Various term manipulation helpers. Pattern matchers, unifiers, rewriters, term orderings, etc.
Build a dictionary of rules indexed by their lhs head function declaration. |
Return all function declarations in a term. |
A generator of values for a sort. |
Unpack theorem of form forall vs, body => head into a HornClause tuple |
Knuth Bendix Ordering, naive implementation. |
Scan all modules for Proof objects and return a dictionary of them. |
Lexicographic path ordering. |
Does x occur in t? |
Open a quantifier with fresh variables |
Pattern match t against pat considering vs as variables. |
Ask an AI. |
Check both quantifiers are of the same kind |
Sweep through term once performing rewrites. |
Rewrite at root a single time. |
Repeat rewrite until no more rewrites are possible. |
Unpack theorem of form forall vs, lhs = rhs into a Rule tuple |
simplify a term using z3 built in simplifier |
simplify a term using z3 built in simplifier |
Generate all sorts in a term |
Generate all subterms of a term |
Unification using de Bruijn indices as variables |
A rewrite rule tuple |
- class kdrag.utils.HornClause(vs, head, body)
- body: list[BoolRef]
Alias for field number 2
- count(value, /)
Return number of occurrences of value.
- head: BoolRef
Alias for field number 1
- index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)
Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
- vs: list[ExprRef]
Alias for field number 0
- class kdrag.utils.Order(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
- EQ = 0
- GR = 1
- NGE = 2
- classmethod __contains__(value)
Return True if value is in cls.
value is in cls if: 1) value is a member of cls, or 2) value is the value of one of the cls’s members.
- classmethod __getitem__(name)
Return the member matching name.
- classmethod __iter__()
Return members in definition order.
- classmethod __len__()
Return the number of members (no aliases)
- class kdrag.utils.Rule(vs: list[ExprRef], lhs: ExprRef, rhs: ExprRef)
A rewrite rule tuple
- count(value, /)
Return number of occurrences of value.
- index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)
Return first index of value.
Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
- lhs: ExprRef
Alias for field number 1
- rhs: ExprRef
Alias for field number 2
- vs: list[ExprRef]
Alias for field number 0
- kdrag.utils.alpha_eq(t1, t2)
- kdrag.utils.apply(goal: BoolRef, vs: list[ExprRef], head: BoolRef, body: BoolRef) BoolRef
- kdrag.utils.decl_index(rules: list[Rule]) dict[FuncDeclRef, Rule]
Build a dictionary of rules indexed by their lhs head function declaration.
- kdrag.utils.decls(t: ExprRef)
Return all function declarations in a term.
- kdrag.utils.expr_to_lean(expr: ExprRef)
- kdrag.utils.generate(sort: SortRef)
A generator of values for a sort. Repeatedly calls z3 to get a new value.
- kdrag.utils.horn_of_theorem(thm: BoolRef) HornClause
Unpack theorem of form forall vs, body => head into a HornClause tuple
- kdrag.utils.is_subterm(t: ExprRef, t2: ExprRef) bool
- kdrag.utils.is_value(t: ExprRef)
- kdrag.utils.kbo(vs: list[ExprRef], t1: ExprRef, t2: ExprRef) Order
Knuth Bendix Ordering, naive implementation. All weights are 1. Source: Term Rewriting and All That section 5.4.4
- kdrag.utils.lemma_db()
Scan all modules for Proof objects and return a dictionary of them.
- kdrag.utils.lpo(vs: list[ExprRef], t1: ExprRef, t2: ExprRef) Order
Lexicographic path ordering. Based on https://www21.in.tum.de/~nipkow/TRaAT/programs/termorders.ML TODO add ordering parameter.
- kdrag.utils.occurs(x, t)
Does x occur in t?
- kdrag.utils.open_binder(lam: QuantifierRef) tuple[list[ExprRef], ExprRef]
Open a quantifier with fresh variables
- kdrag.utils.pmatch(vs: list[ExprRef], pat: ExprRef, t: ExprRef, subst=None) dict[ExprRef, ExprRef] | None
Pattern match t against pat considering vs as variables. Returns substitution dictionary if succeeds https://www.philipzucker.com/ho_unify/
- kdrag.utils.pmatch_rec(vs: list[ExprRef], pat: ExprRef, t: ExprRef) dict[ExprRef, ExprRef] | None
- kdrag.utils.prompt(prompt: str)
Ask an AI.
Get the root directory of the current package, find all .py files within that directory, and concatenate their contents into a single string separated by —.
- Returns:
A single string with all .py files concatenated, separated by —.
- Return type:
- kdrag.utils.quant_kind_eq(t1: ExprRef, t2: ExprRef) bool
Check both quantifiers are of the same kind
- kdrag.utils.rewrite(t: ExprRef, rules: list[Rule]) ExprRef
Sweep through term once performing rewrites.
- kdrag.utils.rewrite1(t: ExprRef, vs: list[ExprRef], lhs: ExprRef, rhs: ExprRef) ExprRef | None
Rewrite at root a single time.
- kdrag.utils.rewrite_star(t: ExprRef, rules: list[Rule]) ExprRef
Repeat rewrite until no more rewrites are possible.
- kdrag.utils.rule_of_theorem(thm: BoolRef) Rule
Unpack theorem of form forall vs, lhs = rhs into a Rule tuple
- kdrag.utils.simp(t: ExprRef) ExprRef
simplify a term using z3 built in simplifier
- kdrag.utils.simp2(t: ExprRef) ExprRef
simplify a term using z3 built in simplifier
- kdrag.utils.sorts(t: ExprRef)
Generate all sorts in a term
- kdrag.utils.subterms(t: ExprRef)
Generate all subterms of a term
- kdrag.utils.unify_db(p1: ExprRef, p2: ExprRef) dict[ExprRef, ExprRef] | None
Unification using de Bruijn indices as variables
Various term manipulation helpers. Pattern matchers, unifiers, rewriters, term orderings, etc.
from kdrag.kernel import is_proof
import kdrag.smt as smt
import sys
import kdrag as kd
from typing import Optional, NamedTuple
from enum import Enum
def simp(t: smt.ExprRef) -> smt.ExprRef:
"""simplify a term using z3 built in simplifier"""
expr = smt.FreshConst(t.sort(), prefix="knuckle_goal")
G = smt.Goal()
for v in kd.kernel.defns.values():
G.add(expr == t)
G2 = smt.Then(smt.Tactic("demodulator"), smt.Tactic("simplify")).apply(G)[0]
# TODO make this extraction more robust
return G2[len(G2) - 1].children()[1]
def simp2(t: smt.ExprRef) -> smt.ExprRef:
"""simplify a term using z3 built in simplifier"""
expr = smt.FreshConst(t.sort(), prefix="knuckle_goal")
G = smt.Goal()
for v in kd.kernel.defns.values():
G.add(expr == t)
G2 = smt.Tactic("elim-predicates").apply(G)[0]
return G2[len(G2) - 1].children()[1]
# TODO: Doesn't seem to do anything?
# def factor(t: smt.ExprRef) -> smt.ExprRef:
# """factor a term using z3 built in tactic"""
# expr = smt.FreshConst(t.sort(), prefix="knuckle_goal")
# G = smt.Goal()
# for v in kd.kernel.defns.values():
# G.add(v.ax.thm)
# G.add(expr == t)
# G2 = smt.Tactic("factor").apply(G)[0]
# return G2[len(G2) - 1].children()[1]
def pmatch(
vs: list[smt.ExprRef], pat: smt.ExprRef, t: smt.ExprRef, subst=None
) -> Optional[dict[smt.ExprRef, smt.ExprRef]]:
Pattern match t against pat considering vs as variables. Returns substitution dictionary if succeeds
if pat.sort() != t.sort():
return None
if subst is None:
subst = {}
todo = [(pat, t)]
no_escape = []
def is_var(x):
return any(x.eq(v) for v in vs)
def check_escape(x):
if any(x.eq(v) for v in no_escape):
return False
return all(check_escape(c) for c in x.children())
while todo:
pat, t = todo.pop()
if is_var(pat): # regular pattern
if pat in subst:
if not alpha_eq(subst[pat], t):
return None
if check_escape(t): # check_escape is relative of occurs_check
subst[pat] = t
return None
elif smt.is_select(pat) and is_var(pat.arg(0)):
# higher order pattern. "select" is smt speak for apply.
# F[x,y,z] = t ---> F = Lambda([x,y,z], t)
F = pat.arg(0)
allowedvars = pat.children()[1:]
if any(
v not in no_escape for v in allowedvars
): # TODO: this is probably wrong
raise Exception(
"Improper higher order pattern", pat
) # we could relax this to do syntactic unification here.
# By commenting this out, I've enabled non obviously bound constants
# other option: Just lift them all out.
# smt.subsitute(t, *[zip(a,a.FreshConst("")) for a for allowed_vars])
t1 = smt.Lambda(allowedvars, t)
todo.append((F, t1))
elif smt.is_quantifier(pat):
if (
not smt.is_quantifier(t)
or not quant_kind_eq(t, pat)
or t.num_vars() != pat.num_vars()
return None
vs1, patbody = open_binder(pat)
tbody = smt.substitute_vars(t.body(), *reversed(vs1))
todo.append((patbody, tbody))
elif smt.is_app(pat):
if not smt.is_app(t) or pat.decl() != t.decl():
return None
todo.extend(zip(pat.children(), t.children()))
raise Exception("Unexpected pattern", t, pat)
return subst
def pmatch_rec(
vs: list[smt.ExprRef], pat: smt.ExprRef, t: smt.ExprRef
) -> Optional[dict[smt.ExprRef, smt.ExprRef]]:
todo = [t]
while todo:
t = todo.pop()
subst = pmatch(vs, pat, t)
if subst is not None:
return subst
elif smt.is_app(t):
def rewrite1(
t: smt.ExprRef, vs: list[smt.ExprRef], lhs: smt.ExprRef, rhs: smt.ExprRef
) -> Optional[smt.ExprRef]:
Rewrite at root a single time.
subst = pmatch(vs, lhs, t)
if subst is not None:
return smt.substitute(rhs, *subst.items())
return None
def apply(
goal: smt.BoolRef, vs: list[smt.ExprRef], head: smt.BoolRef, body: smt.BoolRef
) -> smt.BoolRef:
return rewrite1(goal, vs, head, body)
class Rule(NamedTuple):
"""A rewrite rule tuple"""
vs: list[smt.ExprRef]
lhs: smt.ExprRef
rhs: smt.ExprRef
def rewrite(t: smt.ExprRef, rules: list[Rule]) -> smt.ExprRef:
Sweep through term once performing rewrites.
if smt.is_app(t):
t = t.decl()(*[rewrite(arg, rules) for arg in t.children()]) # rewrite children
for vs, lhs, rhs in rules:
res = rewrite1(t, vs, lhs, rhs)
if res is not None:
t = res
return t
def rule_of_theorem(thm: smt.BoolRef) -> Rule:
Unpack theorem of form `forall vs, lhs = rhs` into a Rule tuple
vs = []
while smt.is_quantifier(thm):
if thm.is_forall():
vs1, thm = open_binder(thm)
raise Exception("Not a universal quantifier", thm)
if not smt.is_eq(thm):
raise Exception("Not an equation", thm)
lhs, rhs = thm.children()
return Rule(vs, lhs, rhs)
def decl_index(rules: list[Rule]) -> dict[smt.FuncDeclRef, Rule]:
"""Build a dictionary of rules indexed by their lhs head function declaration."""
return {lhs.decl(): (vs, lhs, rhs) for vs, lhs, rhs in rules}
def rewrite_star(t: smt.ExprRef, rules: list[Rule]) -> smt.ExprRef:
Repeat rewrite until no more rewrites are possible.
while True:
t1 = rewrite(t, rules)
if t1.eq(t):
return t1
t = t1
def open_binder(lam: smt.QuantifierRef) -> tuple[list[smt.ExprRef], smt.ExprRef]:
"""Open a quantifier with fresh variables"""
# Open with capitalized names to match tptp conventions
vs = [
smt.FreshConst(lam.var_sort(i), prefix=lam.var_name(i).upper().split("!")[0])
for i in range(lam.num_vars())
return vs, smt.substitute_vars(lam.body(), *reversed(vs))
def occurs(x, t):
"""Does x occur in t?"""
if smt.is_var(t):
return x.eq(t)
if smt.is_app(t):
return any(occurs(x, t.arg(i)) for i in range(t.num_args()))
return False
def unify_db(
p1: smt.ExprRef, p2: smt.ExprRef
) -> Optional[dict[smt.ExprRef, smt.ExprRef]]:
"""Unification using de Bruijn indices as variables"""
subst = {}
todo = [(p1, p2)]
while todo:
p1, p2 = todo.pop() # we could pop _any_ of the todos, not just the top.
if p1.eq(p2): # delete
elif smt.is_var(p1): # elim
if occurs(p1, p2):
return None
todo = [
(smt.substitute(t1, (p1, p2)), smt.substitute(t2, (p1, p2)))
for (t1, t2) in todo
subst = {k: smt.substitute(v, (p1, p2)) for k, v in subst.items()}
subst[p1] = p2
elif smt.is_var(p2): # orient
todo.append((p2, p1))
elif smt.is_app(p1): # decompose
if not smt.is_app(p2) or p1.decl() != p2.decl():
return None
todo.extend(zip(p1.children(), p2.children()))
raise Exception("unexpected case", p1, p2)
return subst
def quant_kind_eq(t1: smt.ExprRef, t2: smt.ExprRef) -> bool:
"""Check both quantifiers are of the same kind"""
return (
t1.is_forall() == t2.is_forall()
and t1.is_exists() == t2.is_exists()
and t1.is_lambda() == t2.is_lambda()
def alpha_eq(t1, t2):
if t1.eq(t2): # fast path
return True
elif smt.is_quantifier(t1):
if (
and quant_kind_eq(t1, t2)
and t1.num_vars() == t2.num_vars()
and [t1.var_sort(i) == t2.var_sort(i) for i in range(t1.num_vars())]
vs, body1 = open_binder(t1)
body2 = smt.substitute_vars(t2.body(), *reversed(vs))
return alpha_eq(body1, body2)
return False
elif smt.is_app(t1):
if smt.is_app(t2) and t1.decl() == t2.decl():
return all(alpha_eq(t1.arg(i), t2.arg(i)) for i in range(t1.num_args()))
return False
raise Exception(f"Unexpected terms in alpha_eq", t1, t2)
# could instead maybe use a solver check or simplify tactic on Goal(t1 == t2)
class HornClause(NamedTuple):
vs: list[smt.ExprRef]
head: smt.BoolRef
body: list[smt.BoolRef]
def horn_of_theorem(thm: smt.BoolRef) -> HornClause:
"""Unpack theorem of form `forall vs, body => head` into a HornClause tuple"""
vs = []
while smt.is_quantifier(thm):
if thm.is_forall():
vs1, thm = open_binder(thm)
raise Exception("Not a universal quantifier", thm)
if not smt.is_implies(thm):
return HornClause(vs, thm, [])
body, head = thm.children()
if smt.is_and(body):
body = list(body.children())
body = [body]
return HornClause(vs, head, body)
def apply_horn(thm: smt.BoolRef, horn: smt.BoolRef) -> smt.BoolRef:
pat = horn
obl = []
if smt.is_quantifier(pat) and pat.is_forall():
pat = pat.body()
while True:
if smt.is_implies(pat):
pat = pat.arg(1)
return kd.utils.z3_match(thm, pat)
def horn_split(horn: smt.BoolRef) -> smt.BoolRef:
body = []
vs = []
while True:
if smt.is_quantifier(horn) and horn.is_forall():
vs1, horn = open_binder(horn)
if smt.is_implies(horn):
horn = horn.arg(1)
head = horn
return vs, body, head
def generate(sort: smt.SortRef):
"""A generator of values for a sort. Repeatedly calls z3 to get a new value."""
s = smt.Solver()
x, y = smt.Consts("x y", sort)
s.add(x == y) # trick to actually have x in model
if sort in kd.notation.wf.methods:
while s.check() == smt.sat:
m = s.model()
yield m.eval(x)
s.add(x != m.eval(x))
def expr_to_lean(expr: smt.ExprRef):
def subterms(t: smt.ExprRef):
"""Generate all subterms of a term"""
todo = [t]
while len(todo) > 0:
x = todo.pop()
yield x
def is_subterm(t: smt.ExprRef, t2: smt.ExprRef) -> bool:
if t.eq(t2):
return True
elif smt.is_app(t2):
return any(is_subterm(t, c) for c in t2.children())
return False
def sorts(t: smt.ExprRef):
"""Generate all sorts in a term"""
for t in subterms(t):
yield t.sort()
def decls(t: smt.ExprRef):
"""Return all function declarations in a term."""
for t in subterms(t):
if smt.is_app(t):
yield t.decl()
def is_value(t: smt.ExprRef):
return (
or smt.is_rational_value(t)
or smt.is_algebraic_value(t)
or smt.is_bv_value(t)
or smt.is_true(t)
or smt.is_false(t)
or smt.is_string_value(t)
def lemma_db():
"""Scan all modules for Proof objects and return a dictionary of them."""
db = {}
for modname, mod in sys.modules.items():
thms = {name: thm for name, thm in mod.__dict__.items() if is_proof(thm)}
if len(thms) > 0:
db[modname] = thms
return db
import os
import glob
import inspect
def prompt(prompt: str):
Ask an AI.
Get the root directory of the current package, find all .py files within
that directory, and concatenate their contents into a single string separated by `---`.
str: A single string with all .py files concatenated, separated by `---`.
excluded_subdirs = ["eprover"]
current_file = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())
root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(current_file))
py_files = glob.glob(
os.path.join(root_dir, "theories", "**", "*.py"), recursive=True
combined_content = [
The following is the code of the python project Knuckledragger.
It is a semiautomated theorem prover that uses z3py and other solvers to disharge obligations.
The syntax tree is literally z3.
The Proof datatype is a protected wrapped z3 BoolRef object.
Proofs largely proceed by stating small steps with reference to previously proofs in the `by` parameter of `lemma`
for file_path in py_files:
if any(
excluded in os.path.relpath(file_path, root_dir).split(os.sep)
for excluded in excluded_subdirs
with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
combined_content += "\n\n\n---" + file_path + "\n\n\n"
combined_content += file.read()
combined_content += "\n\n\n" + prompt + "\n\n\n"
return "".join(combined_content)
class Order(Enum):
EQ = 0 # Equal
GR = 1 # Greater
NGE = 2 # Not Greater or Equal
def lpo(vs: list[smt.ExprRef], t1: smt.ExprRef, t2: smt.ExprRef) -> Order:
Lexicographic path ordering.
Based on https://www21.in.tum.de/~nipkow/TRaAT/programs/termorders.ML
TODO add ordering parameter.
def is_var(x):
return any(x.eq(v) for v in vs)
if is_var(t2):
if t1.eq(t2):
return Order.EQ
elif is_subterm(t2, t1):
return Order.GR
return Order.NGE
elif is_var(t1):
return Order.NGE
elif smt.is_app(t1) and smt.is_app(t2):
decl1, decl2 = t1.decl(), t2.decl()
args1, args2 = t1.children(), t2.children()
if all(lpo(vs, a, t2) == Order.NGE for a in args1):
if decl1 == decl2:
if all(lpo(vs, t1, a) == Order.GR for a in args2):
for a1, a2 in zip(args1, args2):
ord = lpo(vs, a1, a2)
if ord == Order.GR:
return Order.GR
elif ord == Order.NGE:
return Order.NGE
return Order.EQ
return Order.NGE
elif (decl1.name(), decl1.get_id()) > (decl2.name(), decl2.get_id()):
if all(lpo(vs, t1, a) == Order.GR for a in args2):
return Order.GR
return Order.NGE
return Order.NGE
return Order.GR
raise Exception("Unexpected terms in lpo", t1, t2)
def kbo(vs: list[smt.ExprRef], t1: smt.ExprRef, t2: smt.ExprRef) -> Order:
Knuth Bendix Ordering, naive implementation.
All weights are 1.
Source: Term Rewriting and All That section 5.4.4
if t1.eq(t2):
return Order.EQ
def is_var(x):
return any(x.eq(v) for v in vs)
def vcount(t):
todo = [t]
vcount1 = {v: 0 for v in vs}
while todo:
t = todo.pop()
if is_var(t):
vcount1[t] += 1
elif smt.is_app(t):
return vcount1
vcount1, vcount2 = vcount(t1), vcount(t2)
if not all(vcount1[v] >= vcount2[v] for v in vs):
return Order.NGE
def weight(t):
todo = [t]
w = 0
while todo:
t = todo.pop()
w += 1
if smt.is_app(t):
return w
w1, w2 = weight(t1), weight(t2)
if w1 > w2:
return Order.GR
elif w1 < w2:
return Order.NGE
if is_var(t2): # KBO2a
decl = t1.decl()
if decl.arity() != 1:
return Order.NGE
while not t1.eq(t2):
if t1.decl() != decl:
return Order.NGE
t1 = t1.arg(0)
return Order.GR
elif is_var(t1):
return Order.NGE
elif smt.is_app(t1) and smt.is_app(t2):
decl1, decl2 = t1.decl(), t2.decl()
if decl1 == decl2: # KBO2c
args1, args2 = t1.children(), t2.children()
for a1, a2 in zip(args1, args2):
ord = kbo(vs, a1, a2)
if ord == Order.GR:
return Order.GR
elif ord == Order.NGE:
return Order.NGE
raise Exception("Unexpected equality reached in kbo")
elif (decl1.name(), decl1.get_id()) > (
): # KBO2b
return Order.GR
return Order.NGE
raise Exception("Unexpected terms in kbo", t1, t2)