Theory of built in floating point and connection to the reals
Module Attributes
round_idem_finite = kd.prove( |
- kdrag.theories.float.IsFinite(x: FPRef) BoolRef
- Parameters:
x (FPRef)
- Return type:
- kdrag.theories.float.NoOverflow(m, x: ArithRef, s)
- Parameters:
x (ArithRef)
- kdrag.theories.float.in_range(x)
- kdrag.theories.float.is_finite(x: FPRef)
- Parameters:
x (FPRef)
- kdrag.theories.float.min_float64 = |- ForAll(z, Implies(Or(fpIsNormal(z), fpIsSubnormal(z), fpIsZero(z)), z >= fpToFP(RNE(), -179769313486231570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))
>>> assert True
- Parameters:
args (ExprRef)
- kdrag.theories.float.no_overflow(m, x)
- kdrag.theories.float.round_up_neg = |- ForAll(x, round32(RTP(), -x) == -round32(RTN(), x))
- round_idem_finite = kd.prove(
- kd.QForAll(
[x, m1, m2], NoOverflow(m2, x, F32), round(m1, round(m2, x)) == round(m2, x),
), by=round_def,
- Parameters:
args (ExprRef)
Theory of built in floating point and connection to the reals
import kdrag as kd
import kdrag.smt as smt
import sys
F16 = smt.Float16()
F32 = smt.FloatSingle()
F64 = smt.FloatDouble()
F128 = smt.FloatQuadruple()
# https://www.why3.org/stdlib/ieee_float.html
def IsFinite(x: smt.FPRef) -> smt.BoolRef:
return smt.Or(smt.fpIsNormal(x), smt.fpIsSubnormal(x), smt.fpIsZero(x))
def NoOverflow(m, x: smt.ArithRef, s):
return IsFinite(smt.fpRealToFP(m, x, s))
zeroF_is_positive = kd.prove(smt.fpIsPositive(smt.fpZero(F32, False)))
zeroF_is_negative = kd.prove(smt.fpIsNegative(smt.fpZero(F32, True)))
RMSort = smt.RNE().sort()
# a real -> real extension of rounding
round = smt.Function("round32", RMSort, smt.RealSort(), smt.RealSort())
x, y = smt.Reals("x y")
m, m1, m2 = smt.Consts("m m1 m2", RMSort)
# Actually, let's just complete it to the identity function and use kd.define?
round_def = kd.axiom(
[m, x],
NoOverflow(m, x, F32),
round(m, x) == smt.fpToReal(smt.fpRealToFP(m, x, F32)),
pow2sb = smt.IntVal(16777216)
max_int = smt.IntVal(0xFFFF_FF00_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000)
max_real = smt.RealVal(2 - 2**-23) * 2**127 # smt.RealVal(0xFFFFFE * 2**121)
z = smt.Const("z", F32)
max_real_thm = kd.prove(
kd.QForAll([z], IsFinite(z), z <= smt.fpRealToFP(smt.RNE(), max_real, F32))
minfloat = kd.prove(
kd.QForAll([z], IsFinite(z), z >= smt.fpRealToFP(smt.RNE(), -max_real, F32))
special_cases = kd.prove(
def in_range(x):
return smt.And(-max_real <= x, x <= max_real)
def is_finite(x: smt.FPRef):
return in_range(smt.fpToReal(x))
def no_overflow(m, x):
return in_range(round(m, x))
bounded_real_no_overflow = kd.prove(
# kd.QForAll( # quantifier form doesn't pass?
# [m, x],
smt.Implies(in_range(x), NoOverflow(m, x, F32))
# )
bounded_no_overflow = kd.axiom(kd.QForAll([m, x], in_range(x), no_overflow(m, x)))
# round_monotonic shouldn't be an axiom if IsFinite(round). We need the axiom to extend rounding to be monotonic outside the range out floats.
round_monotonic = kd.axiom(kd.QForAll([x, y], x <= y, round(m, x) <= round(m, y)))
round_idem = kd.axiom(kd.QForAll([x, m1, m2], round(m1, round(m2, x)) == round(m2, x)))
round_to_real = kd.axiom(
kd.QForAll([z, m], IsFinite(z), round(m, smt.fpToReal(z)) == smt.fpToReal(z))
round_down_le = kd.axiom(smt.ForAll([x], round(smt.RTN(), x) <= x))
round_up_ge = kd.axiom(smt.ForAll([x], round(smt.RTP(), x) >= x))
round_down_neg = kd.axiom(smt.ForAll([x], round(smt.RTN(), -x) == -round(smt.RTP(), x)))
round_up_neg = kd.axiom(smt.ForAll([x], round(smt.RTP(), -x) == -round(smt.RTN(), x)))
round_idem_finite = kd.prove(
[x, m1, m2],
NoOverflow(m2, x, F32),
round(m1, round(m2, x)) == round(m2, x),
max64 = smt.RealVal(sys.float_info.max)
z = smt.Const("z", F64)
max_real_thm = kd.prove(
kd.QForAll([z], IsFinite(z), z <= smt.fpRealToFP(smt.RNE(), max64, F64))
min_float64 = kd.prove(
kd.QForAll([z], IsFinite(z), z >= smt.fpRealToFP(smt.RNE(), -max64, F64))
>>> assert True
lemma round_bound_ne :
forall x:real [round RNE x].
no_overflow RNE x ->
x - 0x1p-24 * Abs.abs(x) - 0x1p-150 <= round RNE x <= x + 0x1p-24 * Abs.abs(x) + 0x1p-150
lemma round_bound :
forall m:mode, x:real [round m x].
no_overflow m x ->
x - 0x1p-23 * Abs.abs(x) - 0x1p-149 <= round m x <= x + 0x1p-23 * Abs.abs(x) + 0x1p-149
lemma round_bound_ne :
forall x:real [round RNE x].
no_overflow RNE x ->
x - 0x1p-53 * Abs.abs(x) - 0x1p-1075 <= round RNE x <= x + 0x1p-53 * Abs.abs(x) + 0x1p-1075
lemma round_bound :
forall m:mode, x:real [round m x].
no_overflow m x ->
x - 0x1p-52 * Abs.abs(x) - 0x1p-1074 <= round m x <= x + 0x1p-52 * Abs.abs(x) + 0x1p-1074
get_default_rounding_mode (ctx=None)
set_default_rounding_mode (rm, ctx=None)
get_default_fp_sort (ctx=None)
set_default_fp_sort (ebits, sbits, ctx=None)
Float16 (ctx=None)
FloatHalf (ctx=None)
Float32 (ctx=None)
FloatSingle (ctx=None)
Float64 (ctx=None)
FloatDouble (ctx=None)
Float128 (ctx=None)
FloatQuadruple (ctx=None)
is_fp_sort (s)
is_fprm_sort (s)
RoundNearestTiesToEven (ctx=None)
RNE (ctx=None)
RoundNearestTiesToAway (ctx=None)
RNA (ctx=None)
RoundTowardPositive (ctx=None)
RTP (ctx=None)
RoundTowardNegative (ctx=None)
RTN (ctx=None)
RoundTowardZero (ctx=None)
RTZ (ctx=None)
is_fprm (a)
is_fprm_value (a)
is_fp (a)
is_fp_value (a)
FPSort (ebits, sbits, ctx=None)
fpNaN (s)
fpPlusInfinity (s)
fpMinusInfinity (s)
fpInfinity (s, negative)
fpPlusZero (s)
fpMinusZero (s)
fpZero (s, negative)
FPVal (sig, exp=None, fps=None, ctx=None)
FP (name, fpsort, ctx=None)
FPs (names, fpsort, ctx=None)
fpAbs (a, ctx=None)
fpNeg (a, ctx=None)
fpAdd (rm, a, b, ctx=None)
fpSub (rm, a, b, ctx=None)
fpMul (rm, a, b, ctx=None)
fpDiv (rm, a, b, ctx=None)
fpRem (a, b, ctx=None)
fpMin (a, b, ctx=None)
fpMax (a, b, ctx=None)
fpFMA (rm, a, b, c, ctx=None)
fpSqrt (rm, a, ctx=None)
fpRoundToIntegral (rm, a, ctx=None)
fpIsNaN (a, ctx=None)
fpIsInf (a, ctx=None)
fpIsZero (a, ctx=None)
fpIsNormal (a, ctx=None)
fpIsSubnormal (a, ctx=None)
fpIsNegative (a, ctx=None)
fpIsPositive (a, ctx=None)
fpLT (a, b, ctx=None)
fpLEQ (a, b, ctx=None)
fpGT (a, b, ctx=None)
fpGEQ (a, b, ctx=None)
fpEQ (a, b, ctx=None)
fpNEQ (a, b, ctx=None)
fpFP (sgn, exp, sig, ctx=None)
fpToFP (a1, a2=None, a3=None, ctx=None)
fpBVToFP (v, sort, ctx=None)
fpFPToFP (rm, v, sort, ctx=None)
fpRealToFP (rm, v, sort, ctx=None)
fpSignedToFP (rm, v, sort, ctx=None)
fpUnsignedToFP (rm, v, sort, ctx=None)
fpToFPUnsigned (rm, x, s, ctx=None)
fpToSBV (rm, x, s, ctx=None)
fpToUBV (rm, x, s, ctx=None)
fpToReal (x, ctx=None)
fpToIEEEBV (x, ctx=None)