.Int("x") >>> f = smt.Function("f", smt.IntSort(), smt.IntSort()) >>> reflect_expr_string("f(x) + 1 if 0 < x < 5 < 7 else x * x") If(And(0 < x, 5 > x, 5 < 7), f(x) + 1, x*x)
- Parameters:
expr (str)
- Return type:
- kdrag.reflect.reify(s: SortRef, x: object) ExprRef
sort directed reification of a python value. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normalisation_by_evaluation >>> reify(smt.IntSort(), 42) 42 >>> reify(smt.IntSort(), 42).sort() Int >>> x = smt.Int(“x”) >>> kd.utils.alpha_eq(reify(smt.ArraySort(smt.IntSort(), smt.IntSort()), lambda x: x + 1), smt.Lambda([x], x + 1)) True >>> reify(smt.RealSort(), fractions.Fraction(10,16)) 5/8
- Parameters:
s (SortRef)
x (object)
- Return type:
- kdrag.reflect.sort_of_type(t: type) SortRef
Give equivalent SMT sort for a given Python type.
>>> sort_of_type(int) Int >>> sort_of_type(list[int]) Seq(Int) >>> sort_of_type(dict[str, int]) Array(String, Int)
- Parameters:
t (type)
- Return type:
- kdrag.reflect.type_of_sort(s: SortRef) type
Give equivalent Python type for a given SMT sort.
>>> type_of_sort(smt.IntSort()) <class 'int'> >>> type_of_sort(smt.ArraySort(smt.StringSort(), smt.IntSort())) dict[str, int] >>> type_of_sort(smt.SeqSort(smt.IntSort())) list[int]
- Parameters:
s (SortRef)
- Return type:
Reflecting and reifying SMT expressions from/into Python values.
import kdrag.smt as smt
import kdrag as kd
import typing
import fractions
import functools
from typing import Callable, no_type_check
from collections import namedtuple
import operator
from dataclasses import dataclass
import ast
import inspect
def sort_of_type(t: type) -> smt.SortRef:
Give equivalent SMT sort for a given Python type.
>>> sort_of_type(int)
>>> sort_of_type(list[int])
>>> sort_of_type(dict[str, int])
Array(String, Int)
origin = typing.get_origin(t)
if origin is None:
if t is int:
return smt.IntSort()
elif t is fractions.Fraction:
return smt.RealSort()
elif t is bool:
return smt.BoolSort()
elif t is float:
return smt.RealSort() # Floats correspond to reals in SMT
elif t is str:
return smt.StringSort()
# elif is_subclassof(t, NamedTuple):
# # Handle NamedTuple fields as a tuple sort
# fields = t._field_types # Get fields and types from the NamedTuple
# return smt.TupleSort(*[sort_of_type(typ) for typ in fields.values()])
raise NotImplementedError(f"Type {t} is not supported")
# Handle generic types
args = typing.get_args(t)
if origin is list:
if len(args) != 1:
raise NotImplementedError("List must have exactly one type parameter")
return smt.SeqSort(sort_of_type(args[0])) # Lists as sequences
# elif origin is tuple:
# return smt.TupleSort(*[sort_of_type(arg) for arg in args])
elif origin is dict:
if len(args) != 2:
raise NotImplementedError("Dict must have exactly two type parameters")
return smt.ArraySort(sort_of_type(args[0]), sort_of_type(args[1]))
# elif origin == Union:
# return smt.DatatypeSortRef(*[sort_of_type(arg) for arg in args])
raise NotImplementedError(f"Generic type {origin} is not supported")
def type_of_sort(s: smt.SortRef) -> type:
Give equivalent Python type for a given SMT sort.
>>> type_of_sort(smt.IntSort())
<class 'int'>
>>> type_of_sort(smt.ArraySort(smt.StringSort(), smt.IntSort()))
dict[str, int]
>>> type_of_sort(smt.SeqSort(smt.IntSort()))
if s == smt.IntSort():
return int
elif s == smt.RealSort():
return fractions.Fraction
elif s == smt.BoolSort():
return bool
elif s == smt.StringSort():
return str
elif isinstance(s, smt.ArraySortRef):
return dict[type_of_sort(s.domain()), type_of_sort(s.range())]
elif isinstance(s, smt.SeqSortRef):
return list[type_of_sort(s.basis())]
raise NotImplementedError(f"Sort {s} is not supported")
def namedtuple_of_constructor(sort: smt.DatatypeSortRef, idx: int):
Given a datatype sort and an index, return a named tuple with field names and the constructor.
>>> Nat = smt.Datatype("Nat")
>>> Nat.declare("Z")
>>> Nat.declare("S", ("pred", Nat))
>>> Nat = Nat.create()
>>> namedtuple_of_constructor(Nat, 1)(0)
decl = sort.constructor(idx)
fields = [sort.accessor(idx, i).name() for i in range(decl.arity())]
return namedtuple(decl.name(), fields)
class KnuckleClosure:
A closure that can be used to evaluate expressions in a given environment.
We don't use lambda so that we can inspect
lam: smt.QuantifierRef
globals: dict[str, object]
locals: dict[str, object]
default: Callable[[smt.ExprRef], object]
def __call__(self, *args):
# TODO: Should I open binder more eagerly before call?
vs, body = kd.utils.open_binder(self.lam)
return eval_(
**{v.decl().name(): arg for v, arg in zip(vs, args)},
def __default_error(e):
raise ValueError(f"Cannot evaluate {e}")
# This is fiendishly difficult to typecheck probably
def eval_(e: smt.ExprRef, globals={}, locals={}, default=__default_error):
Evaluate a z3 expression in a given environment. The analog of python's `eval`.
>>> eval_(smt.IntVal(42))
>>> eval_(smt.IntVal(1) + smt.IntVal(2))
>>> x = smt.Int("x")
>>> eval_(smt.Lambda([x], x + 1)[3])
>>> R = kd.Struct("R", ("x", kd.Z), ("y", smt.BoolSort()))
>>> eval_(R(42, True).x)
>>> eval_(R(42,True).is_R)
def worker(e, locals):
if isinstance(e, smt.QuantifierRef):
if e.is_lambda():
# also possibly lookup Lambda in globals.
if "Lambda" in globals:
vs, body = open_binder(e)
return globals["Lambda"]
return KnuckleClosure(e, globals, locals, default)
raise ValueError("Quantifier not implemented", e)
elif isinstance(e, smt.IntNumRef): # smt.is_int_value(e):
return e.as_long()
elif isinstance(e, smt.RatNumRef):
return fractions.Fraction(e.numerator_as_long(), e.denominator_as_long())
elif isinstance(e, smt.FPNumRef):
raise ValueError("FPNumRef not implemented")
elif smt.is_app(e):
# Lazy evaluation of if, and, or, implies
if smt.is_if(e):
c = worker(e.arg(0), locals)
if isinstance(c, bool):
if c:
return worker(e.arg(1), locals)
return worker(e.arg(2), locals)
elif "If" in globals:
return globals["If"](
c, worker(e.arg(1), locals), worker(e.arg(2), locals)
elif isinstance(c, smt.ExprRef):
return smt.If(
worker(e.arg(1), locals),
worker(e.arg(2), locals),
# TODO: possibly lookup "If" in environment?
raise ValueError("If condition not a boolean or expression", c)
elif smt.is_and(e):
acc = []
for child in e.children():
echild = worker(child, locals)
if isinstance(echild, bool):
if echild:
return False
if len(acc) == 0:
return True
return functools.reduce(operator.and_, acc)
# return smt.And(acc)
elif smt.is_or(e):
acc = []
for child in e.children():
echild = worker(child, locals)
if echild is True:
return True
elif echild is False:
if len(acc) == 0:
return False
return functools.reduce(operator.or_, acc)
# return smt.Or(acc) # TODO: possibly simplify or
elif smt.is_implies(e):
cond = worker(e.arg(0), locals)
if isinstance(cond, bool):
if cond:
return worker(e.arg(1), locals)
return True
return smt.Implies(
cond, worker(e.arg(1), locals)
) # TODO: possibly simplify implies if consequent evaluates to a bool?
# eval all children
children = list(map(lambda x: worker(x, locals), e.children()))
decl = e.decl()
if decl in kd.kernel.defns:
defn = kd.kernel.defns[e.decl()]
# Fresh vars and add to context?
# e1 = z3.substitute(defn.body, *zip(defn.args, e.children()))
f = worker(smt.Lambda(defn.args, defn.body), locals)
return f(*children)
# return eval_(
# smt.Select(smt.Lambda(defn.args, defn.body), *children), globals=globals
# )
# return eval_(env, e1)
elif decl.name() in locals:
if smt.is_const(e):
return locals[decl.name()]
return locals[decl.name()](*children)
elif decl.name() in globals:
# hasattr(globals[decl.name()], "__call__")?
if smt.is_const(e):
return globals[decl.name()]
return globals[decl.name()](*children)
elif smt.is_accessor(e):
# return children[0][decl.name()]
return getattr(children[0], e.decl().name())
elif smt.is_select(e): # apply
if isinstance(children[0], Callable):
return children[0](*children[1:])
elif len(children) == 2:
return children[0][children[1]]
raise ValueError("Select not implemented", e)
elif smt.is_store(e):
raise ValueError("Store not implemented", e)
# #return children[0]._replace(children[1], children[2])
elif smt.is_const_array(e):
return lambda x: children[0] # Maybe return a Closure here?
elif smt.is_map(e):
raise ValueError("Map not implemented", e)
# return map(children[0], children[1])
elif smt.is_constructor(e):
sort, decl = e.sort(), e.decl()
i = 0 # Can't have 0 constructors. Makes typechecker happy
for i in range(sort.num_constructors()):
if e.decl() == sort.constructor(i):
cons = namedtuple_of_constructor(sort, i)
return cons(*children)
elif isinstance(e, smt.BoolRef):
if smt.is_true(e):
return True
elif smt.is_false(e):
return False
elif smt.is_not(e):
return ~children[0]
elif smt.is_eq(e):
return children[0] == children[1]
elif smt.is_lt(e):
return children[0] < children[1]
elif smt.is_le(e):
return children[0] <= children[1]
elif smt.is_ge(e):
return children[0] >= children[1]
elif smt.is_gt(e):
return children[0] > children[1]
elif smt.is_recognizer(e):
sort = e.arg(0).sort()
decl = e.decl()
name = None
for i in range(sort.num_constructors()):
if e.decl() == sort.recognizer(i):
name = sort.constructor(i).name()
assert name is not None
if type(children[0]).__name__ == name:
return True
return False
return default(e)
# elif smt.is_string_value(e):
# return e.as_string()
# elif isisntance(e, ArithRef):
elif smt.is_add(e):
return functools.reduce(operator.add, children)
elif smt.is_mul(e):
return functools.reduce(operator.mul, children)
elif smt.is_sub(e):
return children[0] - children[1]
elif smt.is_div(e):
return children[0] / children[1]
elif smt.is_idiv(e):
return children[0] // children[1]
elif smt.is_power(e):
return children[0] ** children[1]
elif smt.is_mod(e):
return children[0] % children[1]
# we could raise error, or just return the expression itself (object | ExprRef) semantics
return default(e)
return default(e)
return worker(e, locals)
def reify(s: smt.SortRef, x: object) -> smt.ExprRef:
sort directed reification of a python value. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normalisation_by_evaluation
>>> reify(smt.IntSort(), 42)
>>> reify(smt.IntSort(), 42).sort()
>>> x = smt.Int("x")
>>> kd.utils.alpha_eq(reify(smt.ArraySort(smt.IntSort(), smt.IntSort()), lambda x: x + 1), smt.Lambda([x], x + 1))
>>> reify(smt.RealSort(), fractions.Fraction(10,16))
if isinstance(x, KnuckleClosure):
return x.lam # TODO: Do I need to substitute in the env? Probably. That stinks. recurse into subterms, find name matches, reify those out of env
if isinstance(x, smt.ExprRef):
if x.sort() != s:
raise ValueError(f"Sort mismatch of {x} : {x.sort()} != {s}")
return x # Although if we deeply modelled smt inside smt, maybe we'd want to quote here.
elif isinstance(s, smt.ArraySortRef):
# TODO: Probably not right, also not dealing with multi arg lambdas.
if isinstance(x, Callable):
v = smt.FreshConst(s.domain())
y = x(v)
assert y.sort() == s.range()
return smt.Lambda([v], y)
raise ValueError(f"Cannot call {x} as an array sort {s}")
elif isinstance(s, smt.DatatypeSortRef):
if isinstance(x, tuple):
for i in range(s.num_constructors()):
decl = s.constructor(i)
if decl.name() == type(x).__name__:
arity = decl.arity()
assert len(x) == arity
return decl(*[reify(decl.domain(j), x[j]) for j in range(arity)])
raise ValueError(f"Cannot reify {x} as a datatype {s}")
raise ValueError("Reification on datatypesort not yet implemented")
elif s == smt.IntSort():
return smt.IntVal(x)
elif s == smt.RealSort():
return smt.RealVal(x)
elif s == smt.BoolSort():
return smt.BoolVal(x)
elif s == smt.StringSort():
return smt.StringVal(x)
raise ValueError(f"Cannot reify {x} as an expression")
def infer_sort(x: object) -> smt.SortRef:
if isinstance(x, int):
return smt.IntSort()
elif isinstance(x, fractions.Fraction):
return smt.RealSort()
elif isinstance(x, bool):
return smt.BoolSort()
elif isinstance(x, str):
return smt.StringSort()
elif isinstance(x, list):
assert len(x) > 0
return smt.SeqSort(infer_sort(x[0]))
elif isinstance(x, KnuckleClosure):
return x.lam.sort()
raise ValueError(f"Cannot infer sort of {x}")
def nbe(x: smt.ExprRef) -> smt.ExprRef:
Normalization by evaluation.
>>> nbe(smt.IntVal(41) + smt.IntVal(1))
>>> x,y = smt.Ints("x y")
>>> nbe(smt.Lambda([x], x + 1)[3])
>>> nbe(smt.Lambda([x], x + 1))
Lambda(x, x + 1)
>>> nbe(smt.Lambda([x], smt.IntVal(3) + 1))
Lambda(x, 3 + 1)
return reify(x.sort(), eval_(x))
def _lookup(name, globals=None, locals=None):
if locals is not None and name in locals:
return locals[name]
if globals is not None and name in globals:
return globals[name]
raise ValueError(f"Could not find {name} in global or local environment")
def _reflect_expr(expr: ast.expr, globals=None, locals=None) -> smt.ExprRef:
def rec(expr: ast.expr) -> smt.ExprRef:
match expr:
case ast.Constant(value, kind=None):
return smt._py2expr(value)
# case ast.UnaryOp(ast.UAdd(), operand):
# return +rec(operand)
case ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), operand):
return ~rec(operand) # type: ignore
case ast.UnaryOp(ast.USub(), operand):
return -rec(operand) # type: ignore
case ast.UnaryOp(ast.Invert(), operand):
return ~rec(operand) # type: ignore
case ast.UnaryOp(_, operand):
raise NotImplementedError(f"UnaryOp {expr.op}")
case ast.BinOp(left=l, op=ast.Add(), right=r):
return rec(l) + rec(r) # type: ignore
case ast.BinOp(left=l, op=ast.Sub(), right=r):
return rec(l) - rec(r) # type: ignore
case ast.BinOp(left=l, op=ast.Mult(), right=r):
return rec(l) * rec(r) # type: ignore
case ast.BinOp(left=l, op=ast.Div(), right=r):
return rec(l) / rec(r) # type: ignore
case ast.BinOp(left=l, op=ast.Mod(), right=r):
return rec(l) % rec(r) # type: ignore
case ast.BinOp(left=l, op=ast.Pow(), right=r):
return rec(l) ** rec(r) # type: ignore
case ast.BinOp(left=l, op=ast.LShift(), right=r):
return rec(l) << rec(r) # type: ignore
case ast.BinOp(left=l, op=ast.RShift(), right=r):
return rec(l) >> rec(r) # type: ignore
case ast.BinOp(left=l, op=ast.BitOr(), right=r):
return rec(l) | rec(r) # type: ignore
case ast.BinOp(left=l, op=ast.BitXor(), right=r):
return rec(l) ^ rec(r) # type: ignore
case ast.BinOp(left=l, op=ast.BitAnd(), right=r):
return rec(l) & rec(r) # type: ignore
case ast.BinOp(left=l, op=ast.FloorDiv(), right=r):
return rec(l) // rec(r) # type: ignore
case ast.BoolOp(op=ast.And(), values=values):
return smt.And(*map(rec, values))
case ast.BoolOp(op=ast.Or(), values=values):
return smt.Or(*map(rec, values))
case ast.Compare(left, ops, rights):
acc = []
left = rec(left)
for op, right in zip(ops, rights):
right = rec(right)
match op:
case ast.Eq():
acc.append(smt.Eq(left, right))
case ast.NotEq():
acc.append(left != right)
case ast.Lt():
acc.append(left < right) # type: ignore
case ast.LtE():
acc.append(left <= right) # type: ignore
case ast.Gt():
acc.append(left > right) # type: ignore
case ast.GtE():
acc.append(left >= right) # type: ignore
case _:
raise NotImplementedError(f"Compare {op}")
left = right
if len(acc) > 1:
return smt.And(*acc)
return acc[0]
case ast.Call(ast.Name(id_, _ctx), args, keywords):
assert keywords == []
f = _lookup(id_, globals=globals, locals=locals)
return f(*map(rec, args))
case ast.IfExp(test, body, orelse):
return smt.If(rec(test), rec(body), rec(orelse))
case ast.Name(id_, _ctx):
return _lookup(id_, locals, globals)
case ast.Attribute(value, attr, _ctx):
return getattr(rec(value), attr)
case x:
raise ValueError("Could not interpret expression", ast.dump(x))
return rec(expr)
def _calling_globals_locals():
stack = inspect.stack()
if len(stack) > 2:
caller_frame = stack[2]
frame = caller_frame.frame
return frame.f_locals, frame.f_globals
raise ValueError("No calling site found")
def reflect_expr_string(expr: str, globals=None, locals=None) -> smt.ExprRef:
Turn a string of a python expression into a z3 expressions.
Globals are inferred to be current scope if not given.
>>> reflect_expr_string("x + 1", globals={"x": smt.Int("x")})
x + 1
>>> x = smt.Int("x")
>>> f = smt.Function("f", smt.IntSort(), smt.IntSort())
>>> reflect_expr_string("f(x) + 1 if 0 < x < 5 < 7 else x * x")
If(And(0 < x, 5 > x, 5 < 7), f(x) + 1, x*x)
if globals is None:
globals, _ = _calling_globals_locals()
return _reflect_expr(
ast.parse(expr, mode="eval").body, globals=globals, locals=locals
def _reflect_stmts(stmts: list[ast.stmt], globals=None, locals=None) -> smt.ExprRef:
Turn a list of python statements into a z3 Expression.
This is a "purely functional" subset of python, with assignment treated as a `let`.
It is possible to model more of python but that is not what this function is for. It works for a subset of python for which
the behavior of the mathematical language of Knuckledragger and python coincide.
A very restricted subset of python statements are allowed.
It must be a sequence of simple assignments ended by a return or if statement.
for loops, while loops are not allowed.
assert len(stmts) > 0
if locals is None:
locals = {}
for stmt in stmts[:-1]:
match stmt:
case ast.Assign(targets=[ast.Name(id_, _ctx)], value=value):
value = _reflect_expr(value, globals=globals, locals=locals)
locals = {**locals, id_: value}
case _:
raise ValueError(f"Statement {stmt}")
match stmts[-1]:
case ast.Return(value=value):
if value is None:
raise ValueError("Returning None not allowed")
return _reflect_expr(value, globals, locals)
case ast.If(test, body, orelse):
test = _reflect_expr(test, globals, locals)
body = _reflect_stmts(body, globals, locals)
orelse = _reflect_stmts(orelse, globals, locals)
return smt.If(test, body, orelse)
# Todo match.
case _:
raise ValueError(
f"Statement {ast.dump(stmts[-1])} not supported as last statement. Must be a return or if"
def _sort_of_annotation(ann, env):
match ann:
case ast.Name(id_):
s = eval(id_, env)
if isinstance(s, smt.SortRef):
return s
elif isinstance(s, type):
return sort_of_type(s)
# if id_ == "int":
# return smt.IntSort()
raise NotImplementedError(f"Name {id_}")
case ast.Constant(value):
s = eval(value.replace('"', ""), env)
assert isinstance(s, smt.SortRef)
return s
case _:
raise NotImplementedError(f"Annotation {ast.dump(ann)}")
def reflect(f, globals=None) -> smt.FuncDeclRef:
Reflect a function definition by injecting the parameters and recursive self call into the local environment.
Uses type annotations to do so.
Only handles a purely functional subset of python.
Simple assignment is handled as a `let` who's scope extends to the end of it's subbranch.
Every branch must end with a return.
You can still call original function under attribute `__wrapped__`.
>>> def foo(x : int) -> int:
... return x + 3
>>> foo = reflect(foo)
>>> foo.__wrapped__(3)
>>> foo.defn
|- ForAll(x, foo(x) == x + 3)
>>> @reflect
... def bar(x : int, y : str) -> int:
... if x > 4:
... return x + 3
... elif y == "fred":
... return 14
... else:
... return bar(x - 1, y)
>>> bar.defn
|- ForAll([x, y],
bar(x, y) ==
If(4 < x, x + 3, If(y == "fred", 14, bar(x - 1, y))))
module = ast.parse(inspect.getsource(f))
assert isinstance(module, ast.Module) and len(module.body) == 1
fun = module.body[0]
assert isinstance(fun, ast.FunctionDef)
assert len(fun.args.posonlyargs) == 0 and len(fun.args.kwonlyargs) == 0
locals = {}
if globals is None:
globals, _ = _calling_globals_locals()
# infer arguments from type annotations.
args = [
smt.Const(arg.arg, _sort_of_annotation(arg.annotation, globals))
for arg in fun.args.args
if fun.returns is None:
raise ValueError(f"Function {fun.name} must have a return type annotation")
# insert self name into locals so that recursive calls work.
z3fun = smt.Function(
*[arg.sort() for arg in args],
_sort_of_annotation(fun.returns, globals),
locals[fun.name] = z3fun
for arg in args:
locals[arg.decl().name()] = arg
# Actually interpret body.
body = _reflect_stmts(fun.body, globals=globals, locals=locals)
z3fun1 = kd.define(fun.name, args, body)
# Check that types work out.
if z3fun.range() != z3fun1.range():
raise ValueError(
f"Function {fun.name} has return type {_sort_of_annotation(fun.returns, globals)} but body evaluates to {body.sort()}"
# This should never fail.
assert z3fun.arity() == z3fun1.arity() and all(
z3fun.domain(i) == z3fun1.domain(i) for i in range(z3fun.arity())
return functools.update_wrapper(z3fun1, f) # type: ignore