
kdrag.reflect.reflect(f, globals=None) FuncDeclRef

Reflect a function definition by injecting the parameters and recursive self call into the local environment. Uses type annotations to do so.

Only handles a purely functional subset of python. Simple assignment is handled as a let who’s scope extends to the end of it’s subbranch. Every branch must end with a return.

You can still call original function under attribute __wrapped__.

>>> def foo(x : int) -> int:
...     return x + 3
>>> foo = reflect(foo)
>>> foo.__wrapped__(3)
>>> foo.defn
|- ForAll(x, foo(x) == x + 3)
>>> @reflect
... def bar(x : int, y : str) -> int:
...     if x > 4:
...         return x + 3
...     elif y == "fred":
...        return 14
...     else:
...        return bar(x - 1, y)
>>> bar.defn
|- ForAll([x, y],
       bar(x, y) ==
       If(4 < x, x + 3, If(y == "fred", 14, bar(x - 1, y))))
Return type:
