Differentiate a z3 expression. |
Expand a z3 expression. |
Factor a z3 expression. |
Integrate a z3 expression. |
Convert a sympy expression into a z3 expression. |
Compute the limit of a z3 expression. |
Replace all Rational numbers in a SymPy expression with z3.RatVal equivalents. |
Compute the series expansion of a z3 expression. |
Simplify a z3 expression. |
Sum a z3 expression. |
Convert a z3 expression into a sympy expression. |
- kdrag.theories.real.sympy.diff(e: ExprRef, *args)
Differentiate a z3 expression. >>> x,y = smt.Reals(“x y”) >>> diff(x**2, x) 2*x >>> diff(x**2, x, x) 2 >>> diff(x*x, (x,2)) 2 >>> diff(x*y*x, x) 2*x*y
- Parameters:
e (ExprRef)
- kdrag.theories.real.sympy.expand(e: ExprRef) ExprRef
Expand a z3 expression. >>> x = smt.Real(“x”) >>> expand((x + 1)**2) x**2 + 2*x + 1
- Parameters:
e (ExprRef)
- Return type:
- kdrag.theories.real.sympy.factor(e: ExprRef) ExprRef
Factor a z3 expression. >>> x = smt.Real(“x”) >>> factor(x**2 + 2*x + 1) (x + 1)**2
- Parameters:
e (ExprRef)
- Return type:
- kdrag.theories.real.sympy.integrate(e, *args)
Integrate a z3 expression. >>> x = smt.Real(“x”) >>> integrate(x**2, x) x**3*1/3
- kdrag.theories.real.sympy.kdify(e: Expr, **kwargs) ExprRef
Convert a sympy expression into a z3 expression. >>> x = smt.Real(“x”) >>> kdify(sympify(x + 1)) x + 1 >>> kdify(sympify(real.sin(x) + 1)) sin(x) + 1 >>> kdify(sympify(x + smt.RatVal(1,3))) x + 1/3 >>> kdify(sympify(x/3)) x*1/3
- Parameters:
e (Expr)
- Return type:
- kdrag.theories.real.sympy.limit(e, x, x0)
Compute the limit of a z3 expression. >>> x = smt.Real(“x”) >>> limit(1/x, x, sympy.oo) 0 >>> limit(1/x, x, 0) # TODO: What to do about this one? inf
- kdrag.theories.real.sympy.replace_rational_with_ratval(expr)
Replace all Rational numbers in a SymPy expression with z3.RatVal equivalents.
>>> x = smt.Real("x") >>> replace_rational_with_ratval(sympify(x + smt.RatVal(1,3))) x + RatVal(1, 3)
- kdrag.theories.real.sympy.series(e, x=None, x0=0, n=6, dir='+')
Compute the series expansion of a z3 expression. >>> x = smt.Real(“x”) >>> series(real.sin(x), x, n=2) x + Order(x**2)
- kdrag.theories.real.sympy.simplify(e: ExprRef) ExprRef
Simplify a z3 expression. >>> x = smt.Real(“x”) >>> simplify((x + 1)**2 - x**2) 2*x + 1 >>> simplify(real.sin(x)**2 + real.cos(x)**2) 1
- Parameters:
e (ExprRef)
- Return type:
- kdrag.theories.real.sympy.summation(e, *args)
Sum a z3 expression. >>> x,n = smt.Reals(“x n”) >>> summation(x**2, (x, 0, 10)) 385 >>> summation(x, (x, 0, n)) n**2*1/2 + n*1/2
- kdrag.theories.real.sympy.sympify(e: ExprRef, locals={}) Expr
Convert a z3 expression into a sympy expression. >>> x = smt.Real(“x”) >>> sympify(x + 1) x + 1 >>> sympify(smt.RatVal(1,3)) Fraction(1, 3)
- Parameters:
e (ExprRef)
- Return type:
- kdrag.theories.real.sympy.translate_tuple_args(args)
import kdrag.theories.real as real
import kdrag.reflect
import kdrag.smt as smt
import sympy
import sympy.abc
sympy_env = {**sympy.__dict__, **sympy.abc.__dict__}
def sympify(e: smt.ExprRef, locals={}) -> sympy.Expr: # type: ignore
Convert a z3 expression into a sympy expression.
>>> x = smt.Real("x")
>>> sympify(x + 1)
x + 1
>>> sympify(smt.RatVal(1,3))
Fraction(1, 3)
return kdrag.reflect.eval_(e, sympy_env, locals={})
def replace_rational_with_ratval(expr):
Replace all Rational numbers in a SymPy expression with z3.RatVal equivalents.
>>> x = smt.Real("x")
>>> replace_rational_with_ratval(sympify(x + smt.RatVal(1,3)))
x + RatVal(1, 3)
if isinstance(expr, sympy.Rational):
if expr.q == 1:
return expr
# elif (float(expr) - expr).is_zero: # Doesn't seem to work
# return expr
return sympy.Function("RatVal")(expr.p, expr.q) # type: ignore
elif isinstance(expr, sympy.Order):
return sympy.Function("Order")(expr.expr) # , expr.point) # type: ignore
elif expr.is_Atom:
return expr
args = [replace_rational_with_ratval(arg) for arg in expr.args]
return expr.func(*args, evaluate=False)
def kdify(e: sympy.Expr, **kwargs) -> smt.ExprRef:
Convert a sympy expression into a z3 expression.
>>> x = smt.Real("x")
>>> kdify(sympify(x + 1))
x + 1
>>> kdify(sympify(real.sin(x) + 1))
sin(x) + 1
>>> kdify(sympify(x + smt.RatVal(1,3)))
x + 1/3
>>> kdify(sympify(x/3))
if isinstance(e, sympy.Basic): # type: ignore
svs = list(e.free_symbols)
svs = []
vs = [smt.Real(v.name) for v in svs] # type: ignore
return sympy.lambdify( # type: ignore
"RatVal": smt.RatVal,
"Order": smt.Function("Order", smt.RealSort(), smt.RealSort()),
def expand(e: smt.ExprRef) -> smt.ExprRef:
Expand a z3 expression.
>>> x = smt.Real("x")
>>> expand((x + 1)**2)
x**2 + 2*x + 1
return kdify(sympy.expand(sympify(e)))
def factor(e: smt.ExprRef) -> smt.ExprRef:
Factor a z3 expression.
>>> x = smt.Real("x")
>>> factor(x**2 + 2*x + 1)
(x + 1)**2
return kdify(sympy.factor(sympify(e))) # type: ignore
def simplify(e: smt.ExprRef) -> smt.ExprRef:
Simplify a z3 expression.
>>> x = smt.Real("x")
>>> simplify((x + 1)**2 - x**2)
2*x + 1
>>> simplify(real.sin(x)**2 + real.cos(x)**2)
return kdify(sympy.simplify(sympify(e)))
def translate_tuple_args(args):
res = []
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, int) or isinstance(arg, str) or isinstance(arg, float):
if isinstance(arg, smt.ExprRef):
elif isinstance(arg, tuple):
return tuple(res)
def diff(e: smt.ExprRef, *args):
Differentiate a z3 expression.
>>> x,y = smt.Reals("x y")
>>> diff(x**2, x)
>>> diff(x**2, x, x)
>>> diff(x*x, (x,2))
>>> diff(x*y*x, x)
return kdify(sympy.diff(sympify(e), *translate_tuple_args(args))) # type: ignore
def integrate(e, *args):
Integrate a z3 expression.
>>> x = smt.Real("x")
>>> integrate(x**2, x)
return kdify(sympy.integrate(sympify(e), translate_tuple_args(args))) # type: ignore
def summation(e, *args):
Sum a z3 expression.
>>> x,n = smt.Reals("x n")
>>> summation(x**2, (x, 0, 10))
>>> summation(x, (x, 0, n))
n**2*1/2 + n*1/2
return kdify(sympy.summation(sympify(e), *translate_tuple_args(args))) # type: ignore
def series(e, x=None, x0=0, n=6, dir="+"):
Compute the series expansion of a z3 expression.
>>> x = smt.Real("x")
>>> series(real.sin(x), x, n=2)
x + Order(x**2)
if x is not None:
x = sympy.symbols(x.decl().name()) # type: ignore
return kdify(sympy.series(sympify(e), x, x0, n, dir))
def limit(e, x, x0):
Compute the limit of a z3 expression.
>>> x = smt.Real("x")
>>> limit(1/x, x, sympy.oo)
>>> limit(1/x, x, 0) # TODO: What to do about this one?
x = sympy.symbols(x.decl().name()) # type: ignore
return kdify(sympy.limit(sympify(e), x, x0))
# Old Style. Remove?
a, b = smt.Reals("a b")
sympy_decls = {
real.sqrt: sympy.sqrt,
real.sqr: lambda x: x**2,
real.exp: sympy.exp,
real.ln: sympy.ln,
real.sin: sympy.sin,
real.cos: sympy.cos,
real.tan: sympy.tan,
real.atan: sympy.atan,
real.pi.decl(): sympy.pi,
(a + b).decl(): sympy.Add,
(a * b).decl(): sympy.Mul,
(a / b).decl(): op.truediv,
(a - b).decl(): op.sub,
(a**b).decl(): sympy.Pow,
(a == b).decl(): sympy.Eq,
sympy_consts = {
real.pi: sympy.pi,
rev_sympy_decls = {v: k for k, v in sympy_decls.items()}
rev_sympy_consts = {v: k for k, v in sympy_consts.items()}
def interp_sympy(e: smt.ExprRef, env: dict[smt.ExprRef, sympy.Expr] = {}) -> sympy.Expr:
if e in env:
return env[e]
elif e in sympy_consts:
return sympy_consts[e]
elif smt.is_rational_value(e) and isinstance(e, smt.RatNumRef):
return sympy.Rational(e.numerator_as_long(), e.denominator_as_long())
elif smt.is_select(e) and e.arg(0) in sympy_decls:
return sympy_decls[e.arg(0)](
*[interp_sympy(arg, env) for arg in e.children()[1:]]
elif smt.is_app(e) and e.decl() in sympy_decls:
decl = e.decl()
return sympy_decls[decl](*[interp_sympy(arg, env) for arg in e.children()])
raise ValueError(f"Can't interpret {e} into sympy")
def z3_of_sympy(x: sympy.Basic, env: dict[sympy.Expr, smt.ExprRef] = {}) -> smt.ExprRef:
if x in env:
return env[x]
elif x in rev_sympy_consts:
return rev_sympy_consts[x]
elif x.is_constant() and x.is_rational: # type: ignore
num, denom = x.as_numer_denom() # type: ignore
return smt.RatVal(int(num), int(denom))
elif x.func in rev_sympy_decls:
decl = rev_sympy_decls[x.func]
return decl(*[z3_of_sympy(arg, env) for arg in x.args])
raise ValueError("Can't interpret", x, "from sympy into z3")
def wrap_sympy(f):
def wrapped(vs, e: smt.ExprRef, **kwargs):
env1 = {e: sympy.symbols(e.decl().name()) for e in vs}
env2 = {v: k for k, v in env1.items()}
e_sym = interp_sympy(e, env1)
t = z3_of_sympy(f(e_sym, **kwargs), env2)
return t
return wrapped
factor = wrap_sympy(sympy.factor)
expand = wrap_sympy(sympy.expand)
simplify = wrap_sympy(sympy.simplify)
expand_trig = wrap_sympy(sympy.expand_trig)
collect = wrap_sympy(sympy.collect)